concourse / hush-house

Concourse k8s-based environment
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add `ci-pr` deployment #75

Closed cirocosta closed 4 years ago

cirocosta commented 4 years ago


This PR is intended to allow the prs pipeline to co-exist with nci in the hush-house gke cluster.

it does so by:

As such deployment is supposed to run untrusted workloads, we needed a way of restricting the network access that this deployment could have in order to avoid lateral movements in the internal net (in the case of our BOSH environment, we had a totally different network - in k8s, we'd need to be in a separate cluster if we wanted to go w/ the same approach of different nets).

This led us to enabling the enforcement of network policies in the cluster, and creating a policy for ci-pr that would target the pods delpoyed by it, effectively blocking internal connectivity to anything we didn't want (i.e., anything that's not ci's TSA).

ps.: these changes have already been applied.


cirocosta commented 4 years ago

merging it directly to reflect the current state

cirocosta commented 4 years ago

w/ regards to "why to go w/ internal connection for connecting to tsa: it turns out that calico (I guess?) puts an external constraint on communications to even external services:

# matches tcp conns to our external load-balancer - once matched, gets us to the
# `KUBE-FW-blabla` rule.
        -d \
        -p tcp \
        -m comment --comment "ci/ci-web:tsa loadbalancer IP" \
        -m tcp --dport 2222 \
        -j KUBE-FW-3WZFA3OBZWICIHEP# in this "catch anyone that landed here" rule, we jump to the "mark to drop"
        -m comment --comment "ci/ci-web:tsa loadbalancer IP" \
        -j KUBE-MARK-DROP# mark drop just puts a mark so that a "catch all with this mark" rule can than
# act on it.
        -j MARK --set-xmark 0x8000/0x8000# acting on those marked as `0x8000`: drop!
        -m comment --comment "kubernetes firewall for dropping marked packets" \
        -m mark --mark 0x8000/0x8000 \
        -j DROP

^ (from the host)

cirocosta commented 4 years ago

Thus, the final condition is to: