concourse / semver-resource

automated semantic version bumping
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Missleading error message when incorrect parameters supplied #46

Open theozaurus opened 7 years ago

theozaurus commented 7 years ago


I made the embarassing mistake of missing off the bucket value in the params for the S3 driver. This caused the following error message on out (but not in):

error bumping version: MalformedXML: This happens when the user sends a malformed xml (xml that doesn't conform to the published xsd) for the configuration. The error message, "The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema."
status code: 400, request_id: 80a9032b:14b587dc17b:b083f:45, host id:

This was against an EMC ECS Appliance - potentially the error message would be different against another S3 compatible blobstore.

If a fundamental setting is omitted for a particular driver it would be great to have a more obvious error message.



jtarchie commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reporting the issue! It looks that the XML error is actually an error from the appliance. We are currently investigating what it would take to add the validations needed for each driver.