concrete-eth / concrete-geth

Concrete is a framework for building application-specific rollups on the OP Stack
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Unit tests for Evm Binding Objects #44

Closed fabrobles92 closed 4 weeks ago

fabrobles92 commented 1 month ago

Closes #41

Unit tests for concreteBlockContext and concreteEVM methods .

fabrobles92 commented 1 month ago

Hello @therealbytes , Looking for early feedback, pls let me know if something is not aligned with what you expect.

Thanks in advance :D

therealbytes commented 1 month ago

The block context binding tests are directionally correct but need some changes:

This should be a good start to fix both of these issues:

func TestConcreteBlockContext(t *testing.T) {
    r := require.New(t)

    var (
        block0Hash = crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte("test0"))
        block1Hash = crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte("test1"))
        randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte("random hash"))

    getHash := func(blockNumber uint64) common.Hash {
        switch blockNumber {
        case 0:
            return block0Hash
        case 1:
            return block1Hash
        return common.Hash{}

    blockCtx := BlockContext{
        BlockNumber: big.NewInt(123),
        GetHash:     getHash,
        Time:        456,
        GasLimit:    789,
        Difficulty:  big.NewInt(123456),
        BaseFee:     big.NewInt(456123),
        Coinbase:    common.HexToAddress("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890"),
        Random:      &randomHash,

    ccBlockCtx := concreteBlockContext{ctx: &blockCtx}

    t.Run("GetHash", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(block0Hash, ccBlockCtx.GetHash(0))
        r.Equal(block1Hash, ccBlockCtx.GetHash(1))
    t.Run("Timestamp", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.Time, ccBlockCtx.Timestamp())
    t.Run("BlockNumber", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.BlockNumber.Uint64(), ccBlockCtx.BlockNumber())
    // ...

Also, please keep the naming consistent and don't change the capitalization of compound words like Timestamp. It should be Timestamp, not TimeStamp. Geth already has some inconsistencies here (e.g., Blockchain vs. BlockChain) and we don't want to make it worse!

therealbytes commented 1 month ago

Just merged #50 to fix the delegate call issue and add an extCaller interface. Rather than passing a caller address to concreteEVM, we pass a *Contract. These are the changes you need to make to your tests:

var (
    // ...
    self       = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("self"))
    caller     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("caller"))
    contract   = NewContract(AccountRef(caller), AccountRef(self), new(uint256.Int), 10_000_000)

// ...

ccVmenv := concreteEVM{
    evm:      vmenv,
    contract: contract,

// ...

t.Run("Create", func(t *testing.T) {
    expectedContractAddr := crypto.CreateAddress(ccVmenv.contract.Address(), statedb.GetNonce(ccVmenv.contract.Address()))
    // ...

// ...

Once you have that working we can go over some nitpicks in variable naming. We will merge this in and I will then open another issue to repurpose these tests as Concrete Environment tests and use the new extCaller interface to make the binding tests simpler.

therealbytes commented 4 weeks ago

I made some illustrative changes to some of your tests:

package vm

import (


func newTestBlockContext() BlockContext {
    var (
        block0Hash = crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte("block0"))
        block1Hash = crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte("block1"))
        randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte("random"))

    getHash := func(blockNumber uint64) common.Hash {
        switch blockNumber {
        case 0:
            return block0Hash
        case 1:
            return block1Hash
        return common.Hash{}

    blockCtx := BlockContext{
        BlockNumber: big.NewInt(0),
        GetHash:     getHash,
        Time:        50,
        GasLimit:    1000,
        Difficulty:  big.NewInt(1234),
        BaseFee:     big.NewInt(5678),
        Coinbase:    common.HexToAddress("0x1234123412341234123412341234123412341234"),
        Random:      &randomHash,

    return blockCtx

func TestConcreteBlockContext(t *testing.T) {
    var (
        r          = require.New(t)
        blockCtx   = newTestBlockContext()
        ccBlockCtx = concreteBlockContext{ctx: &blockCtx}
    t.Run("GetHash", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.GetHash(0), ccBlockCtx.GetHash(0))
        r.Equal(blockCtx.GetHash(1), ccBlockCtx.GetHash(1))
    t.Run("Timestamp", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.Time, ccBlockCtx.Timestamp())
    t.Run("BlockNumber", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.BlockNumber.Uint64(), ccBlockCtx.BlockNumber())
    t.Run("GasLimit", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.GasLimit, ccBlockCtx.GasLimit())
    t.Run("Difficulty", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(uint256.MustFromBig(blockCtx.Difficulty), ccBlockCtx.Difficulty())
    t.Run("BaseFee", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(uint256.MustFromBig(blockCtx.BaseFee), ccBlockCtx.BaseFee())
    t.Run("Coinbase", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(blockCtx.Coinbase, ccBlockCtx.Coinbase())
    t.Run("Random", func(t *testing.T) {
        r.Equal(*blockCtx.Random, ccBlockCtx.Random())

func TestEVMCallStatic(t *testing.T) {
    var (
        r            = require.New(t)
        statedb, _   = state.New(types.EmptyRootHash, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
        callerAddr   = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("caller"))
        selfAddr     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("self"))
        externalAddr = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("external"))

    vm := NewEVM(BlockContext{}, TxContext{}, statedb, params.TestChainConfig, Config{})
    contract := NewContract(AccountRef(callerAddr), AccountRef(selfAddr), new(uint256.Int), 10_000_000)
    ccVm := concreteEVM{evm: vm, contract: contract}

    gas := uint64(10_000)
    slot := common.BytesToHash([]byte("key"))
    value := common.BytesToHash([]byte("value"))

    // Bytecode to load the passed slot address from storage and return it
    statedb.SetCode(externalAddr, hexutil.MustDecode("0x6000355460005260206000F3"))
    statedb.SetState(externalAddr, slot, value)

    ret, remainingGas, err := ccVm.CallStatic(externalAddr, slot.Bytes(), gas)

    r.Equal(value.Bytes(), ret)
    r.Less(remainingGas, gas)

func TestEVMCallDelegate(t *testing.T) {
    var (
        r            = require.New(t)
        statedb, _   = state.New(types.EmptyRootHash, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
        callerAddr   = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("caller"))
        selfAddr     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("self"))
        externalAddr = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("external"))

    vm := NewEVM(BlockContext{}, TxContext{}, statedb, params.TestChainConfig, Config{})
    contract := NewContract(AccountRef(callerAddr), AccountRef(selfAddr), new(uint256.Int), 10_000_000)
    ccVm := concreteEVM{evm: vm, contract: contract}

    gas := uint64(10_000)
    slot := common.BytesToHash([]byte("key"))
    value := common.BytesToHash([]byte("value"))

    // Bytecode to load the passed slot address from storage and return it
    statedb.SetCode(externalAddr, hexutil.MustDecode("0x6000355460005260206000F3"))
    statedb.SetState(selfAddr, slot, value)

    ret, remainingGas, err := ccVm.CallDelegate(externalAddr, slot.Bytes(), gas)

    r.Equal(value.Bytes(), ret)
    r.Less(remainingGas, gas)

Pay close attention to the changes I have made an incorporate them in the remaining tests. Some things to keep in mind:

If some of the changes I have made don't make sense to you or you think they are a bad idea, please let me know!