concretecms-community-store / community_store

An open, free and community developed eCommerce system for Concrete CMS
MIT License
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Product Description / Page Description Issues #884

Open ccmEnlil opened 1 week ago

ccmEnlil commented 1 week ago

Product short description input is in rich text. Both core page description and page meta description are in plain text.

Currently, if we enable "Page Description Update", our rich text short description is being stripped of any html and set as the page meta description, which could quickly leads to choppy nonsense meta descriptions.

It would be nifty to have options to edit meta titles and descriptions from within the product dashboard, but I think this input in particular should be updating the page description itself. Whether the input is rich or not is a side issue. Removal of the rich text input wouldn't be feasible at this point, but maybe an option to turn it off?? :)

Mesuva commented 1 week ago

What kind of HTML content are you putting into the Short Description?

If you are doing something with complex HTML, is it perhaps better to create your own product attribute for this, and output it as you need?

The Short Description is really meant to be a few sentence summary of the product, with optional formatting, something where if you stripped the HTML it's just a couple of sentences of plain text. (at least that's my opinion of the purpose of the field!)