concretecms-community-store / community_store_paypal_standard

Paypal Standard payments for Community Store for Concrete CMS
MIT License
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PayPal Error: Things don't appear to be working at the moment. #12

Open bays-media opened 5 years ago

bays-media commented 5 years ago

Just been reported by a customer that when completing the checkout and redirecting to PayPal, the following is displayed on PayPal's authentication page:

Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.

It was working fine; last transaction was a month ago (orders can be sporadic, so not sure if this is a true indication of how long it hasn't been working for). Nothing has really changed on the C5 server side other than staying on top of patching (C5 v8.5.1, Community Store v., PayPal Method v1.2, PHP 7.1) and nothing has been changed with the PayPal account settings on the PayPal side (of course, can't rule out that PayPal themselves haven't adjusted things).

I just wondered if this problem was repeatable for others.


Mesuva commented 5 years ago

I've seen someone else with this issue before, I think it came down to the 'Encrypted Website Payment's being turned on: