concretedog / stoRPer

stoRPer, a modular adaptable AWD Pico based robot rover
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive
52 stars 6 forks source link

Seperate schematic files have been combined into one for ease of viewing #3

Closed heeed closed 3 months ago

heeed commented 3 months ago

Have combined the separate schematic files into one file for ease of reference.

Kicad Schematic file and PDF export included.

New file: storper_v0.2/schematics.pdf - pdf version of schematic for reference New file: storper_v0.2/storper_v0.2_all.kicad_sch - Combined schematic file

concretedog commented 3 months ago

Hey Heeed, many thanks for your interest and the PR. I'm not going to merge this PR as although there is no conflict with the main reported it does create a few problems. One is that opening the .pro file still points to the original hierarchical sheet so thats a little confusing. The second is that, and again this is more KiCad and Git, the new schematic .sch you created is created with a newer version of KiCad and therefore fails to open. (project originally was done on 7.XX). I also personally prefer the hierarchical approach as it makes it a bit easier when setting up for PCBA... but that's a personal preference only. Huge thanks again for your interest. Can't wait to see what you do with StoRPer!