Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
import awscostusageprocessor.processor as cur
File "/Users/sgooch/Documents/Stash/costsaving/analysis/athena/aws-cost-analysis/awscostusageprocessor/", line 109
print "Number of records: [{}]".format(record_count)
I have run this once already so not sure if this would upset it?
code: python --action=prepare-athena --source-bucket=kpmgcloud-cost-report --source-prefix=costreport/**/ --dest-bucket=kpmgcloud-cost-report --dest-prefix=athena2/ --year=2018 --month=06
Reply: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in
import awscostusageprocessor.processor as cur
File "/Users/sgooch/Documents/Stash/costsaving/analysis/athena/aws-cost-analysis/awscostusageprocessor/", line 109
print "Number of records: [{}]".format(record_count)
I have run this once already so not sure if this would upset it?