WARNING (dartsim,lib/libdart.so.6.14.4): Needed DSO lib/libccd.so.2 found in ['conda-forge/linux-64::libccd-double==2.1=h59595ed_3']
WARNING (dartsim,lib/libdart.so.6.14.4): .. but ['conda-forge/linux-64::libccd-double==2.1=h59595ed_3'] not in reqs/run, (i.e. it is overlinking) (likely) or a missing dependency (less likely)
WARNING (dartsim): run-exports library package conda-forge/linux-64::console_bridge==1.0.2=h924138e_1 in requirements/run but it is not used (i.e. it is overdepending or perhaps statically linked? If that is what you want then add it to `build/ignore_run_exports`)
WARNING (dartsim): run-exports library package conda-forge/linux-64::spdlog==1.13.0=hd2e6256_0 in requirements/run but it is not used (i.e. it is overdepending or perhaps statically linked? If that is what you want then add it to `build/ignore_run_exports`)
[x] Bumped the build number (if the version is unchanged)
[x] Reset the build number to 0 (if the version changed)
[x] Re-rendered with the latest conda-smithy (Use the phrase code>@<space/conda-forge-admin, please rerender in a comment in this PR for automated rerendering)
(if the version changed)conda-smithy
(Use the phrase code>@<space/conda-forge-admin, please rerender in a comment in this PR for automated rerendering)