conda-forge / gdal-feedstock

A conda-smithy repository for gdal.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
30 stars 62 forks source link

Conda installation 3.8.1 #867

Closed jowodo closed 8 months ago

jowodo commented 9 months ago

Solution to issue cannot be found in the documentation.


I want to create a new environment for gdal 3.8.1 with conda, but it fails. Since the installation fails, the environment is not created and thus I post outputs from base environment in Installed packages and Environment info. Command to replicate:

conda create -y -n gdal-3.8.1 -c conda-forge gdal=3.8.1


 - conda-forge
 - bioconda
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
  - package gdal-3.8.1-py38hbad8012_0 requires openssl >=3.2.0,<4.0a0, but none of the providers can be installed

Could not solve for environment specs
The following package could not be installed
__ gdal 3.8.1**  is not installable because it requires
   __ libgdal [3.8.1 h4d9a814_0|3.8.1 hcae7082_1], which requires
   _  __ libpq >=16.1,<17.0a0  with the potential options
   _  _  __ libpq 16.1 would require
   _  _  _  __ openssl >=3.1.4,<3.2.0a0 , which can be installed;
   _  _  __ libpq 16.1 would require
   _  _     __ libxml2 >=2.12.2,<2.13.0a0 , which can be installed;
   _  __ openssl >=3.2.0,<4.0a0 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported;
   __ libxml2 >=2.11.6,<2.12.0a0 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported;
   __ openssl >=3.2.0,<4.0a0 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported.

Installed packages

# packages in environment at /home/apps/conda/miniconda3:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                 conda_forge    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
archspec                  0.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
boltons                   23.0.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.1.0            py39h3d6467e_1    conda-forge
brotlipy                  0.7.0           py39hd1e30aa_1006    conda-forge
bzip2                     1.0.8                hd590300_5    conda-forge
c-ares                    1.19.1               hd590300_0    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2023.11.17           hbcca054_0    conda-forge
certifi                   2023.11.17         pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cffi                      1.16.0           py39h7a31438_0    conda-forge
charset-normalizer        3.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
colorama                  0.4.6              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
conda                     23.10.0          py39hf3d152e_1    conda-forge
conda-libmamba-solver     23.11.1            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
conda-package-handling    2.2.0              pyh38be061_0    conda-forge
conda-package-streaming   0.9.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cryptography              41.0.7           py39hd4f0224_0    conda-forge
fmt                       10.1.1               h00ab1b0_1    conda-forge
icu                       73.2                 h59595ed_0    conda-forge
idna                      3.6                pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
importlib-metadata        6.9.0              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
jsonpatch                 1.33               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jsonpointer               2.4              py39hf3d152e_3    conda-forge
keyutils                  1.6.1                h166bdaf_0    conda-forge
krb5                      1.21.2               h659d440_0    conda-forge
ld_impl_linux-64          2.40                 h41732ed_0    conda-forge
libarchive                3.7.2                h039dbb9_0    conda-forge
libbrotlicommon           1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
libbrotlidec              1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
libbrotlienc              1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
libcurl                   8.4.0                hca28451_0    conda-forge
libedit                   3.1.20191231         he28a2e2_2    conda-forge
libev                     4.33                 h516909a_1    conda-forge
libffi                    3.4.2                h7f98852_5    conda-forge
libgcc-ng                 13.2.0               h807b86a_3    conda-forge
libgomp                   13.2.0               h807b86a_3    conda-forge
libiconv                  1.17                 h166bdaf_0    conda-forge
libmamba                  1.5.3                had39da4_2    conda-forge
libmambapy                1.5.3            py39h10defb6_2    conda-forge
libnghttp2                1.52.0               h61bc06f_0    conda-forge
libnsl                    2.0.1                hd590300_0    conda-forge
libsolv                   0.7.27               hfc55251_0    conda-forge
libsqlite                 3.44.2               h2797004_0    conda-forge
libssh2                   1.11.0               h0841786_0    conda-forge
libstdcxx-ng              13.2.0               h7e041cc_3    conda-forge
libuuid                   2.38.1               h0b41bf4_0    conda-forge
libxml2                   2.11.6               h232c23b_0    conda-forge
libzlib                   1.2.13               hd590300_5    conda-forge
lz4-c                     1.9.4                hcb278e6_0    conda-forge
lzo                       2.10              h516909a_1000    conda-forge
mamba                     1.5.3            py39hc5d2bb1_2    conda-forge
ncurses                   6.4                  h59595ed_2    conda-forge
openssl                   3.2.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
packaging                 23.2               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pip                       23.3.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pluggy                    1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pybind11-abi              4                    hd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
pycosat                   0.6.6            py39hd1e30aa_0    conda-forge
pycparser                 2.21               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyopenssl                 23.3.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pysocks                   1.7.1              pyha2e5f31_6    conda-forge
python                    3.9.18          h0755675_0_cpython    conda-forge
python_abi                3.9                      4_cp39    conda-forge
readline                  8.2                  h8228510_1    conda-forge
reproc                    14.2.4.post0         hd590300_1    conda-forge
reproc-cpp                14.2.4.post0         h59595ed_1    conda-forge
requests                  2.31.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ruamel.yaml               0.18.5           py39hd1e30aa_0    conda-forge
ruamel.yaml.clib          0.2.7            py39hd1e30aa_2    conda-forge
setuptools                68.2.2             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.13          noxft_h4845f30_101    conda-forge
toolz                     0.12.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tqdm                      4.66.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tzdata                    2023c                h71feb2d_0    conda-forge
urllib3                   2.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
wheel                     0.42.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
xz                        5.2.6                h166bdaf_0    conda-forge
yaml-cpp                  0.8.0                h59595ed_0    conda-forge
zipp                      3.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
zstandard                 0.22.0           py39h6e5214e_0    conda-forge
zstd                      1.5.5                hfc55251_0    conda-forge

Environment info

active environment : base
    active env location : /home/apps/conda/miniconda3
            shell level : 1
       user config file : /lisc/user/dorn/.condarc
 populated config files : /lisc/user/dorn/.condarc
          conda version : 23.10.0
    conda-build version : not installed
         python version :
       virtual packages : __archspec=1=zen2
       base environment : /home/apps/conda/miniconda3  (read only)
      conda av data dir : /home/apps/conda/miniconda3/etc/conda
  conda av metadata url : None
           channel URLs :
          package cache : /home/apps/conda/miniconda3/pkgs
       envs directories : /lisc/user/dorn/.conda/envs
               platform : linux-64
             user-agent : conda/23.10.0 requests/2.31.0 CPython/3.9.18 Linux/4.18.0-513.5.1.el8_9.x86_64 ol/8.9 glibc/2.28 solver/libmamba conda-libmamba-solver/23.11.1 libmambapy/1.5.3
                UID:GID : 11291:11000
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False
akrherz commented 9 months ago

Thanks for reporting this and sadly, I can reproduce it. libpq has had some troubles this week and we had a number of its builds marked as broken, so we have an unresolvable combination of requiring libxml2 2.12 and openssl 3.2. I'll look more into this today.

akrherz commented 9 months ago

resolving the failure of libxml2 2.12 migration of libnetcdf in conda-forge/libnetcdf-feedstock#191 would likely help out here.

akrherz commented 9 months ago

should have been resolved by conda-forge/postgresql-feedstock#197 and appears to be working locally for me. Can you confirm @jowodo ?

rouault commented 9 months ago

conda create -y -n gdal-3.8.1 -c conda-forge gdal=3.8.1

I also reproduced that issue yesterday (host: ubuntu 20.04) and confirm it is solved now. Thaks @akrherz for all the efforts fixing that!

jowodo commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the quick fix!