conda-forge / geopandas-feedstock

A conda-smithy repository for geopandas.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Geopandas install issue version 0.6.3 vs 0.7 #77

Closed lwasser closed 4 years ago

lwasser commented 4 years ago

Issue: Hi there @ocefpaf !! 👋 👋 👋 We are running into an unusual issue with our docker container. Essentially we are trying to update geopandas in it but it wants to install version 0.6.3 rather than .7 which has some new functionality that we want to use.

Is there a dependency resolution issue with geopandas right now OR is there something wrong with our dockerfile? We can't seem to figure out why it won't install the newest version.

Thank you for any insight or suggestions! I am willing to try any different approaches that you suggest to getting this to work!

Environment (conda list):

``` $ conda list ```

Details about conda and system ( conda info ):

``` $ conda info ```
jorisvandenbossche commented 4 years ago

What version of pyproj is it installing? That's the main thing that changes in geopandas 0.7, as we now require pyproj > 2.2, which requires PROJ > 6. There might be some other dependencies that still require an older proj/pyproj

lwasser commented 4 years ago

Ahhhhh @jorisvandenbossche it's installing pyproj 1.9.6 NOT > 2.2 so this makes sense. How would you go about trouble shooting this to try to get a stable container build with the latest geopandas? i'm open to suggestions. many thanks.

ocefpaf commented 4 years ago

How would you go about trouble shooting this to try to get a stable container build with the latest geopandas? i'm open to suggestions. many thanks.

I usually create and env file with those dependencies and "force" pyproj >=2 to check what is the problem.

I'm debugging your env now and I'll report back later but if I had to guess it is b/c you are using an old version of R.

PS: I'll report the results here but I'm closing this b/c the problem is not with geopandas and not even with conda-forge. Just a selection of packages that cannot be installed together.

lwasser commented 4 years ago

ahhhh ok no worries. i'll close this but will continue to watch. i wasn't sure where to start with this issue so I really appreciate this feedback. I hadn't considered that R could throw off an entire build. And now I know how to attempt to debug in the future. THANK YOU both again.

ocefpaf commented 4 years ago

If I force latest pyproj >=2 these packages cannot be installed in the env: r-raster, r-rastervis, r-rgeos, r-reshape, r-rsaga, r-sf

However, because an env like:

conda create --name TEST "pyproj=>2" r-raster r-rastervis r-rgeos r-reshape r-rsaga r-sf

is a possible solution, we probably have one or more of the other dependencies pinned to an older of one or more of the packages above. Maybe a re-build will solve this, maybe we'll need to wait for a new release of some package. I'll keep looking tomorrow.

ocefpaf commented 4 years ago

Ignore all that. The culprit is basemap I got it working with an env file like:

name: TEST
  - conda-forge
  - python=3.7
  - r-base=3.6
  - autopep8
#   - basemap
  - cartopy
  - cenpy
  - climata
  - contextily
  - earthpy
  - elevation
  - folium
  - geocoder
  - geojson
  - geopandas
  - geopy
  - hydrofunctions
  - mapboxgl
  - mapclassify
  - nano
  - nbclean
  - nltk
  - papermill
  - pyproj >=2
  - pyqt
  - pysal
  - r-bookdown
  - r-codetools
  - r-cowplot
  - r-cyphr
  - r-curl
  - r-devtools
  - r-dplyr
  - r-dygraphs
  - r-ff
  - r-ggmap
  - r-ggplot2
  - r-ggsn
  - r-gridextra
  - r-kableextra  
  - r-knitr
  - r-lemon
  - r-magick
  - r-mapdata 
  - r-maps
  - r-maptools
  - r-microbenchmark 
  - r-plotly
  - r-r.utils
  - r-raster
  - r-rastervis
  - r-rgdal
  - r-rgeos
  - r-rjsonio
  - r-rmarkdown
  - r-reshape
  - r-rsaga
  - r-rtweet
  - r-sf
  - r-stringr
  - r-widyr
  - r-tm
  - r-igraph
  - r-leaflet
  - r-lubridate
  - r-rcurl
  - r-ggraph
  - r-ggthemes
  - r-gganimate
  - r-webshot
  - r-zoo
  - rasterio
  - rasterstats
  - richdem
  - scikit-image
  - scikit-learn
  - shapely
  - textblob
  - tweepy

I'll see what I can do on the conda-forge side but I'm not hopeful. Basemap is deprecated and quite hard for us to rebuild it with newer software.

lwasser commented 4 years ago

ahhhh @ocefpaf i'll do a quick search to see what uses basemap in our lessons. if it's difficult and deprecated we should not be posting lessons with it. Thank you for digging into this. i will do a bit more research on my end right now!! this was good however as i was building locally too just to understand how you trouble shoot these things!!

lwasser commented 4 years ago

ok @ocefpaf UPDATE. i REMOVED basemap. and all is good. geopandas 0.7 is now in our build. that was the fix. did you comment out packages to figure out that was the problem child? when i first pinned pyproj i saw a bunch of issues with rasterio and click and such but didn't notice basemap in there (might have missed it). i'm asking just so i can be more helpful in the future when trouble shooting!

ocefpaf commented 4 years ago

ok @ocefpaf UPDATE. i REMOVED basemap. and all is good. geopandas 0.7 is now in our build. that was the fix.

Glad it worked. I investigated that further last night and rebuilt a few packages to make basemap compatible with the modern stack again. You should be able to re-add it now. (But I recommend to drop it from your lessons anyways ;-p)

did you comment out packages to figure out that was the problem child?


when i first pinned pyproj i saw a bunch of issues with rasterio and click and such but didn't notice basemap in there (might have missed it). i'm asking just so i can be more helpful in the future when trouble shooting!

The conflict message is not helpful at all. It took me ours of tests here to find the incompatibilities. So do not worry about that. Asking for help here is probably the only way to figure this out.

lwasser commented 4 years ago

ok thank you so much @ocefpaf i'm hoping in the future i can get a bit further along so that it takes you less time :) but i really appreciate this help!!