conda-forge / netcdf4-feedstock

A conda-smithy repository for netcdf4.
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Can't resolve conflicts preventing netcdf4=1.5.4 installation #105

Closed akrherz closed 4 years ago

akrherz commented 4 years ago

Issue: Can't update netcdf4 from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 for reasons above my pay grade it seems

I know this issue is rather lame, but I can't seem to resolve why I can't get an environment with 1.5.4 installed. I have let various conda command chew CPU for hours on end without seeming command resolution. After about 4 hours of grinding, it did finally output package conflicts a mile long and undecipherable. I know my conda environment is massive and likely too large for my own good, but alas. Hopefully some package in my listing is a red flag or there is some magic conda command I could run to get a clearer diagnosis as to what package(s) are blocking the install?

Thank you.

Environment (conda list):

``` $ conda list # packages in environment at /opt/miniconda3/envs/prod: # # Name Version Build Channel _libgcc_mutex 0.1 conda_forge conda-forge _openmp_mutex 4.5 1_gnu conda-forge aenum 2.2.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge affine 2.3.0 py_0 conda-forge aiofiles 0.5.0 py_0 conda-forge aioopenssl 0.4.1 pypi_0 pypi aiosasl 0.4.0 pypi_0 pypi alabaster 0.7.12 py_0 conda-forge alembic 1.4.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge antlr-python-runtime 4.7.2 py38_1001 conda-forge anytree 2.8.0 pypi_0 pypi apipkg 1.5 py_0 conda-forge appdirs 1.4.3 py_1 conda-forge argon2-cffi 20.1.0 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge arm_pyart 1.11.1 py38h8790de6_1 conda-forge astroid 2.4.2 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge async_generator 1.10 py_0 conda-forge attrs 19.3.0 py_0 conda-forge automat 20.2.0 py_0 conda-forge babel 2.8.0 py_0 conda-forge backcall 0.2.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge backports 1.0 py_2 conda-forge backports-zoneinfo 0.2.1 pypi_0 pypi backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.1 py_0 conda-forge bcrypt 3.2.0 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge beautifulsoup4 4.9.1 py_1 conda-forge black 19.10b0 py_4 conda-forge bleach 3.1.5 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge blinker 1.4 py_1 conda-forge blosc 1.20.0 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge bokeh 2.1.1 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge boost-cpp 1.72.0 h8e57a91_0 conda-forge boxsdk 2.7.1 pypi_0 pypi branca 0.4.1 py_0 conda-forge brotli 1.0.7 he1b5a44_1004 conda-forge brotlipy 0.7.0 py38h1e0a361_1000 conda-forge brunsli 0.1 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge bzip2 1.0.8 h516909a_2 conda-forge c-ares 1.16.1 h516909a_0 conda-forge ca-certificates 2020.6.20 hecda079_0 conda-forge cachetools 4.1.1 py_0 conda-forge cairo 1.16.0 hcf35c78_1003 conda-forge cartopy 0.18.0 py38h172510d_0 conda-forge cdo 1.9.8 h41c8164_9 conda-forge cdsapi 0.2.7 py_0 conda-forge certifi 2020.6.20 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge certipy 0.1.3 py_0 conda-forge cf-units 2.1.4 py38h8790de6_0 conda-forge cffi 1.14.1 py38h5bae8af_0 conda-forge cfgrib py_0 conda-forge cfgv 3.2.0 py_0 conda-forge cfitsio 3.470 hce51eda_6 conda-forge cftime 1.2.1 py38h8790de6_0 conda-forge chardet 3.0.4 py38h32f6830_1006 conda-forge charls 2.1.0 he1b5a44_2 conda-forge click 7.1.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge click-plugins 1.1.1 py_0 conda-forge cligj 0.5.0 py_0 conda-forge cloudpickle 1.5.0 py_0 conda-forge cmarkgfm 0.4.2 py38h516909a_2 conda-forge colorama 0.4.3 py_0 conda-forge colorcet 2.0.1 py_0 conda-forge configurable-http-proxy 4.2.1 node13_he01fd0c_0 conda-forge consistent-hash-git 0.3 pypi_0 pypi constantly 15.1.0 py_0 conda-forge coverage 5.2.1 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge cryptography 3.0 py38h766eaa4_0 conda-forge curl 7.71.1 he644dc0_5 conda-forge cycler 0.10.0 py_2 conda-forge cython 0.29.21 py38h950e882_0 conda-forge cytoolz 0.10.1 py38h516909a_0 conda-forge dask 2.23.0 py_0 conda-forge dask-core 2.23.0 py_0 conda-forge datashader 0.11.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge datashape 0.5.4 py_1 conda-forge dbf 0.99.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge dbus 1.13.6 he372182_0 conda-forge decorator 4.4.2 py_0 conda-forge defusedxml 0.6.0 py_0 conda-forge descartes 1.1.0 py_4 conda-forge distlib 0.3.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge distributed 2.23.0 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge dnspython 1.16.0 py_1 conda-forge docutils 0.16 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge dropbox 10.1.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge eccodes 2.17.0 h59f7be3_1 conda-forge ecdsa 0.15 pypi_0 pypi ecmwf_grib 1.14.7 2 conda-forge editdistance 0.5.3 py38h950e882_1 conda-forge entrypoints 0.3 py38h32f6830_1001 conda-forge ephem py38h516909a_0 conda-forge esmf 8.0.0 mpi_mpich_h9a42a66_106 conda-forge esmpy 8.0.0 mpi_mpich_py38ha9b28fa_101 conda-forge et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py_1001 conda-forge execnet 1.7.1 py_0 conda-forge expat 2.2.9 he1b5a44_2 conda-forge fastapi 0.61.0 py_0 conda-forge feedgen 0.9.0 pypi_0 pypi fftw 3.3.8 nompi_h7f3a6c3_1111 conda-forge filelock 3.0.12 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge fiona 1.8.13 py38h033e0f6_1 conda-forge flake8 3.8.3 py_1 conda-forge folium 0.11.0 py_0 conda-forge font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37 hab24e00_0 conda-forge font-ttf-inconsolata 2.001 hab24e00_0 conda-forge font-ttf-source-code-pro 2.030 hab24e00_0 conda-forge font-ttf-ubuntu 0.83 hab24e00_0 conda-forge fontconfig 2.13.1 h86ecdb6_1001 conda-forge fonts-conda-forge 1 0 conda-forge freetype 2.10.2 he06d7ca_0 conda-forge freexl 1.0.5 h516909a_1002 conda-forge fribidi 1.0.10 h516909a_0 conda-forge fsspec 0.8.0 py_0 conda-forge future 0.18.2 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge g2clib 1.6.0 hf3f1b0b_9 conda-forge gdal 3.0.4 py38h172510d_6 conda-forge gdata 3.0.2 pypi_0 pypi gdk-pixbuf 2.38.2 h3f25603_4 conda-forge geographiclib 1.50 py_0 conda-forge geoip2 3.0.0 pypi_0 pypi geojson 2.5.0 py_0 conda-forge geopandas 0.8.1 py_0 conda-forge geopy 2.0.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge geos 3.8.1 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge geotiff 1.5.1 h05acad5_10 conda-forge gettext hc5be6a0_1002 conda-forge ghostscript 9.22 hf484d3e_1001 conda-forge giflib 5.2.1 h516909a_2 conda-forge glib 2.65.0 h6f030ca_0 conda-forge gmp 6.2.0 he1b5a44_2 conda-forge gobject-introspection 1.64.1 py38h03d966d_1 conda-forge google-api-core 1.22.1 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge google-api-python-client 1.10.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge google-auth 1.20.1 py_0 conda-forge google-auth-httplib2 0.0.3 py_3 conda-forge google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.1 py_2 conda-forge googleapis-common-protos 1.51.0 py38h32f6830_2 conda-forge graphene 1.4 py_0 conda-forge graphite2 1.3.13 he1b5a44_1001 conda-forge graphql-core 3.1.2 py_0 conda-forge graphql-relay 3.0.0 py_0 conda-forge graphviz 2.42.3 h0511662_0 conda-forge gsl 2.6 h294904e_0 conda-forge gspread 3.6.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge gspread-pandas 2.2.3 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge gunicorn 20.0.4 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge h11 0.9.0 py_0 conda-forge harfbuzz 2.4.0 h9f30f68_3 conda-forge hdf4 4.2.13 hf30be14_1003 conda-forge hdf5 1.10.5 mpi_mpich_ha7d0aea_1004 conda-forge hdfeos2 2.20 h64bfcee_1000 conda-forge hdfeos5 5.1.16 h8b6279f_5 conda-forge heapdict 1.0.1 py_0 conda-forge holoviews 1.13.3 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge html5lib 1.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge httplib2 0.18.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge httptools 0.1.1 py38h516909a_0 conda-forge hvplot 0.6.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge hyperlink 20.0.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge icu 64.2 he1b5a44_1 conda-forge identify 1.4.28 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge idna 2.10 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge iembot 0.2.0.post7+gd98f071 pypi_0 pypi imagecodecs 2020.5.30 py38h36e1e94_2 conda-forge imageio 2.9.0 py_0 conda-forge imagemagick 7.0.10_28 pl526h201ca68_0 conda-forge imagesize 1.2.0 py_0 conda-forge importlib-metadata 1.7.0 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge importlib_metadata 1.7.0 0 conda-forge incremental 17.5.0 py_0 conda-forge iniconfig 1.0.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge inotify 0.2.10 pypi_0 pypi ipykernel 5.3.4 py38h23f93f0_0 conda-forge ipython 7.17.0 py38h1cdfbd6_0 conda-forge ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py_1 conda-forge isort 4.3.21 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge itsdangerous 1.1.0 py_0 conda-forge jasper 1.900.1 h07fcdf6_1006 conda-forge jbig 2.1 h516909a_2002 conda-forge jdcal 1.4.1 py_0 conda-forge jedi 0.17.2 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge jeepney 0.4.3 py_0 conda-forge jinja2 2.11.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge joblib 0.16.0 py_0 conda-forge jpeg 9d h516909a_0 conda-forge json-c 0.13.1 hbfbb72e_1002 conda-forge json5 0.9.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge jsonschema 3.2.0 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge jupyter_client 6.1.6 py_0 conda-forge jupyter_core 4.6.3 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge jupyter_telemetry 0.0.5 py_0 conda-forge jupyterhub 1.1.0 py38h32f6830_4 conda-forge jupyterhub-base 1.1.0 py38h32f6830_4 conda-forge jupyterlab 2.2.5 py_0 conda-forge jupyterlab_server 1.2.0 py_0 conda-forge jxrlib 1.1 h516909a_2 conda-forge kealib 1.4.13 hec59c27_0 conda-forge keyring 21.3.0 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge kiwisolver 1.2.0 py38hbf85e49_0 conda-forge krb5 1.17.1 hfafb76e_2 conda-forge lazy-object-proxy 1.4.3 py38h1e0a361_2 conda-forge lcms2 2.11 hbd6801e_0 conda-forge ld_impl_linux-64 2.34 hc38a660_9 conda-forge lerc 2.2 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge libaec 1.0.4 he1b5a44_1 conda-forge libblas 3.8.0 17_openblas conda-forge libcblas 3.8.0 17_openblas conda-forge libcroco 0.6.13 h8d621e5_1 conda-forge libcurl 7.71.1 hcdd3856_5 conda-forge libdap4 3.20.6 h1d1bd15_1 conda-forge libedit 3.1.20191231 he28a2e2_2 conda-forge libev 4.33 h516909a_0 conda-forge libffi 3.2.1 he1b5a44_1007 conda-forge libgcc-ng 9.3.0 h24d8f2e_15 conda-forge libgdal 3.0.4 h3dfc09a_6 conda-forge libgfortran-ng 7.5.0 hdf63c60_15 conda-forge libgomp 9.3.0 h24d8f2e_15 conda-forge libiconv 1.16 h516909a_0 conda-forge libkml 1.3.0 hb574062_1011 conda-forge liblapack 3.8.0 17_openblas conda-forge libllvm10 10.0.1 he513fc3_1 conda-forge libnetcdf 4.7.4 mpi_mpich_h755db7c_1 conda-forge libnghttp2 1.41.0 hab1572f_1 conda-forge libopenblas 0.3.10 pthreads_hb3c22a3_4 conda-forge libpng 1.6.37 hed695b0_2 conda-forge libpq 12.3 h5513abc_0 conda-forge libprotobuf 3.13.0 h8b12597_0 conda-forge librsvg 2.49.3 h33a7fed_0 conda-forge libsodium 1.0.18 h516909a_0 conda-forge libspatialindex 1.9.3 he1b5a44_3 conda-forge libspatialite 4.3.0a h2482549_1038 conda-forge libssh2 1.9.0 hab1572f_5 conda-forge libstdcxx-ng 9.3.0 hdf63c60_15 conda-forge libtiff 4.1.0 hc7e4089_6 conda-forge libtool 2.4.6 h516909a_1003 conda-forge libuuid 2.32.1 h14c3975_1000 conda-forge libuv 1.34.0 h516909a_0 conda-forge libwebp 1.1.0 h56121f0_4 conda-forge libwebp-base 1.1.0 h516909a_3 conda-forge libxcb 1.13 h14c3975_1002 conda-forge libxml2 2.9.10 hee79883_0 conda-forge libxslt 1.1.33 h31b3aaa_0 conda-forge libzopfli 1.0.3 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge llvmlite 0.34.0 py38h4f45e52_0 conda-forge locket 0.2.0 py_2 conda-forge lxml 4.5.2 py38hbb43d70_0 conda-forge lz4-c 1.9.2 he1b5a44_3 conda-forge mako 1.1.3 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge mapscript 7.4.3 pypi_0 pypi markdown 3.2.2 py_0 conda-forge markupsafe 1.1.1 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge matplotlib 3.3.1 0 conda-forge matplotlib-base 3.3.1 py38h91b0d89_0 conda-forge maxminddb 1.5.2 pypi_0 pypi mccabe 0.6.1 py_1 conda-forge metar 1.7.0 py_0 conda-forge metpy 0.12.2 py_0 conda-forge mistune 0.8.4 py38h1e0a361_1001 conda-forge mock 4.0.2 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge mod-wsgi 4.6.8 pypi_0 pypi more-itertools 8.4.0 py_0 conda-forge mpi 1.0 mpich conda-forge mpi4py 3.0.3 py38h4a80816_1 conda-forge mpich 3.3.2 hc856adb_0 conda-forge msgpack-python 1.0.0 py38hbf85e49_1 conda-forge multidict 4.7.5 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge multipledispatch 0.6.0 py_0 conda-forge munch 2.5.0 py_0 conda-forge nbconvert 5.6.1 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge nbformat 5.0.7 py_0 conda-forge ncl 6.6.2 hfe5c2fd_21 conda-forge nco 4.9.2 mpi_mpich_h9a76d41_102 conda-forge ncurses 6.2 he1b5a44_1 conda-forge netcdf-fortran 4.5.2 mpi_mpich_h6a79edc_4 conda-forge netcdf4 1.5.3 mpi_mpich_py38h894258e_3 conda-forge networkx 2.4 py_1 conda-forge nodeenv 1.4.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge nodejs 13.13.0 hf5d1a2b_0 conda-forge nose 1.3.7 py38h32f6830_1004 conda-forge notebook 6.1.3 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge numba 0.51.0 py38hc5bc63f_0 conda-forge numpy 1.19.1 py38hbc27379_1 conda-forge oauth 1.0.1 pypi_0 pypi oauth2client 4.1.3 py_0 conda-forge oauthlib 3.0.1 py_0 conda-forge odfpy 1.4.1 py_0 conda-forge olefile 0.46 py_0 conda-forge openjpeg 2.3.1 h981e76c_3 conda-forge openpyxl 3.0.4 py_0 conda-forge openssl 1.1.1g h516909a_1 conda-forge ossuuid 1.6.2 hf484d3e_1000 conda-forge owslib 0.20.0 py_0 conda-forge packaging 20.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pamela 1.0.0 py_0 conda-forge pamqp 2.3.0 pypi_0 pypi pandas 1.1.0 py38h950e882_0 conda-forge pandoc 2.10.1 h516909a_0 conda-forge pandocfilters 1.4.2 py_1 conda-forge panel 0.9.7 py_0 conda-forge pango 1.42.4 h7062337_4 conda-forge param 1.9.3 py_0 conda-forge parso 0.7.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge partd 1.1.0 py_0 conda-forge paste 3.4.3 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge pathspec 0.8.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge patsy 0.5.1 py_0 conda-forge pcre 8.44 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge perl 5.26.2 h516909a_1006 conda-forge pexpect 4.8.0 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge pickleshare 0.7.5 py38h32f6830_1001 conda-forge pika 1.1.0 pyh9f0ad1d_1 conda-forge pillow 7.2.0 py38h9776b28_1 conda-forge pint 0.14 py_0 conda-forge pip 20.2.2 py_0 conda-forge pixman 0.38.0 h516909a_1003 conda-forge pkg-config 0.29.2 h516909a_1006 conda-forge pkginfo py_0 conda-forge plotly 4.9.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pluggy 0.13.1 py38h32f6830_2 conda-forge pooch 1.1.1 py_0 conda-forge poppler 0.67.0 h14e79db_8 conda-forge poppler-data 0.4.9 1 conda-forge postgresql 12.3 h8573dbc_0 conda-forge pre-commit 2.6.0 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge pre_commit 2.6.0 0 conda-forge proj 7.0.0 h966b41f_5 conda-forge prometheus_client 0.8.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge promise 2.3 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge prompt-toolkit 3.0.6 py_0 conda-forge protobuf 3.13.0 py38h950e882_0 conda-forge psutil 5.7.2 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge psycopg2 2.8.5 py38h766eaa4_1 conda-forge pthread-stubs 0.4 h14c3975_1001 conda-forge ptyprocess 0.6.0 py_1001 conda-forge py 1.9.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pyasn1 0.4.8 py_0 conda-forge pyasn1-modules 0.2.7 py_0 conda-forge pycodestyle 2.6.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pycparser 2.20 pyh9f0ad1d_2 conda-forge pycryptodome 3.9.7 py38ha357303_1 conda-forge pyct 0.4.6 py_0 conda-forge pyct-core 0.4.6 py_0 conda-forge pycurl py38h4400d41_2 conda-forge pydantic 1.6.1 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge pyepsg 0.4.0 py_0 conda-forge pyflakes 2.2.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pygments 2.6.1 py_0 conda-forge pygrib 2.0.5 py38hfcef17a_0 conda-forge pyhamcrest 2.0.2 py_0 conda-forge pyiem 0.17.0 pypi_0 pypi pyjwt 1.7.1 py_0 conda-forge pykdtree 1.3.1 py38h8790de6_1003 conda-forge pyldm 0.0.post33+g545ee40 pypi_0 pypi pylint 2.5.3 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge pyngl 1.6.1 py38h174697a_2 conda-forge pynio 1.5.5 py38h031d99c_12 conda-forge pyopenssl 19.1.0 py_1 conda-forge pyparsing 2.4.7 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pyproj 2.6.1.post1 py38h7521cb9_0 conda-forge pyrsistent 0.16.0 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge pyshp 2.1.0 py_0 conda-forge pysocks 1.7.1 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge pytest 6.0.1 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge pytest-cov 2.10.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pytest-forked 1.2.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pytest-mpl 0.11 py_1 conda-forge pytest-runner 5.2 py_0 conda-forge pytest-xdist 2.0.0 py_0 conda-forge python 3.8.5 h1103e12_2 conda-forge python-dateutil 2.8.1 py_0 conda-forge python-editor 1.0.4 py_0 conda-forge python-json-logger 0.1.11 py_0 conda-forge python-memcached 1.59 py_0 conda-forge python-multipart 0.0.5 py_0 conda-forge python-twitter 3.5 py_0 conda-forge python_abi 3.8 1_cp38 conda-forge pytz 2020.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pyvbcam 0.2.post5+gf01074b pypi_0 pypi pyviz_comms 0.7.6 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge pywavelets 1.1.1 py38h8790de6_1 conda-forge pyyaml 5.3.1 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge pyzmq 19.0.2 py38ha71036d_0 conda-forge rabbitpy 2.0.1 pypi_0 pypi rasterio 1.1.5 py38h033e0f6_1 conda-forge rasterstats 0.14.0 py_0 conda-forge rclone 1.52.3 ha544309_0 conda-forge readline 8.0 he28a2e2_2 conda-forge readme_renderer 24.0 py_0 conda-forge regex 2020.7.14 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge reportlab 3.5.47 py38he152a6b_1 conda-forge requests 2.24.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge requests-toolbelt 0.9.1 py_0 conda-forge retrying 1.3.3 py_2 conda-forge rfc3986 1.4.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge rrdtool 0.1.15 pypi_0 pypi rsa 4.6 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge rtree 0.9.4 py38h08f867b_1 conda-forge ruamel.yaml 0.16.6 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.0 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge scikit-image 0.17.2 py38hcb8c335_1 conda-forge scikit-learn 0.23.2 py38hee58b96_0 conda-forge scipy 1.5.2 py38h8c5af15_0 conda-forge seaborn 0.10.1 1 conda-forge seaborn-base 0.10.1 py_1 conda-forge secretstorage 3.1.2 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge send2trash 1.5.0 py_0 conda-forge service_identity 18.1.0 py_0 conda-forge setuptools 49.6.0 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge shapely 1.7.0 py38hd168ffb_3 conda-forge simplejson 3.17.2 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge six 1.15.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge smartsheet-python-sdk 2.86.0 pypi_0 pypi snappy 1.1.8 he1b5a44_3 conda-forge snowballstemmer 2.0.0 py_0 conda-forge snuggs 1.4.7 py_0 conda-forge sortedcollections 1.2.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge sortedcontainers 2.2.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge soupsieve 2.0.1 py_1 conda-forge sphinx 3.2.1 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.3 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4 py_0 conda-forge sqlalchemy 1.3.19 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge sqlite 3.33.0 h4cf870e_0 conda-forge starlette 0.13.6 py_0 conda-forge starlette-base 0.13.6 py_0 conda-forge statsmodels 0.11.1 py38h1e0a361_2 conda-forge tbb 2020.1 hc9558a2_0 conda-forge tblib 1.6.0 py_0 conda-forge tempest-remap 2.0.3 mpi_mpich_hf005093_8 conda-forge terminado 0.8.3 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge testpath 0.4.4 py_0 conda-forge threadpoolctl 2.1.0 pyh5ca1d4c_0 conda-forge tifffile 2020.8.13 py_0 conda-forge tilecache 0.0.post11+gd88dc01 pypi_0 pypi tiledb 1.7.7 h8efa9f0_3 conda-forge tk 8.6.10 hed695b0_0 conda-forge tlslite-ng 0.7.5 pypi_0 pypi toml 0.10.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge toolz 0.10.0 py_0 conda-forge tornado 6.0.4 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge tqdm 4.48.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge traitlets 4.3.3 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge treq 20.4.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge trmm_rsl 1.49 3 conda-forge twine 3.2.0 py38h32f6830_0 conda-forge twisted 20.3.0 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge twittytwister 0.1.3 pypi_0 pypi twython 3.7.0 py_0 conda-forge txyam2 0.5.1 pypi_0 pypi typed-ast 1.4.1 py38h516909a_0 conda-forge typing_extensions py_0 conda-forge tzcode 2020a h516909a_0 conda-forge tzlocal 2.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge udunits2 h4e0c4b3_1001 conda-forge ujson 3.1.0 py38h950e882_0 conda-forge unidecode 1.1.1 py_0 conda-forge unixodbc 2.3.7 hd1b7508_1000 conda-forge uritemplate 3.0.1 py_0 conda-forge urllib3 1.25.10 py_0 conda-forge uvicorn 0.11.3 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge uvloop 0.14.0 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge verde 1.5.0 py_0 conda-forge virtualenv 20.0.20 py38h32f6830_1 conda-forge wcwidth 0.2.5 pyh9f0ad1d_1 conda-forge webencodings 0.5.1 py_1 conda-forge websockets 8.1 py38h1e0a361_1 conda-forge wheel 0.35.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge windrose 1.6 pypi_0 pypi wrapt 1.11.2 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge wrf-python 1.3.2 py38h7eb8c7e_1 conda-forge wsproto 0.13.0 py_0 conda-forge xarray 0.16.0 py_0 conda-forge xerces-c 3.2.2 h8412b87_1004 conda-forge xesmf 0.3.0 py_0 conda-forge xlrd 1.2.0 pyh9f0ad1d_1 conda-forge xlsxwriter 1.3.3 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge xlwt 1.3.0 py_1 conda-forge xorg-imake 1.0.7 0 conda-forge xorg-kbproto 1.0.7 h14c3975_1002 conda-forge xorg-libice 1.0.10 h516909a_0 conda-forge xorg-libsm 1.2.3 h84519dc_1000 conda-forge xorg-libx11 1.6.11 h516909a_0 conda-forge xorg-libxau 1.0.9 h14c3975_0 conda-forge xorg-libxaw 1.0.13 h14c3975_1002 conda-forge xorg-libxdmcp 1.1.3 h516909a_0 conda-forge xorg-libxext 1.3.4 h516909a_0 conda-forge xorg-libxmu 1.1.3 h516909a_0 conda-forge xorg-libxpm 3.5.13 h516909a_0 conda-forge xorg-libxrender 0.9.10 h516909a_1002 conda-forge xorg-libxt 1.1.5 h516909a_1003 conda-forge xorg-makedepend 1.0.6 he1b5a44_1 conda-forge xorg-renderproto 0.11.1 h14c3975_1002 conda-forge xorg-xextproto 7.3.0 h14c3975_1002 conda-forge xorg-xproto 7.0.31 h14c3975_1007 conda-forge xrviz 0.1.4 py_1 conda-forge xz 5.2.5 h516909a_1 conda-forge yaml 0.2.5 h516909a_0 conda-forge zeromq 4.3.2 he1b5a44_3 conda-forge zfp 0.5.5 he1b5a44_1 conda-forge zict 2.0.0 py_0 conda-forge zipp 3.1.0 py_0 conda-forge zlib 1.2.11 h516909a_1007 conda-forge zope.interface 5.1.0 py38h1e0a361_0 conda-forge zstd 1.4.5 h6597ccf_2 conda-forge ```

Details about conda and system ( conda info ):

``` $ conda info active environment : prod active env location : /opt/miniconda3/envs/prod shell level : 1 user config file : /home/akrherz/.condarc populated config files : /home/akrherz/.condarc conda version : 4.8.4 conda-build version : not installed python version : virtual packages : __glibc=2.28 base environment : /opt/miniconda3 (writable) channel URLs : package cache : /opt/miniconda3/pkgs /home/akrherz/.conda/pkgs envs directories : /opt/miniconda3/envs /home/akrherz/.conda/envs platform : linux-64 user-agent : conda/4.8.4 requests/2.24.0 CPython/3.8.5 Linux/4.18.0-193.14.3.el8_2.x86_64 rhel/8.2 glibc/2.28 UID:GID : 43306:101 netrc file : /home/akrherz/.netrc offline mode : False ```
xylar commented 4 years ago

@akrherz, we're all volunteers here so I'm afraid this is likely above all of our "pay" grade.

I'm afraid there's no magic conda command to tell you why you can't upgrade.

There is a package that's a red flag, though: ncl. We haven't been able to update ncl lately because one of its dependencies (hdfeof5) can no longer be built at all. If you absolutely need ncl and you absolutely need netcdf4 1.5.4, you are probably going to have to install them in separate environments because they can't currently coexist.

akrherz commented 4 years ago

@xylar :) Hehe! The deps solver in your head is faster than conda!

Removing ncl didn't seem to help and took pyngl with it of course, uffties. I then took out hdfeos5, which took pynio with it. I was then able to install netcdf4=1.5.4. Thanks again!