conda-forge / octave-feedstock

A conda-smithy repository for octave.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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pkg install fails on Ubuntu & Raspberry Pi #105

Open iandol opened 1 year ago

iandol commented 1 year ago

Solution to issue cannot be found in the documentation.


I tried to install instrument-control package on both a Raspberry Pi and a Ubuntu desktop, and get the same error:

>> pkg install instrument-control-0.9.1.tar.gz
configure: error: in `/tmp/oct-xO1WlQ/instrument-control-0.9.1/src':
configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
checking whether the C++ compiler works... no

error: pkg: error running the configure script for instrument-control
error: called from
    configure_make at line 101 column 9
    install at line 202 column 7
    pkg at line 619 column 9

Installing the same package works on the system Octave (v6.2) so I assume and dependencies are available. I couldn't see where the config.log was placed, the temp folder mentioned in the error does not exist.

Installed packages

❯ micromamba list           
List of packages in environment: "/media/cog/data/micromamba/envs/octave"

  Name                       Version       Build                     Channel    
  _openmp_mutex              4.5           2_gnu                     conda-forge
  alsa-lib                   1.2.8         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  aom                        3.5.0         headf329_0                conda-forge
  arpack                     3.7.0         hf862f49_2                conda-forge
  atk-1.0                    2.38.0        hf4e84e4_1                conda-forge
  attr                       2.5.1         h4e544f5_1                conda-forge
  brotli                     1.0.9         h4e544f5_8                conda-forge
  brotli-bin                 1.0.9         h4e544f5_8                conda-forge
  bzip2                      1.0.8         hf897c2e_4                conda-forge
  c-ares                     1.19.0        h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  ca-certificates            2023.5.7      hcefe29a_0                conda-forge
  cairo                      1.16.0        hd19fb6e_1014             conda-forge
  chrpath                    0.16          hf897c2e_1002             conda-forge
  curl                       8.1.0         hc34909b_0                conda-forge
  dbus                       1.13.6        h12b9eeb_3                conda-forge
  expat                      2.5.0         hd600fc2_1                conda-forge
  ffmpeg                     5.1.2         gpl_h8bd3c30_106          conda-forge
  fftw                       3.3.10        nompi_h2dcef8e_107        conda-forge
  fltk                       1.3.8         h3361260_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono  2.37          hab24e00_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-inconsolata       3.000         h77eed37_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-source-code-pro   2.038         h77eed37_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-ubuntu            0.83          hab24e00_0                conda-forge
  fontconfig                 2.14.2        ha9a116f_0                conda-forge
  fonts-conda-ecosystem      1             0                         conda-forge
  fonts-conda-forge          1             0                         conda-forge
  freetype                   2.12.1        hbbbf32d_1                conda-forge
  fribidi                    1.0.10        hb9de7d4_0                conda-forge
  gdk-pixbuf                 2.42.10       h551e6f1_0                conda-forge
  gettext                    0.21.1        ha18d298_0                conda-forge
  ghostscript                9.54.0        h4de3ea5_2                conda-forge
  giflib                     5.2.1         hb4cce97_3                conda-forge
  gl2ps                      1.4.2         hdf53a3c_0                conda-forge
  glib                       2.76.2        hd84c7bf_0                conda-forge
  glib-networking            2.72.2        he35a61d_0                conda-forge
  glib-tools                 2.76.2        hd84c7bf_0                conda-forge
  glpk                       5.0           h66325d0_0                conda-forge
  gmp                        6.2.1         h7fd3ca4_0                conda-forge
  gnuplot                    5.4.5         h1fafa18_1                conda-forge
  gnutls                     3.7.8         h5e100cc_0                conda-forge
  graphicsmagick             1.3.40        h427c933_0                conda-forge
  graphite2                  1.3.13        h7fd3ca4_1001             conda-forge
  gst-libav                  1.22.0        h0a79baf_0                conda-forge
  gst-plugins-bad            1.22.0        h2f05ab0_0                conda-forge
  gst-plugins-base           1.22.0        h8a62080_0                conda-forge
  gst-plugins-good           1.22.0        hf363d5f_0                conda-forge
  gst-plugins-ugly           1.22.0        h5356407_2                conda-forge
  gstreamer                  1.22.0        h1f26242_0                conda-forge
  gstreamer-orc              0.4.33        h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  gtk2                       2.24.33       h49e3f37_2                conda-forge
  harfbuzz                   6.0.0         hbcb8a4f_0                conda-forge
  hdf5                       1.14.0        nompi_h96fea9c_103        conda-forge
  icu                        70.1          ha18d298_0                conda-forge
  jack                       1.9.22        hf8b18a5_0                conda-forge
  jpeg                       9e            h2a766a3_3                conda-forge
  keyutils                   1.6.1         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  krb5                       1.20.1        h113d92e_0                conda-forge
  lame                       3.100         h4e544f5_1003             conda-forge
  ld_impl_linux-aarch64      2.40          h2d8c526_0                conda-forge
  lerc                       4.0.0         h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  libaec                     1.0.6         hd600fc2_1                conda-forge
  libblas                    3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libbrotlicommon            1.0.9         h4e544f5_8                conda-forge
  libbrotlidec               1.0.9         h4e544f5_8                conda-forge
  libbrotlienc               1.0.9         h4e544f5_8                conda-forge
  libcap                     2.67          h8246067_0                conda-forge
  libcblas                   3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libclang                   15.0.7        default_h3fabc39_1        conda-forge
  libclang13                 15.0.7        default_haf32b04_1        conda-forge
  libcups                    2.3.3         h4303303_3                conda-forge
  libcurl                    8.1.0         hc34909b_0                conda-forge
  libdb                      6.2.32        h01db608_0                conda-forge
  libdeflate                 1.17          hb4cce97_0                conda-forge
  libedit                    3.1.20191231  he28a2e2_2                conda-forge
  libev                      4.33          h516909a_1                conda-forge
  libevent                   2.1.10        h4f30969_4                conda-forge
  libexpat                   2.5.0         hd600fc2_1                conda-forge
  libffi                     3.4.2         h3557bc0_5                conda-forge
  libflac                    1.4.2         h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  libgcc-ng                  12.2.0        h607ecd0_19               conda-forge
  libgcrypt                  1.10.1        h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  libgd                      2.3.3         h99c6b3b_4                conda-forge
  libgfortran-ng             12.2.0        he9431aa_19               conda-forge
  libgfortran5               12.2.0        hf695500_19               conda-forge
  libglib                    2.76.2        h0464669_0                conda-forge
  libglu                     9.0.0         he1b5a44_1001             conda-forge
  libgomp                    12.2.0        h607ecd0_19               conda-forge
  libgpg-error               1.46          haae8ae4_0                conda-forge
  libhwloc                   2.9.1         h21e8147_0                conda-forge
  libiconv                   1.17          h9cdd2b7_0                conda-forge
  libidn2                    2.3.4         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  liblapack                  3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  liblapacke                 3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libllvm15                  15.0.7        h87099f9_1                conda-forge
  libnghttp2                 1.52.0        h250e5c5_0                conda-forge
  libnsl                     2.0.0         hf897c2e_0                conda-forge
  libogg                     1.3.4         h3557bc0_1                conda-forge
  libopenblas                0.3.21        pthreads_h6cb6f83_3       conda-forge
  libopus                    1.3.1         hf897c2e_1                conda-forge
  libpng                     1.6.39        hf9034f9_0                conda-forge
  libpq                      15.3          hf616e62_0                conda-forge
  libpsl                     0.21.1        h09417bd_5                conda-forge
  libsndfile                 1.2.0         h693ebdd_0                conda-forge
  libsoup                    3.2.2         he354691_0                conda-forge
  libsqlite                  3.42.0        h194ca79_0                conda-forge
  libssh2                    1.10.0        he5a64b1_3                conda-forge
  libstdcxx-ng               12.2.0        hc13a102_19               conda-forge
  libsystemd0                253           h74de264_1                conda-forge
  libtasn1                   4.19.0        h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  libtiff                    4.5.0         h4c1066a_2                conda-forge
  libtool                    2.4.7         h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  libudev1                   253           hb4cce97_1                conda-forge
  libunistring               0.9.10        hf897c2e_0                conda-forge
  libuuid                    2.38.1        hb4cce97_0                conda-forge
  libvorbis                  1.3.7         h01db608_0                conda-forge
  libvpx                     1.11.0        h01db608_3                conda-forge
  libwebp                    1.2.4         h7bdf6e5_1                conda-forge
  libwebp-base               1.2.4         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  libxcb                     1.13          h3557bc0_1004             conda-forge
  libxkbcommon               1.5.0         h4f22d97_1                conda-forge
  libxml2                    2.10.3        habe54e3_4                conda-forge
  libzlib                    1.2.13        h4e544f5_4                conda-forge
  lz4-c                      1.9.4         hd600fc2_0                conda-forge
  metis                      5.1.0         h7fd3ca4_1006             conda-forge
  mpfr                       4.2.0         h96f194b_0                conda-forge
  mpg123                     1.31.3        hd600fc2_0                conda-forge
  mysql-common               8.0.32        hb6794ad_2                conda-forge
  mysql-libs                 8.0.32        hf629957_2                conda-forge
  ncurses                    6.3           headf329_1                conda-forge
  nettle                     3.8.1         hcc5b78b_1                conda-forge
  nspr                       4.35          h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  nss                        3.89          hf608148_0                conda-forge
  octave                     8.2.0         hcf01537_0                conda-forge
  openh264                   2.3.1         hd600fc2_2                conda-forge
  openssl                    3.1.0         h31becfc_3                conda-forge
  p11-kit                    0.24.1        h9f2702f_0                conda-forge
  packaging                  23.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  pango                      1.50.14       h1f1e9b3_0                conda-forge
  pcre                       8.45          h01db608_0                conda-forge
  pcre2                      10.40         he7b27c6_0                conda-forge
  perl                       5.32.1        2_hf897c2e_perl5          conda-forge
  pip                        23.1.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  pixman                     0.40.0        hb9de7d4_0                conda-forge
  ply                        3.11          py_1                      conda-forge
  portaudio                  19.6.0        h52479df_7                conda-forge
  pthread-stubs              0.4           hb9de7d4_1001             conda-forge
  pulseaudio                 16.1          hd600fc2_3                conda-forge
  pulseaudio-client          16.1          h0c4632f_3                conda-forge
  pulseaudio-daemon          16.1          h7a898ed_3                conda-forge
  pyqt                       5.15.7        py311ha8b159b_3           conda-forge
  pyqt5-sip                  12.11.0       py311hbb176d9_3           conda-forge
  python                     3.11.3        h07235ee_0_cpython        conda-forge
  python_abi                 3.11          3_cp311                   conda-forge
  qhull                      2020.2        hd62202e_2                conda-forge
  qscintilla2                2.13.4        py311h4136480_0           conda-forge
  qt-main                    5.15.8        h75fb342_6                conda-forge
  readline                   8.2           h8fc344f_1                conda-forge
  setuptools                 67.7.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  sip                        6.7.9         py311h1bf5055_0           conda-forge
  sqlite                     3.42.0        h3b3482f_0                conda-forge
  suitesparse                5.10.1        h1404dd6_1                conda-forge
  sundials                   6.5.1         hb496728_0                conda-forge
  svt-av1                    1.4.1         hd600fc2_0                conda-forge
  tbb                        2021.9.0      h4c384f3_0                conda-forge
  texinfo                    7.0           pl5321h17f021e_0          conda-forge
  tk                         8.6.12        hd8af866_0                conda-forge
  toml                       0.10.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  tomli                      2.0.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  tzdata                     2023c         h71feb2d_0                conda-forge
  wheel                      0.40.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  x264                       1!164.3095    h4e544f5_2                conda-forge
  x265                       3.5           hdd96247_3                conda-forge
  xcb-util                   0.4.0         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  xcb-util-image             0.4.0         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  xcb-util-keysyms           0.4.0         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  xcb-util-renderutil        0.3.9         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  xcb-util-wm                0.4.1         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  xkeyboard-config           2.38          hb4cce97_0                conda-forge
  xorg-fixesproto            5.0           h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-kbproto               1.0.7         h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-libice                1.0.10        h3557bc0_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libsm                 1.2.3         h965e137_1000             conda-forge
  xorg-libx11                1.8.4         h2a766a3_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxau                1.0.9         h3557bc0_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxdmcp              1.1.3         h3557bc0_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxext               1.3.4         h2a766a3_2                conda-forge
  xorg-libxfixes             5.0.3         h3557bc0_1004             conda-forge
  xorg-libxrender            0.9.10        h3557bc0_1003             conda-forge
  xorg-libxt                 1.2.1         h3557bc0_2                conda-forge
  xorg-renderproto           0.11.1        h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-xextproto             7.3.0         h2a766a3_1003             conda-forge
  xorg-xproto                7.0.31        h3557bc0_1007             conda-forge
  xz                         5.2.6         h9cdd2b7_0                conda-forge
  zlib                       1.2.13        h4e544f5_4                conda-forge
  zstd                       1.5.2         h44f6412_6                conda-forge

Environment info

libmamba version : 1.4.9
     micromamba version : 1.4.9
           curl version : libcurl/7.88.1 OpenSSL/3.1.1 zlib/1.2.13 zstd/1.5.2 libssh2/1.11.0 nghttp2/1.52.0
     libarchive version : libarchive 3.6.2 zlib/1.2.13 bz2lib/1.0.8 libzstd/1.5.2
       envs directories : /media/cog/data/micromamba/envs
          package cache : /media/cog/data/micromamba/pkgs
            environment : octave (active)
           env location : /media/cog/data/micromamba/envs/octave
      user config files : /home/cog/.mambarc
 populated config files : /home/cog/.mambarc
       virtual packages : __unix=0=0
               channels :
       base environment : /media/cog/data/micromamba
               platform : linux-aarch64
ocefpaf commented 1 year ago

According to the error message you need a C++ compilers. Octave does not provide that. You can either install it fro Ubuntu or try the conda-forge compilers packages with:

conda install cmake make compilers

Note that you may still run into compiling and linking problems. Please read on this instrument-control installation instructions before posting here for help b/c we cannot provide support for all octave forge packages.

iandol commented 1 year ago

Hi, I do have C++ compilers installed and they are used by instrument-control install with Octave from APT. But I will try to the conda-forge ones and see if they work...

iandol commented 1 year ago

So I installed cmake make compilers and I still cannot install packages:

>> pkg install -forge instrument-control
configure: error: in `/tmp/oct-bhf3AX/instrument-control-0.9.1/src':
configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
checking whether the C++ compiler works... no

error: pkg: error running the configure script for instrument-control
error: called from
    configure_make at line 101 column 9
    install at line 202 column 7
    pkg at line 619 column 9

In fact no package can be installed that I've tried so far, e.g.

>> pkg install -forge sockets
x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-c++: error: unrecognized command-line option '-fmessage-length'; did you mean '-fmessage-length='?
make: *** [Makefile:32: socket.oct] Error 1
make: Entering directory '/tmp/oct-60P0uq/sockets-1.4.1/src'
Extracting tests from ...
make: Leaving directory '/tmp/oct-60P0uq/sockets-1.4.1/src'

error: pkg: error running 'make' for the sockets package
error: called from
    configure_make at line 117 column 9
    install at line 202 column 7
    pkg at line 619 column 9

I tried 8 different packages with varying errors but none install (but do with the apt installed octave...) This was tested on Ubuntu 22.04

iandol commented 9 months ago

Still occurs with Octave 8.3 and Ubuntu 22.04, all octave packages are broken when trying to install. APT installed octave is working fine. C++ compilers are installed.

▶︎ micromamba info

       libmamba version : 1.5.3
     micromamba version : 1.5.3
           curl version : libcurl/8.4.0 OpenSSL/3.1.4 zlib/1.2.13 zstd/1.5.5 libssh2/1.11.0 nghttp2/1.58.0
     libarchive version : libarchive 3.7.2 zlib/1.2.13 bz2lib/1.0.8 libzstd/1.5.5
       envs directories : /home/cog5/micromamba/envs
          package cache : /home/cog5/micromamba/pkgs
            environment : octave (active)
           env location : /home/cog5/micromamba/envs/octave
      user config files : /home/cog5/.mambarc
 populated config files : /home/cog5/.mambarc
       virtual packages : __unix=0=0
               channels :
       base environment : /home/cog5/micromamba
               platform : linux-64

▶︎ micromamba list
List of packages in environment: "/home/cog5/micromamba/envs/octave"

  Name                       Version       Build                  Channel    
  _libgcc_mutex              0.1           conda_forge            conda-forge
  _openmp_mutex              4.5           2_gnu                  conda-forge
  alsa-lib                   1.2.10        hd590300_0             conda-forge
  arpack                     3.7.0         hdefa2d7_2             conda-forge
  atk-1.0                    2.38.0        hd4edc92_1             conda-forge
  attr                       2.5.1         h166bdaf_1             conda-forge
  binutils                   2.40          hdd6e379_0             conda-forge
  binutils_impl_linux-64     2.40          hf600244_0             conda-forge
  binutils_linux-64          2.40          hbdbef99_2             conda-forge
  brotli                     1.1.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  brotli-bin                 1.1.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  bzip2                      1.0.8         hd590300_5             conda-forge
  c-ares                     1.22.1        hd590300_0             conda-forge
  c-compiler                 1.6.0         hd590300_0             conda-forge
  ca-certificates            2023.11.17    hbcca054_0             conda-forge
  cairo                      1.18.0        h3faef2a_0             conda-forge
  chrpath                    0.16          h7f98852_1002          conda-forge
  cmake                      3.27.9        hcfe8598_0             conda-forge
  compilers                  1.6.0         ha770c72_0             conda-forge
  curl                       8.4.0         hca28451_0             conda-forge
  cxx-compiler               1.6.0         h00ab1b0_0             conda-forge
  dbus                       1.13.6        h5008d03_3             conda-forge
  expat                      2.5.0         hcb278e6_1             conda-forge
  fftw                       3.3.10        nompi_hc118613_108     conda-forge
  fltk                       1.3.8         hfbcda93_2             conda-forge
  font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono  2.37          hab24e00_0             conda-forge
  font-ttf-inconsolata       3.000         h77eed37_0             conda-forge
  font-ttf-source-code-pro   2.038         h77eed37_0             conda-forge
  font-ttf-ubuntu            0.83          h77eed37_1             conda-forge
  fontconfig                 2.14.2        h14ed4e7_0             conda-forge
  fonts-conda-ecosystem      1             0                      conda-forge
  fonts-conda-forge          1             0                      conda-forge
  fortran-compiler           1.6.0         heb67821_0             conda-forge
  freetype                   2.12.1        h267a509_2             conda-forge
  fribidi                    1.0.10        h36c2ea0_0             conda-forge
  gcc                        12.3.0        h8d2909c_2             conda-forge
  gcc_impl_linux-64          12.3.0        he2b93b0_3             conda-forge
  gcc_linux-64               12.3.0        h76fc315_2             conda-forge
  gdk-pixbuf                 2.42.10       h6c15284_3             conda-forge
  gettext                    0.21.1        h27087fc_0             conda-forge
  gfortran                   12.3.0        h499e0f7_2             conda-forge
  gfortran_impl_linux-64     12.3.0        hfcedea8_3             conda-forge
  gfortran_linux-64          12.3.0        h7fe76b4_2             conda-forge
  ghostscript                10.02.1       h59595ed_0             conda-forge
  giflib                     5.2.1         h0b41bf4_3             conda-forge
  gl2ps                      1.4.2         h0708190_0             conda-forge
  glib                       2.78.1        hfc55251_1             conda-forge
  glib-networking            2.78.0        h8eaaec1_0             conda-forge
  glib-tools                 2.78.1        hfc55251_1             conda-forge
  glpk                       5.0           h445213a_0             conda-forge
  gmp                        6.3.0         h59595ed_0             conda-forge
  gnuplot                    5.4.8         h142138f_0             conda-forge
  graphicsmagick             1.3.40        hd2258ff_3             conda-forge
  graphite2                  1.3.13        h58526e2_1001          conda-forge
  gst-plugins-bad            1.22.6        h06bf7ac_0             conda-forge
  gst-plugins-base           1.22.6        h8e1006c_0             conda-forge
  gst-plugins-good           1.22.6        hf7bd3a9_0             conda-forge
  gst-plugins-ugly           1.22.6        hf35342d_0             conda-forge
  gstreamer                  1.22.6        h98fc4e7_0             conda-forge
  gtk2                       2.24.33       h90689f9_2             conda-forge
  gxx                        12.3.0        h8d2909c_2             conda-forge
  gxx_impl_linux-64          12.3.0        he2b93b0_3             conda-forge
  gxx_linux-64               12.3.0        h8a814eb_2             conda-forge
  harfbuzz                   8.3.0         h3d44ed6_0             conda-forge
  hdf5                       1.14.2        nompi_h4f84152_100     conda-forge
  icu                        73.2          h59595ed_0             conda-forge
  jack                       1.9.22        h7c63dc7_2             conda-forge
  kernel-headers_linux-64    2.6.32        he073ed8_16            conda-forge
  keyutils                   1.6.1         h166bdaf_0             conda-forge
  krb5                       1.21.2        h659d440_0             conda-forge
  lame                       3.100         h166bdaf_1003          conda-forge
  ld_impl_linux-64           2.40          h41732ed_0             conda-forge
  lerc                       4.0.0         h27087fc_0             conda-forge
  libaec                     1.1.2         h59595ed_1             conda-forge
  libblas                    3.9.0         20_linux64_openblas    conda-forge
  libbrotlicommon            1.1.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  libbrotlidec               1.1.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  libbrotlienc               1.1.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  libcap                     2.69          h0f662aa_0             conda-forge
  libcblas                   3.9.0         20_linux64_openblas    conda-forge
  libclang                   15.0.7        default_h7634d5b_3     conda-forge
  libclang13                 15.0.7        default_h9986a30_3     conda-forge
  libcups                    2.3.3         h4637d8d_4             conda-forge
  libcurl                    8.4.0         hca28451_0             conda-forge
  libdb                      6.2.32        h9c3ff4c_0             conda-forge
  libdeflate                 1.19          hd590300_0             conda-forge
  libedit                    3.1.20191231  he28a2e2_2             conda-forge
  libev                      4.33          h516909a_1             conda-forge
  libevent                   2.1.12        hf998b51_1             conda-forge
  libexpat                   2.5.0         hcb278e6_1             conda-forge
  libffi                     3.4.2         h7f98852_5             conda-forge
  libflac                    1.4.3         h59595ed_0             conda-forge
  libgcc-devel_linux-64      12.3.0        h8bca6fd_103           conda-forge
  libgcc-ng                  13.2.0        h807b86a_3             conda-forge
  libgcrypt                  1.10.2        hd590300_0             conda-forge
  libgd                      2.3.3         he9388d3_8             conda-forge
  libgfortran-ng             13.2.0        h69a702a_3             conda-forge
  libgfortran5               13.2.0        ha4646dd_3             conda-forge
  libglib                    2.78.1        h783c2da_1             conda-forge
  libglu                     9.0.0         hac7e632_1003          conda-forge
  libgomp                    13.2.0        h807b86a_3             conda-forge
  libgpg-error               1.47          h71f35ed_0             conda-forge
  libhwloc                   2.9.3         default_h554bfaf_1009  conda-forge
  libiconv                   1.17          h166bdaf_0             conda-forge
  libjpeg-turbo           hd590300_1             conda-forge
  liblapack                  3.9.0         20_linux64_openblas    conda-forge
  liblapacke                 3.9.0         20_linux64_openblas    conda-forge
  libllvm15                  15.0.7        h5cf9203_3             conda-forge
  libnghttp2                 1.58.0        h47da74e_0             conda-forge
  libnsl                     2.0.1         hd590300_0             conda-forge
  libogg                     1.3.4         h7f98852_1             conda-forge
  libopenblas                0.3.25        pthreads_h413a1c8_0    conda-forge
  libopus                    1.3.1         h7f98852_1             conda-forge
  libpng                     1.6.39        h753d276_0             conda-forge
  libpq                      15.4          hfc447b1_2             conda-forge
  libpsl                     0.21.2        h3253dac_1             conda-forge
  libsanitizer               12.3.0        h0f45ef3_3             conda-forge
  libsndfile                 1.2.2         hbc2eb40_0             conda-forge
  libsodium                  1.0.18        h36c2ea0_1             conda-forge
  libsoup                    3.4.4         hb337396_0             conda-forge
  libsqlite                  3.44.2        h2797004_0             conda-forge
  libssh2                    1.11.0        h0841786_0             conda-forge
  libstdcxx-devel_linux-64   12.3.0        h8bca6fd_103           conda-forge
  libstdcxx-ng               13.2.0        h7e041cc_3             conda-forge
  libsystemd0                254           h3516f8a_0             conda-forge
  libtiff                    4.6.0         h29866fb_1             conda-forge
  libuuid                    2.38.1        h0b41bf4_0             conda-forge
  libuv                      1.46.0        hd590300_0             conda-forge
  libvorbis                  1.3.7         h9c3ff4c_0             conda-forge
  libwebp                    1.3.2         hdffd6e0_0             conda-forge
  libwebp-base               1.3.2         hd590300_0             conda-forge
  libxcb                     1.15          h0b41bf4_0             conda-forge
  libxkbcommon               1.6.0         h5d7e998_0             conda-forge
  libxml2                    2.11.6        h232c23b_0             conda-forge
  libzlib                    1.2.13        hd590300_5             conda-forge
  lz4-c                      1.9.4         hcb278e6_0             conda-forge
  make                       4.3           hd18ef5c_1             conda-forge
  metis                      5.1.1         h59595ed_2             conda-forge
  mpfr                       4.2.1         h9458935_0             conda-forge
  mpg123                     1.31.3        hcb278e6_0             conda-forge
  mysql-common               8.0.33        hf1915f5_6             conda-forge
  mysql-libs                 8.0.33        hca2cd23_6             conda-forge
  ncurses                    6.4           h59595ed_2             conda-forge
  nspr                       4.35          h27087fc_0             conda-forge
  nss                        3.95          h1d7d5a4_0             conda-forge
  octave                     8.3.0         hd519df5_1             conda-forge
  openssl                    3.1.4         hd590300_0             conda-forge
  packaging                  23.2          pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  pango                      1.50.14       ha41ecd1_2             conda-forge
  pcre                       8.45          h9c3ff4c_0             conda-forge
  pcre2                      10.42         hcad00b1_0             conda-forge
  perl                       5.32.1        4_hd590300_perl5       conda-forge
  pip                        23.3.1        pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  pixman                     0.42.2        h59595ed_0             conda-forge
  ply                        3.11          py_1                   conda-forge
  portaudio                  19.6.0        h7c63dc7_9             conda-forge
  pthread-stubs              0.4           h36c2ea0_1001          conda-forge
  pulseaudio-client          16.1          hb77b528_5             conda-forge
  pyqt                       5.15.9        py311hf0fb5b6_5        conda-forge
  pyqt5-sip                  12.12.2       py311hb755f60_5        conda-forge
  python                     3.11.6        hab00c5b_0_cpython     conda-forge
  python_abi                 3.11          4_cp311                conda-forge
  qhull                      2020.2        h4bd325d_2             conda-forge
  qscintilla2                2.14.1        py311h4c6dc46_0        conda-forge
  qt-main                    5.15.8        hc47bfe8_16            conda-forge
  readline                   8.2           h8228510_1             conda-forge
  rhash                      1.4.4         hd590300_0             conda-forge
  setuptools                 68.2.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  sip                        6.7.12        py311hb755f60_0        conda-forge
  sqlite                     3.44.2        h2c6b66d_0             conda-forge
  suitesparse                5.10.1        h9e50725_1             conda-forge
  sundials                   6.6.2         h777d08e_1             conda-forge
  sysroot_linux-64           2.12          he073ed8_16            conda-forge
  tbb                        2021.10.0     h00ab1b0_2             conda-forge
  texinfo                    7.0           pl5321h0f457ee_0       conda-forge
  tk                         8.6.13        noxft_h4845f30_101     conda-forge
  toml                       0.10.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  tomli                      2.0.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  tzdata                     2023c         h71feb2d_0             conda-forge
  wheel                      0.42.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
  x264                       1!164.3095    h166bdaf_2             conda-forge
  xcb-util                   0.4.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  xcb-util-image             0.4.0         h8ee46fc_1             conda-forge
  xcb-util-keysyms           0.4.0         h8ee46fc_1             conda-forge
  xcb-util-renderutil        0.3.9         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  xcb-util-wm                0.4.1         h8ee46fc_1             conda-forge
  xkeyboard-config           2.40          hd590300_0             conda-forge
  xorg-damageproto           1.2.1         h7f98852_1002          conda-forge
  xorg-fixesproto            5.0           h7f98852_1002          conda-forge
  xorg-kbproto               1.0.7         h7f98852_1002          conda-forge
  xorg-libice                1.1.1         hd590300_0             conda-forge
  xorg-libsm                 1.2.4         h7391055_0             conda-forge
  xorg-libx11                1.8.7         h8ee46fc_0             conda-forge
  xorg-libxau                1.0.11        hd590300_0             conda-forge
  xorg-libxdamage            1.1.5         h7f98852_1             conda-forge
  xorg-libxdmcp              1.1.3         h7f98852_0             conda-forge
  xorg-libxext               1.3.4         h0b41bf4_2             conda-forge
  xorg-libxfixes             5.0.3         h7f98852_1004          conda-forge
  xorg-libxrender            0.9.11        hd590300_0             conda-forge
  xorg-libxt                 1.3.0         hd590300_1             conda-forge
  xorg-renderproto           0.11.1        h7f98852_1002          conda-forge
  xorg-util-macros           1.19.3        h7f98852_0             conda-forge
  xorg-xextproto             7.3.0         h0b41bf4_1003          conda-forge
  xorg-xf86vidmodeproto      2.3.1         h7f98852_1002          conda-forge
  xorg-xproto                7.0.31        h7f98852_1007          conda-forge
  xz                         5.2.6         h166bdaf_0             conda-forge
  zeromq                     4.3.5         h59595ed_0             conda-forge
  zlib                       1.2.13        hd590300_5             conda-forge
  zstd                       1.5.5         hfc55251_0             conda-forge
Olaf987 commented 9 months ago

I have some experience with this. What works for me is to install not only Octave but also "cxx-compiler" and "fortran-compiler". Conda or Mamba will sort out the the right dependencies when you do this.

iandol commented 9 months ago

Hi @Olaf987, thanks for your advice. I do have both cxx-compiler and fortran-compiler in my packages list as they get installed by compilers package. Are you suggesting not to install compilers, and install these directly. Which OS are you on. Thank you!

Olaf987 commented 9 months ago


First of all I am using Linux Mint but I experienced similar pkg issues related to compilers not working as they should. This happened not only for Octave, but also for other virtual environments (SageMath, Spyder) that I created with the miniconda based mamba ( They are all supposed to pull in the compilers automatically but something seems to go wrong. The solution turns out to be explicitly adding the compiler metapackages "cxx-compiler" and "fortran-compiler" to the mamba install command or file list. For me this resolved all issues. I hope it does the same for you. Please let me know if that works.