Open h-vetinari opened 3 years ago
Just saw the work in #27, but even with cuda_compiler_version=="None"
, the azure machine runs out of memory...
i think we need somebody to build this locally then upload it. but licensing issues have stopped us from doing that with windows.
How do licencing issues come into this? 🤔 (that wouldn't equally apply e.g. to
i'm not too sure. I think a ping to to the right person with a large windows machine might go a long way.
@isuruf any ideas?
Build fails with,
Building CXX object caffe2\torch\CMakeFiles\torch_python.dir\csrc\Device.cpp.obj
FAILED: caffe2/torch/CMakeFiles/torch_python.dir/csrc/Device.cpp.obj
"C:\PROGRA~2\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe" /nologo /TP -DBUILDING_TESTS -DFMT_HEADER_ONLY=1 -DMINIZ_DISABLE_ZIP_READER_CRC32_CHECKS -DONNXIFI_ENABLE_EXT=1 -DONNX_ML=1 -DONNX_NAMESPACE=onnx_torch -DTHP_BUILD_MAIN_LIB -DUSE_C10D -DUSE_C10D_GLOO -DUSE_DISTRIBUTED -DUSE_EXTERNAL_MZCRC -DUSE_NUMPY -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE=1 -Dtorch_python_EXPORTS -Iaten\src -I..\aten\src -I. -I..\ -I..\cmake\..\third_party\benchmark\include -Icaffe2\contrib\aten -I..\third_party\onnx -Ithird_party\onnx -I..\third_party\foxi -Ithird_party\foxi -I..\torch\.. -I..\torch\..\aten\src -I..\torch\..\aten\src\TH -Icaffe2\aten\src -Ithird_party -I..\torch\..\third_party\valgrind-headers -I..\torch\..\third_party\gloo -I..\torch\..\third_party\onnx -I..\torch\csrc -I..\torch\csrc\api\include -I..\torch\lib -I..\torch\lib\libshm_windows -I..\torch\csrc\api -I..\c10\.. -Ithird_party\ideep\mkl-dnn\include -I..\third_party\ideep\mkl-dnn\src\..\include -I..\third_party\fmt\include -I..\torch\lib\c10d\.. -I..\torch\lib\c10d\..\..\.. -Ithird_party\gloo -I..\cmake\..\third_party\gloo -I..\cmake\..\third_party\googletest\googlemock\include -I..\cmake\..\third_party\googletest\googletest\include -I..\third_party\protobuf\src -I..\third_party -I..\cmake\..\third_party\eigen -IC:\bld\pytorch-recipe_1609392400304\_h_env\include -IC:\bld\pytorch-recipe_1609392400304\_h_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include -I..\cmake\..\third_party\pybind11\include -I..\third_party\ideep\mkl-dnn\include -I..\third_party\ideep\include /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /GR /EHsc /w /bigobj -openmp:experimental -DNDEBUG -DUSE_FBGEMM -DUSE_VULKAN_WRAPPER -DHAVE_AVX_CPU_DEFINITION -DHAVE_AVX2_CPU_DEFINITION /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG /w /bigobj -DNDEBUG -DCAFFE2_USE_GLOO -DUSE_GCC_GET_CPUID -DUSE_AVX -DUSE_AVX2 -DTH_HAVE_THREAD /EHsc /DNOMINMAX /wd4267 /wd4251 /wd4522 /wd4838 /wd4305 /wd4244 /wd4190 /wd4101 /wd4996 /wd4275 /bigobj -std:c++14 /showIncludes /Focaffe2\torch\CMakeFiles\torch_python.dir\csrc\Device.cpp.obj /Fdcaffe2\torch\CMakeFiles\torch_python.dir\ /FS -c ..\torch\csrc\Device.cpp
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\include\complex(354): error C2039: 'copysign': is not a member of '`global namespace''
cc @seemethere
Would the new cirun setup support windows, or is it linux-only?
Any news on this? I'm hoping to migrate a 3-OS package I maintain from Tensorflow to Pytorch to deal with Google's more-or-less abandonment of tensorflow on windows, and not having Pytorch builds will be a showstopper.
Any news on this? I'm hoping to migrate a 3-OS package I maintain from Tensorflow to Pytorch to deal with Google's more-or-less abandonment of tensorflow on windows, and not having Pytorch builds will be a showstopper.
Im still working on this in: Hopefully not long now!
@baszalmstra Hello, sorry to keep pestering you on this; how's this going?
@pgunn The "only" thing that needs to happen is use protobuf from conda-forge instead of using the vendored one.
I have not gotten around to continue this yet. Hope to get back to it soon!
Ha, not surprising to see Google vendoring stuff (I never worked there, but in another big tech company I used to work at we had an annoying tendency to vendor things). It creates a lot of tangles.
@baszalmstra Hello, Sorry to bug you again on this, but with a mix of anaconda starting to become all-elbows with enforcing its new license for the defaults channel and this has become urgent.
Is there any chance you might have time to finish this anytime soon? I regret that I lack the context or time to be able to hop in and help.
(if you have a tip jar or something I'd be happy to toss something in, in appreciation for the work you've done on this)
(if you have a tip jar or something I'd be happy to toss something in, in appreciation for the work you've done on this)
I just opened to track better funding for this.
Hey @pgunn ! I apologize, I haven't been able to find the time.
Let me get a local build up and running today so I can at least report the issue Im facing.
@baszalmstra How's this going?
Any news on this?
Best to follow the PR here:
There's CI for windows, but it fails. The only available builds are for
, v1.1.0 more than 1.5 years ago, nothing for the newerpytorch
output yet.Would be cool, as I'm trying to add builds for windows for