conda-forge / sagelib-feedstock

A conda-smithy repository for sagelib.
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Fix doctests #19

Open saraedum opened 6 years ago

saraedum commented 6 years ago

It would be great to make sage -tp src pass. (And sage -tp --long src as well.)

A GitLab CI pipeline runs these doctests, the results of the latest run are:

227 failing individual doctests

No modules are failing entirely at the moment.

For reference, here are the corresponding numbers in Debian (for --long doctests.)


saraedum commented 6 years ago

We can see how we're doing once #20 has been merged.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

I started to run doctests here:

saraedum commented 6 years ago

I want to wait for before I continue with this.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Now that conda-forge/sage-feedstock#15 is merged, can you rerun?

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Sure. Should be ready in two hours or so.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

There was some HTTP error. I restarted the test.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Looks like it installed a previous version.

sage:                               8.1-py27_0                    conda-forge
saraedum commented 6 years ago

So when I say conda create -n sagemath sage=8.1 then I get sage: 8.1-py27_0 conda-forge.

The problem is not that the dependencies of the _1 build are not satisfiable anymore: conda create -n sagemath sage=8.1 'alabaster>=0.7.8' 'arb>=2.11.1,<3' 'backports.shutil_get_terminal_size>=1.0.0,<2' 'backports_abc>=0.5' 'bdw-gc>=7.2f,<8' 'boost-cpp>=1.61.0,<2' 'brial>=1.0.1,<2' 'cddlib>=0.94g' 'certifi>=2016.2.28' 'cliquer>=1.21,<2' 'configparser>=3.5.0,<4' 'cvxopt>=1.1.8,<2' 'cycler>=0.10.0' 'cysignals>=1.6.5,<2' 'decorator>=4.0.6,<5' 'docutils>=0.13.1' 'ecl>=16.1.2,<17' 'eclib>=20171002' 'ecm>=7.0.4,<8' 'entrypoints>=0.2.2' 'fflas-ffpack>=2.2.2,<2.3.0' 'flintqs>=1.0,<2' 'fplll>=5.2.0,<6' 'fpylll>=0.3.0dev' 'freetype>=2.6.3,<3' 'functools32>=3.2.3,<4' 'future>=0.15.2' 'gap>=4.8.6,<5' 'gf2x>=1.2,<2' 'gfan>=0.5' 'giac>=1.2.3,<2' 'givaro=4.0.2' 'glpk>=4.63,<5' 'gmp>=6.1.2,<7' 'gsl>=2.3,<3' 'iml>=1.0.4,<2' 'ipykernel>=4.6.1,<5' 'ipython>=5.1.0,<6' 'ipython_genutils>=0.2.0' 'ipywidgets>=6.0.0,<7' 'jinja2>=2.8,<3' 'jsonschema>=2.5.1,<3' 'jupyter_client>=5.1.0,<6' 'jupyter_core>=4.3.0,<5' 'lcalc>=1.23,<2' 'libflint>=2.5.2,<3' 'libgap>=4.8.6,<5' 'libgd>=,<3' 'libiconv>=1.14,<2' 'libpng>=1.6.29,<2' 'linbox>=1.4.2,<1.5' 'lrcalc>=1.2,<2' 'm4ri>=20140914' 'm4rie>=20150908' 'matplotlib>=1.5.1,<2' 'maxima>=5.39.0,<6' 'mistune>=0.7.3' 'mpc>=1.0.3,<2' 'mpfi>=1.5.1,<2' 'mpfr>=3.1.5,<4' 'mpmath>=0.19' 'nauty>=2.6r7,<3' 'nbconvert>=4.2.0,<5' 'nbformat>=4.4.0,<5' 'ncurses>=5.9,<7' 'networkx>=1.11,<2' 'notebook>=4.4.1,<5' 'ntl>=10.3.0,<11' 'numpy>=1.13.3,<2' 'openblas>=0.2.20' 'palp>=2.1,<3' 'pari>=2.9,<3' '>=7.1,<8' 'pathlib2>=2.1.0,<3' 'pexpect>=4.1.0,<5' 'pickleshare>=0.7.2' 'planarity>=,<4' 'ppl>=1.2,<2' 'prompt_toolkit>=1.0.9,<2' 'psutil>=5.2.0,<6' 'ptyprocess>=0.5.1' 'pycrypto>=2.6.1,<3' 'pygments>=2.2.0,<3' 'pynac>=0.7.12' 'pyparsing>=2.1.5,<3' 'python=2.7*' 'python-dateutil>=2.5.3,<3' 'pytz>=2016.4' 'pyzmq>=16.0.0,<17' 'ratpoints>=2.1.3,<3' 'readline=6.2*' 'rpy2>=2.8.2,<3' 'rubiks>=20070912' 'rw>=0.7' 'sagelib=8.1' 'sagemath-db-combinatorial-designs>=20140630' 'sagemath-db-conway-polynomials>=0.5.*' 'sagemath-db-elliptic-curves>=0.8' 'sagemath-db-graphs>=20161026' 'sagemath-db-polytopes>=20170220' 'scipy>=0.19.1' 'simplegeneric>=0.8.1' 'singledispatch>=,<4' 'singular>=4.1.0p3,<5' 'six>=1.11.0,<2' 'sqlite>=3.17,<4' 'ssl_match_hostname>=,<4' 'symmetrica>=2.0,<3' 'sympow>=1.018.1,<2' 'sympy>=1.1.1,<2' 'terminado>=0.6' 'tornado>=4.3,<5' 'traitlets>=4.3.1,<5' 'wcwidth>=0.1.7' 'widgetsnbextension>=2.0.0,<3' 'zeromq>=4.0.5,<5' 'zlib>=1.2.11,<2' 'zn_poly>=0.9' actually works and installs _1.

I guess this is just a "bug" in conda. It doesn't give the latest build of what I actually asked for high enough priority over some other choices it can make it seems.

Is there anything we can do other than removing the _0 build?

isuruf commented 6 years ago

I'll move the _0 build to a different label

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Done. Can you restart?

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Ok. Let's see what it says in a couple of hours.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Added a TODO

saraedum commented 6 years ago

I have not tried to find out yet what's the issue…

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
  - gcc
  - sage 8.2*
isuruf commented 6 years ago

Probably mpfr.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

True. gcc does not come from conda-forge. Any workaround?

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Use the system package manager?

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Haha, sorry, for asking such dumb questions ;)

saraedum commented 6 years ago

One killed and one timeout less. And a few thousand fewer doctests failing.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Did you have jmol installed? Does jmol work in a headless image?

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Newest build

saraedum commented 6 years ago

@isuruf: I just gave you access to my gitlab repo so we can work on the same fork.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

I just pushed to your repo. Here's the latest build.

There are some issues with cddlib

saraedum commented 6 years ago

The output of cddlib has changed in a recent version. I just released 0.94j which together with should fix these.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Or let's just pin it to the right version rather ;) see

saraedum commented 6 years ago

We can not pin to 0.94g because it's not in conda-forge. So should we patch Sage's parser or backport the uppgrade to 0.94j?

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Debian's debian/patches/u1-version-cddlib-094h.patch should do the trick. I'll create a PR.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

That worked. Down to 123 failures

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, we know hit the 3h limit on gitlab.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Let's use some private runners then…

saraedum commented 6 years ago

For some reason R hangs at the first invocation from Sage, i.e., the expect interface hangs. I run the following from both an upstream Sage and conda's Sage:

sage: %r

  --> Switching to R Interpreter <--

r: 1+1

Internally, conda's R produces:

> 1+519502659;
[1] 519502660
<R__PROMPT__> ", width=100,pager="cat",device="png")

whereas Sage's R produces:

> 1+695904367;
[1] 695904368
<SAGE__R__PROMPT__> ", width=100,pager="cat",device="png")                   
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> 1+378998609;
[1] 378998610
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> options(repos="")
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> 1+152632009;
[1] 152632010
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> options(CRAN="")
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> 1+586856521;
[1] 586856522
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> options(error = expression(NULL))
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> 1+1334779490;
[1] 1334779491
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> set.seed(428099105)
__SAGE__R__PROMPT__> 1+1
[1] 2

Any ideas what could be the issue?

isuruf commented 6 years ago

what does conda list | grep r-base give you?

saraedum commented 6 years ago
❯ conda list |grep r-base
r-base                    3.4.1                         4    conda-forge
saraedum commented 6 years ago

It appears that pexpect is making the difference. Sage uses 4.1.0, conda has 4.6.0. Strangely everything appears to work if I shorten sage's R prompt from __SAGE_R_PROMPT> to __SAGE__>.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

There is an upstream ticket about the 4.6.0 upgrade:

kiwifb commented 6 years ago

Have you ever adopted this patch originally from debian?

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Interesting. Thanks, I was not aware of that one.

kiwifb commented 6 years ago

It helped me with readline 7.0 but I am wondering if it would help here as well. Haven't looked at pexpect 4.6.0 in gentoo yet. Mostly because it isn't in the main tree.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

And it actually makes things work. See for upstreaming this.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

@isuruf why did you install numpy 1.13 in 0b2f6d3b05d7bfb767a2e385a2d916ab5f5bcac9? This seems to cause errors, see CI

ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import

Locally with 1.14 these imports work fine.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

This is now

isuruf commented 6 years ago

I installed 1.13 because the printing of arrays changed and there were doctests failing. I guess the new sage versions fixed the doctests

saraedum commented 6 years ago

I see. Do you mean these?

    array([[[ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.]],
           [[ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.]],
           [[ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.]]])
    array([[[1., 1., 1.],
            [1., 1., 1.],
            [1., 1., 1.]],
           [[1., 1., 1.],
            [0., 0., 0.],
            [1., 1., 1.]],
           [[1., 1., 1.],
            [1., 1., 1.],
            [1., 1., 1.]]])

If so, let me try to make the tests less strict upstream.

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Seems like a NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE would fix these. No, actually not.

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Yes, doctests like that failed

saraedum commented 6 years ago

Nice, numpy has a legacy printing mode to print like 1.13 :)

saraedum commented 6 years ago

@isuruf: Any idea where these floating point errors that crash Sage could come from?

isuruf commented 6 years ago

Also needs and

saraedum commented 6 years ago

@isuruf: We are now having trouble with maxima not being run with the same ecl that it was built with: RuntimeError: ECL says: Module error: Don't know how to REQUIRE MAXIMA. Apparently we need to pin exactly when building something with ecl.

timokau commented 6 years ago

That error occurs when ecl can't find maxima.fas. You could try explicitly setting the MAXIMA_FAS environment variable to the correct location. Maybe that'll work without rebuilding ecl.

saraedum commented 5 years ago

With we are now down to 8 modules timing out and 340 failing tests.