conda / conda-lock

Lightweight lockfile for conda environments
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Graduate conda-lock to main conda organization #319

Closed mariusvniekerk closed 1 year ago

mariusvniekerk commented 1 year ago

As conda-lock has been stably in use by much of the greater conda ecosystem and has been reliable for quite some time, I would like to graduate conda-lock to the main conda organization.

We have a small but sufficiently active core group of constributors between myself @maresb and @bollwyvl with some occasional assistance from @wolfv . Graduation would mean that we can more easily establish the conda-lock format as a standard specification that can be used by conda/mamba to install environments with.

mariusvniekerk commented 1 year ago


This proposal falls under the Incorporate a Software Project into the main conda Organization policy of the conda governance policy, please vote and/or comment on this proposal.

It needs 60% of the Steering Council to vote yes to pass.

To vote, please leave yes, no or abstain as comments below this issue.

If you have questions concerning the proposal, please leave a comment below as well.

This vote will end on 2023-01-28.

msarahan commented 1 year ago

yes - good addition, Marius. Thanks others for helping to maintain.

beckermr commented 1 year ago


jakirkham commented 1 year ago


jezdez commented 1 year ago


xhochy commented 1 year ago


jaimergp commented 1 year ago


ocefpaf commented 1 year ago


chenghlee commented 1 year ago


marcelotrevisani commented 1 year ago


goanpeca commented 1 year ago


mbargull commented 1 year ago


jezdez commented 1 year ago

Voting Results

This was a standard, non-timed-out vote.

Among Steering Council members there are 11 "yes", 0 "no", and no abstentions.

This vote has reached quorum (11 is at least 60% of 15).

It has also passed since it recorded 11 "yes" votes and 0 "no" votes giving 11/11 which is greater than 60% of 11.

jezdez commented 1 year ago

The repo has been transferred to the conda organization and the conda-lock team from the incubator recreated:

@ericdill @maresb @ocefpaf @mariusvniekerk @scopatz Please check your emails for invitations to the conda organization. Also please let me know if you plan to NOT join the team in the conda org. Thank you!

jezdez commented 1 year ago

The majority of maintainers have joined the project team. There are probably changes needed to update URLs etc.

jezdez commented 1 year ago

Other than #324, I've also opened to automatically sync the Conda Code of Conduct to the conda-lock repo.

@conda/conda-lock If you would like to use any of the OTHER GitHub config files from the infra repo, please let me know. We have standard files for:

Here's the full sync config:

Since conda-lock has probably an own set of practices, I want to clarify that these things are optional, even the Code of Conduct sync as we have one centrally configured in It may be useful for some people to have the file available in the repo directly, though.

If you have suggestions for the change, feedback is very welcome.

dbast commented 1 year ago

Seems the repo had renovate activated before the move, there is still the Dependency Dashboard and config file ... Should renovate be activated again?

jezdez commented 1 year ago

@dbast Good catch, I've enabled it again for conda-lock.

jezdez commented 1 year ago

Closing since I think all of the steps needed for the graduation have been done.

@conda/conda-lock Please file issues in the repo in case you need help with any of the GitHub org setup.