conda / conda-lock

Lightweight lockfile for conda environments
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Platform specific dependencies clarification #497

Closed b4rlw closed 10 months ago

b4rlw commented 10 months ago

Not sure if this is a bug, or if I'm misunderstanding the intended functionality. Given the implementation, for the following environment.yml file:

  - conda-forge
  - python=3.11.*
  - poetry=1.6.*
  - gcc_linux-64
  - gcc_linux-aarch64
  - osx-arm64
  - linux-64
  - linux-aarch64

Expected behaviour

If I install the resulting lockfile on:

osx-arm64: I get only Python and Poetry. linux-64: I get Python Poetry and GCC. linux-aarch64: I get Python Poetry and GCC.

Actual behaviour

Locking fails for osx-arm64 because it can't find gcc_linux-64 and gcc_linux-aarch64.

maresb commented 10 months ago

Hey, thanks for the precise report. In order to achieve your expected behavior you should use preprocessing selectors. Note that these are not fully implemented in conda-lock, so feel free to open issues if you run into unexpected behavior.

Here's what your environment.yml should look like:

  - conda-forge
  - python=3.11.*
  - poetry=1.6.*
  - gcc_linux-64  # [linux]
  - gcc_linux-aarch64  # [aarch64]
  - osx-arm64
  - linux-64
  - linux-aarch64

And then when you run conda-lock you should see

WARNING:conda_lock.src_parser.selectors:filtered out line `  - gcc_linux-64  # [linux]` due to unmatchable selector
WARNING:conda_lock.src_parser.selectors:filtered out line `  - gcc_linux-aarch64  # [aarch64]` due to unmatchable selector
WARNING:conda_lock.src_parser.selectors:filtered out line `  - gcc_linux-aarch64  # [aarch64]` due to unmatchable selector
Locking dependencies for ['linux-64', 'linux-aarch64', 'osx-arm64']...
INFO:conda_lock.conda_solver:linux-64 using specs ['python 3.11.*', 'poetry 1.6.*', 'gcc_linux-64']
INFO:conda_lock.conda_solver:linux-aarch64 using specs ['python 3.11.*', 'poetry 1.6.*', 'gcc_linux-64', 'gcc_linux-aarch64']
INFO:conda_lock.conda_solver:osx-arm64 using specs ['python 3.11.*', 'poetry 1.6.*']
 - Install lock using: conda-lock install --name YOURENV conda-lock.yml

(Those warning messages are really confusing, so I opened #498.)

Since platform-specific stuff is a pain, I'd recommend instead using the helper package cxx-compiler which should in most cases get you what you need, regardless of platform.

Does that answer your question?

b4rlw commented 10 months ago

Yes it does, thank you. I didn't understand preprocessing selectors - I saw the words "WARNING" and "unmatchable" and assumed something was going wrong, haha.

In fact cxx-compiler was exactly what I was looking for! My Docker image was failing to build because psutil needed gcc, but wouldn't work using the preprocessing selectors method. Shoving in cxx-compiler and losing the selectors allowed the build to complete properly for all platforms, so cheers for the recommendation!