conda / conda-lock

Lightweight lockfile for conda environments
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Allow for conda install to accept URLs to lock files as the lock file positonal argument #511

Open matthewfeickert opened 9 months ago

matthewfeickert commented 9 months ago


What is the idea?

Hi. It would be a nice feature to be able to give a URL to a lock file for conda-lock install's lock file positional argument

conda-lock install [OPTIONS] [LOCK_FILE]

as can be done with micromamba create's --file argument.

At the moment conda-lock install explicitly looks for a local file with pathlib.Path

Why is this needed?

It would be in general nice to be able to have similar syntacic features to the conda/mamba/micromamba create command. To give an explicit example, this create command with a URL to a valid conda-lock file is valid

$ micromamba create --name iris-hep --file

but to do the same action with conda-lock install requires downloading it locally first

$ curl -sLO
$ conda-lock install --micromamba --name iris-hep conda-lock.yml

This is very much a convienence feature, but it would be nice to have.

What should happen?

The user experience would be that the lock file positional argument in the conda-lock install CLI

conda-lock install [OPTIONS] [LOCK_FILE]

would accept either a valid URL or a valid local path. So both of the following would be valid

Additional Context

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maresb commented 9 months ago

That would be pretty awesome. Want to write a PR?

matthewfeickert commented 9 months ago

Want to write a PR?

I'm generally not opposed to it, and I would probably just poke at what micromamba does, but realistically I woudn't be able to start contributing anything for at least a month given the amount of backlog I have for my work. So I would welcome another contributor to beat me to it.