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activate/deactivate changes to HOST environment variable #7031

Open rspiegl opened 6 years ago

rspiegl commented 6 years ago

I'm submitting a...

Current Behavior

When activating an environment the HOST environment variable is set to "x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu". After deactivating it isn't removed and still shows as host in my zshell.

Steps to Reproduce

HOST environment variable is unset before "source activate" sets it.

╭─sen@hercules ~  
╰─$ source activate keras35
INFO: made the following environmental changes:

INFO: made the following environmental changes:
+CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
+DEBUG_CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-all -fno-plt -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -fvar-tracking-assignments -pipe
+LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O2 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now

INFO: made the following environmental changes:
+CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17 -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
+DEBUG_CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17 -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-all -fno-plt -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -fvar-tracking-assignments -pipe

(keras35) ╭─sen@x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu ~  
╰─$ source deactivate
INFO: made the following environmental changes:
-CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17 -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
-DEBUG_CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17 -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-all -fno-plt -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -fvar-tracking-assignments -pipe

INFO: made the following environmental changes:
-CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
-DEBUG_CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-all -fno-plt -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -fvar-tracking-assignments -pipe
-LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O2 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now

INFO: made the following environmental changes:

╭─sen@x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu ~  
╰─$ printenv
CONDA_BACKUP_CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17 -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
CONDA_BACKUP_DEBUG_CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17 -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-all -fno-plt -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -fvar-tracking-assignments -pipe
CONDA_BACKUP_CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
CONDA_BACKUP_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O2 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
CONDA_BACKUP_DEBUG_CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-all -fno-plt -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -fvar-tracking-assignments -pipe

Expected Behavior

Should change the environment variable HOST back to its previous configuration.

Environment Information

`conda info`

``` conda info active environment : None shell level : 0 user config file : /home/sen/.condarc populated config files : conda version : 4.4.11 conda-build version : 3.0.27 python version : base environment : /home/sen/anaconda3 (writable) channel URLs : package cache : /home/sen/anaconda3/pkgs /home/sen/.conda/pkgs envs directories : /home/sen/anaconda3/envs /home/sen/.conda/envs platform : linux-64 user-agent : conda/4.4.11 requests/2.18.4 CPython/3.6.3 Linux/4.15.7-1-ARCH arch/ glibc/2.26 UID:GID : 1000:1000 netrc file : None offline mode : False ```

`conda config --show-sources`

``` [no output] ```

`conda list --show-channel-urls`

``` conda list --show-channel-urls # packages in environment at /home/sen/anaconda3: # # Name Version Build Channel _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py36he11e457_0 defaults alabaster 0.7.10 py36h306e16b_0 defaults anaconda custom py36hbbc8b67_0 defaults anaconda-client 1.6.5 py36h19c0dcd_0 defaults anaconda-navigator 1.6.9 py36h11ddaaa_0 defaults anaconda-project 0.8.0 py36h29abdf5_0 defaults asn1crypto 0.22.0 py36h265ca7c_1 defaults astroid 1.5.3 py36hbdb9df2_0 defaults astropy 2.0.2 py36ha51211e_4 defaults babel 2.5.0 py36h7d14adf_0 defaults backports 1.0 py36hfa02d7e_1 defaults backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py36hfea85ff_2 defaults backports.weakref 1.0rc1 py36_0 defaults beautifulsoup4 4.6.0 py36h49b8c8c_1 defaults bitarray 0.8.1 py36h5834eb8_0 defaults bkcharts 0.2 py36h735825a_0 defaults blaze 0.11.3 py36h4e06776_0 defaults bleach 1.5.0 py36_0 defaults bokeh 0.12.10 py36hbb0e44a_0 defaults boto 2.48.0 py36h6e4cd66_1 defaults bottleneck 1.2.1 py36haac1ea0_0 defaults bzip2 1.0.6 h0376d23_1 defaults ca-certificates 2017.08.26 h1d4fec5_0 defaults cairo 1.14.10 haa5651f_5 defaults certifi 2018.1.18 py36_0 defaults cffi 1.10.0 py36had8d393_1 defaults chardet 3.0.4 py36h0f667ec_1 defaults click 6.7 py36h5253387_0 defaults cloudpickle 0.4.0 py36h30f8c20_0 defaults clyent 1.2.2 py36h7e57e65_1 defaults colorama 0.3.9 py36h489cec4_0 defaults conda 4.4.11 py36_0 defaults conda-build 3.0.27 py36h940a66d_0 defaults conda-env 2.6.0 h36134e3_1 defaults conda-verify 2.0.0 py36h98955d8_0 defaults contextlib2 0.5.5 py36h6c84a62_0 defaults cryptography 2.0.3 py36ha225213_1 defaults curl 7.55.1 hcb0b314_2 defaults cycler 0.10.0 py36h93f1223_0 defaults cython 0.26.1 py36h21c49d0_0 defaults cytoolz 0.8.2 py36h708bfd4_0 defaults dask 0.15.3 py36hdc2c8aa_0 defaults dask-core 0.15.3 py36h10e6167_0 defaults datashape 0.5.4 py36h3ad6b5c_0 defaults dbus 1.10.22 h3b5a359_0 defaults decorator 4.1.2 py36hd076ac8_0 defaults distributed 1.19.1 py36h25f3894_0 defaults docutils 0.14 py36hb0f60f5_0 defaults entrypoints 0.2.3 py36h1aec115_2 defaults et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py36hd6bccc3_0 defaults expat 2.2.4 hc00ebd1_1 defaults fastcache 1.0.2 py36h5b0c431_0 defaults filelock 2.0.12 py36hacfa1f5_0 defaults flask 0.12.2 py36hb24657c_0 defaults flask-cors 3.0.3 py36h2d857d3_0 defaults fontconfig 2.12.4 h88586e7_1 defaults freetype 2.8 h52ed37b_0 defaults get_terminal_size 1.0.0 haa9412d_0 defaults gevent 1.2.2 py36h2fe25dc_0 defaults glib 2.53.6 hc861d11_1 defaults glob2 0.5 py36h2c1b292_1 defaults gmp 6.1.2 hb3b607b_0 defaults gmpy2 2.0.8 py36h55090d7_1 defaults graphite2 1.3.10 hc526e54_0 defaults greenlet 0.4.12 py36h2d503a6_0 defaults gst-plugins-base 1.12.2 he3457e5_0 defaults gstreamer 1.12.2 h4f93127_0 defaults h5py 2.7.0 py36he81ebca_1 defaults harfbuzz 1.5.0 h2545bd6_0 defaults hdf5 1.10.1 hb0523eb_0 defaults heapdict 1.0.0 py36h79797d7_0 defaults html5lib 0.9999999 py36_0 defaults icu 58.2 h211956c_0 defaults idna 2.6 py36h82fb2a8_1 defaults imageio 2.2.0 py36he555465_0 defaults imagesize 0.7.1 py36h52d8127_0 defaults intel-openmp 2018.0.0 h15fc484_7 defaults ipykernel 4.6.1 py36hbf841aa_0 defaults ipython 6.1.0 py36hc72a948_1 defaults ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py36hb52b0d5_0 defaults ipywidgets 7.0.0 py36h7b55c3a_0 defaults isort 4.2.15 py36had401c0_0 defaults itsdangerous 0.24 py36h93cc618_1 defaults jbig 2.1 hdba287a_0 defaults jdcal 1.3 py36h4c697fb_0 defaults jedi 0.10.2 py36h552def0_0 defaults jinja2 2.9.6 py36h489bce4_1 defaults jpeg 9b habf39ab_1 defaults jsonschema 2.6.0 py36h006f8b5_0 defaults jupyter 1.0.0 py36h9896ce5_0 defaults jupyter_client 5.1.0 py36h614e9ea_0 defaults jupyter_console 5.2.0 py36he59e554_1 defaults jupyter_core 4.3.0 py36h357a921_0 defaults jupyterlab 0.27.0 py36h86377d0_2 defaults jupyterlab_launcher 0.4.0 py36h4d8058d_0 defaults lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1 py36h10fcdad_0 defaults libedit 3.1 heed3624_0 defaults libffi 3.2.1 h4deb6c0_3 defaults libgcc-ng 7.2.0 h7cc24e2_2 defaults libgfortran-ng 7.2.0 h9f7466a_2 defaults libpng 1.6.32 hda9c8bc_2 defaults libprotobuf 3.4.0 0 defaults libsodium 1.0.13 h31c71d8_2 defaults libssh2 1.8.0 h8c220ad_2 defaults libstdcxx-ng 7.2.0 h7a57d05_2 defaults libtiff 4.0.8 h90200ff_9 defaults libtool 2.4.6 hd50d1a6_0 defaults libxcb 1.12 h84ff03f_3 defaults libxml2 2.9.4 h6b072ca_5 defaults libxslt 1.1.29 hcf9102b_5 defaults llvmlite 0.20.0 py36_0 defaults locket 0.2.0 py36h787c0ad_1 defaults lxml 4.1.0 py36h5b66e50_0 defaults lzo 2.10 h1bfc0ba_1 defaults mako 1.0.7 py36h0727276_0 defaults markdown 2.6.9 py36_0 defaults markupsafe 1.0 py36hd9260cd_1 defaults matplotlib 2.1.0 py36hba5de38_0 defaults mccabe 0.6.1 py36h5ad9710_1 defaults mistune 0.7.4 py36hbab8784_0 defaults mkl 2018.0.0 hb491cac_4 defaults mkl-service 1.1.2 py36h17a0993_4 defaults mpc 1.0.3 hf803216_4 defaults mpfr 3.1.5 h12ff648_1 defaults mpmath 0.19 py36h8cc018b_2 defaults msgpack-python 0.4.8 py36hec4c5d1_0 defaults multipledispatch 0.4.9 py36h41da3fb_0 defaults navigator-updater 0.1.0 py36h14770f7_0 defaults nbconvert 5.3.1 py36hb41ffb7_0 defaults nbformat 4.4.0 py36h31c9010_0 defaults ncurses 6.0 h06874d7_1 defaults networkx 2.0 py36h7e96fb8_0 defaults nltk 3.2.4 py36h1a0979f_0 defaults nose 1.3.7 py36hcdf7029_2 defaults notebook 5.0.0 py36h0b20546_2 defaults numba 0.35.0 np113py36_10 defaults numexpr 2.6.2 py36hdd3393f_1 defaults numpy 1.13.3 py36ha12f23b_0 defaults numpydoc 0.7.0 py36h18f165f_0 defaults odo 0.5.1 py36h90ed295_0 defaults olefile 0.44 py36h79f9f78_0 defaults openpyxl 2.4.8 py36h41dd2a8_1 defaults openssl 1.0.2n hb7f436b_0 defaults packaging 16.8 py36ha668100_1 defaults pandas 0.20.3 py36h842e28d_2 defaults pandoc hea2e7c5_1 defaults pandocfilters 1.4.2 py36ha6701b7_1 defaults pango 1.40.11 h8191d47_0 defaults partd 0.3.8 py36h36fd896_0 defaults patchelf 0.9 hf79760b_2 defaults 10.3.1 py36he0c6f6d_0 defaults pathlib2 2.3.0 py36h49efa8e_0 defaults patsy 0.4.1 py36ha3be15e_0 defaults pcre 8.41 hc71a17e_0 defaults pep8 1.7.0 py36h26ade29_0 defaults pexpect 4.2.1 py36h3b9d41b_0 defaults pickleshare 0.7.4 py36h63277f8_0 defaults pillow 4.2.1 py36h9119f52_0 defaults pip 9.0.1 py36h8ec8b28_3 defaults pixman 0.34.0 h83dc358_2 defaults pkginfo 1.4.1 py36h215d178_1 defaults ply 3.10 py36hed35086_0 defaults prompt_toolkit 1.0.15 py36h17d85b1_0 defaults protobuf 3.4.0 py36_0 defaults psutil 5.4.0 py36h84c53db_0 defaults ptyprocess 0.5.2 py36h69acd42_0 defaults py 1.4.34 py36h0712aa3_1 defaults pycodestyle 2.3.1 py36hf609f19_0 defaults pycosat 0.6.3 py36h0a5515d_0 defaults pycparser 2.18 py36hf9f622e_1 defaults pycrypto 2.6.1 py36h6998063_1 defaults pycurl 7.43.0 py36h5e72054_3 defaults pyflakes 1.6.0 py36h7bd6a15_0 defaults pygments 2.2.0 py36h0d3125c_0 defaults pylint 1.7.4 py36hb9d4533_0 defaults pyodbc 4.0.17 py36h999153c_0 defaults pyopenssl 17.2.0 py36h5cc804b_0 defaults pyparsing 2.2.0 py36hee85983_1 defaults pyqt 5.6.0 py36h0386399_5 defaults pysocks 1.6.7 py36hd97a5b1_1 defaults pytables 3.4.2 py36h3b5282a_2 defaults pytest 3.2.1 py36h11ad3bb_1 defaults python 3.6.3 hc9025b9_1 defaults python-dateutil 2.6.1 py36h88d3b88_1 defaults pytz 2017.2 py36hc2ccc2a_1 defaults pywavelets 0.5.2 py36he602eb0_0 defaults pyyaml 3.12 py36hafb9ca4_1 defaults pyzmq 16.0.2 py36h3b0cf96_2 defaults qt 5.6.2 h974d657_12 defaults qtawesome 0.4.4 py36h609ed8c_0 defaults qtconsole 4.3.1 py36h8f73b5b_0 defaults qtpy 1.3.1 py36h3691cc8_0 defaults readline 7.0 hac23ff0_3 defaults requests 2.18.4 py36he2e5f8d_1 defaults rope 0.10.5 py36h1f8c17e_0 defaults ruamel_yaml 0.11.14 py36ha2fb22d_2 defaults scikit-image 0.13.0 py36had3c07a_1 defaults scikit-learn 0.19.1 py36h7aa7ec6_0 defaults scipy 0.19.1 py36h9976243_3 defaults scipy 1.0.0 seaborn 0.8.0 py36h197244f_0 defaults setuptools 36.5.0 py36he42e2e1_0 defaults simplegeneric 0.8.1 py36h2cb9092_0 defaults singledispatch py36h7a266c3_0 defaults sip 4.18.1 py36h51ed4ed_2 defaults six 1.11.0 py36h372c433_1 defaults snowballstemmer 1.2.1 py36h6febd40_0 defaults sortedcollections 0.5.3 py36h3c761f9_0 defaults sortedcontainers 1.5.7 py36hdf89491_0 defaults sphinx 1.6.3 py36he5f0bdb_0 defaults sphinxcontrib 1.0 py36h6d0f590_1 defaults sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.0.1 py36hb5cb234_1 defaults spyder 3.2.4 py36hbe6152b_0 defaults sqlalchemy 1.1.13 py36hfb5efd7_0 defaults sqlite 3.20.1 h6d8b0f3_1 defaults statsmodels 0.8.0 py36h8533d0b_0 defaults sympy 1.1.1 py36hc6d1c1c_0 defaults tblib 1.3.2 py36h34cf8b6_0 defaults tensorflow 1.3.0 0 defaults tensorflow-base 1.3.0 py36h5293eaa_1 defaults tensorflow-tensorboard 0.1.5 py36_0 defaults terminado 0.6 py36ha25a19f_0 defaults testpath 0.3.1 py36h8cadb63_0 defaults Theano 0.9.0 tk 8.6.7 h5979e9b_1 defaults toolz 0.8.2 py36h81f2dff_0 defaults tornado 4.5.2 py36h1283b2a_0 defaults traitlets 4.3.2 py36h674d592_0 defaults typing 3.6.2 py36h7da032a_0 defaults unicodecsv 0.14.1 py36ha668878_0 defaults unixodbc 2.3.4 hc36303a_1 defaults urllib3 1.22 py36hbe7ace6_0 defaults wcwidth 0.1.7 py36hdf4376a_0 defaults webencodings 0.5.1 py36h800622e_1 defaults werkzeug 0.12.2 py36hc703753_0 defaults wheel 0.29.0 py36he7f4e38_1 defaults widgetsnbextension 3.0.2 py36hd01bb71_1 defaults wrapt 1.10.11 py36h28b7045_0 defaults xlrd 1.1.0 py36h1db9f0c_1 defaults xlsxwriter 1.0.2 py36h3de1aca_0 defaults xlwt 1.3.0 py36h7b00a1f_0 defaults xz 5.2.3 h2bcbf08_1 defaults yaml 0.1.7 h96e3832_1 defaults zeromq 4.2.2 hb0b69da_1 defaults zict 0.1.3 py36h3a3bf81_0 defaults zlib 1.2.11 hfbfcf68_1 defaults ```

mbargull commented 6 years ago

@mingwandroid: Could be that this is due to name collisions of the CONDA_BACKUP_* environment variables from binutils_linux-64 and gcc_linux-64? Maybe rename those to package-specific ones, e.g., CONDA_BINUTILS_BACKUP_* etc.? Additionally we need #6338 for this, I assume.

mbargull commented 6 years ago

If we don't get #6338 anytime soon, we probably could at least wrap the lists of {,de}activate scripts with sorted(...) and sorted(..., reverse=True) at (I know, this is not the correct thing do to and assumes equally named activate/deactivate scripts etc.)

mingwandroid commented 6 years ago

Yeah it will be that. Hmm. Maybe I should just remove it or rename it in binutils? No one really installs just binutils on its own, well maybe some assembly only project would!

Kubiac commented 6 years ago

I ran into the same problem. I experience this since conda is outputting all the compiler INFO and DEBUG upon activating an env.

One of the lines it outputs is +HOST=x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu

Maybe in z-shell this overrides the HOST variable. But how can it be that this output is even interpreted?

ladychili commented 6 years ago

Same problem after I updated Jupyter Notebook? The environment variable HOST becomes x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

cathy@MacBookPro:~ $ source activate py3
INFO: made the following environmental changes:
(py3) cathy@x86_64-apple-darwin13:~ $ source deactivate
INFO: made the following environmental changes:
cathy@x86_64-apple-darwin13:~ $ echo $HOST

And a window pops up every time I activate an environment, showing

To use the "java" command-line tool you need to install a JDK.

though fixed it by installing Java for OS X 2017-001

mingwandroid commented 6 years ago

R needs Java, sorry.

kalefranz commented 6 years ago

@mingwandroid We should probably add a section to the Conda Troubleshooting stuff about that Java popup. Where it comes from and how to fix it. I've seen people just live with it, and it really is super annoying.

mingwandroid commented 6 years ago

I'll think about moving it to rJava, but this Java stuff is baked into the core for some reason. :-(

yssource commented 5 years ago

I ran into the same problem.


sgasse commented 5 years ago

I also ran into the same problem using anaconda together with zsh. Is the HOST variable used for anything by conda? Or can I just reset it with HOST=$(hostname) in my startup script?

msarahan commented 5 years ago

It's used by our compilers. Depending on how you use those, changing it might break those. If you don't use the compilers, it's fine to replace.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 3:45 AM sgasse wrote:

I also ran into the same problem using anaconda together with zsh. Is the HOST variable used for anything by conda? Or can I just reset it with HOST=$(hostname) in my startup script?

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

amueller commented 5 years ago

@msarahan good to know, though I would argue that's not a great thing to do on several levels. Hostnames are not supposed to have these semantics. Also, now the tab headers in my terminal are completely useless. I would like to know which tab is in which director (I usually have 4-10 terminals open). Unfortunately they all show the HOST, so now the title of all my tabs is andy@x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu... and I have to cycle through the tabs to figure out which is which :-/

I set HOST to "" which I didn't expect to have any consequences and I only came upon your command by accident. I would really love for you to use literally anything else. Maybe I got my linux knowledge wrong but I thought HOST was only supposed to relate to hostname, i.e. networking?

kenahoo commented 5 years ago

@msarahan why would compilers need the HOST variable to be set to something specific that's not a hostname?

kenahoo commented 5 years ago

Oh, I see now - you're just keeping track of the type of OS & architecture, and using a variable called HOST to do it. The problem is that zsh uses the HOST variable to refer to the current hostname, as explained here: . bash uses HOSTNAME for a similar purpose.

The reason it changes the prompt is that many people have %m as a part of their PS1 or PROMPT settings, and %m gets substituted with the value of HOST.

Perhaps you could change Conda to use something like HOST_TYPE instead, something that's not supposed to have special meaning to a shell?

epreble commented 5 years ago

Same problem after I updated Jupyter Notebook? The environment variable HOST becomes x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

cathy@MacBookPro:~ $ source activate py3
INFO: made the following environmental changes:
(py3) cathy@x86_64-apple-darwin13:~ $ source deactivate
INFO: made the following environmental changes:
cathy@x86_64-apple-darwin13:~ $ echo $HOST

And a window pops up every time I activate an environment, showing

To use the "java" command-line tool you need to install a JDK.

though fixed it by installing Java for OS X 2017-001

I am having a similar issue with my miniconda environments. The java JDK was solved as @ladychili indicated. I notice that the INFO: made the following environmental changes: ... messages only appear when switching between conda environments and deactivating. I don't get the clangxx message on deactivation, but get the same gfortran message again. I get no message when first initiating a conda environment from a terminal window that does not have a conda environment currently active.

pmenzel commented 5 years ago

I encountered the same problem with zsh and conda.

I suggest to set a variable called something like CONDA_HOST instead of modifying HOST.

msarahan commented 5 years ago

Yes, the answer is clear. The work required is not negligible, as detailed in

We're sorry for the inconvenience. We'll fix this as time allows.

dblyon commented 4 years ago

I've had the same issue as others above and believe I've (at least temporarily) resolved it, by commenting out these lines of code in my ~/.zshrc as user "DryLabRebel" pointed out here

# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
__conda_setup="$('/some/path/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.zsh' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
#if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
#    eval "$__conda_setup"
    if [ -f "/some/path/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
        . "/some/path/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/"
        export PATH="/mnt/mnemo5/dblyon/install/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
#unset __conda_setup
# <<< conda initialize <<<
JoJoTsui commented 4 years ago

Recently I've encountered the same issue, the reason is exactly what others above said, which is because conda changed environment variable $HOST. For me I'm using zsh with theme Powerlevel9k, turns out that the prompt segment would always use the newest $HOST , so here is my workaround:


It may not be a solution once for all but at least right now I can check which node I'm using in the cluster

LauraTrujilloT commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Very helpful for now.

grst commented 4 years ago

Temporary workaround:

Add the following line at the end of __conda_activate() in <conda_install_dir>/etc/profile.d/


This will replace the placeholder variable %m which stands for hostname with the actual hostname.

tarcisioe commented 4 years ago

Another possible workaround, to be placed in .zshrc:

HOSTNAME="$(hostname)"  # Conda clobbers HOST, so we save the real hostname into another variable.

precmd() {

preexec() {

precmd runs right before the prompt is drawn, preexec runs right after the user hits enter.

liuhuiCNN commented 4 years ago

precmd() { OLDHOST="${HOST}" HOST="${HOSTNAME}" }

preexec() { HOST="${OLDHOST}" }

It works! Thanks!

tbhaxor commented 4 years ago

It's used by our compilers. Depending on how you use those, changing it might break those. If you don't use the compilers, it's fine to replace. On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 3:45 AM sgasse @.***> wrote: I also ran into the same problem using anaconda together with zsh. Is the HOST variable used for anything by conda? Or can I just reset it with HOST=$(hostname) in my startup script? — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#7031 (comment)>, or mute the thread .

@msarahan Can't you guys set it locally for only conda, like setting somewhere in script. As i think only conda needs this.

I ran into problem while working with c++, vuejs (for web development) and etc.

It could be better if conda temporarily sets it for that compiling stuff you are talking about

ktfhale commented 4 years ago

I ran into problem while working with c++, vuejs (for web development) and etc.

As with @tbhaxor, this behavior with Conda is causing complications when I'm trying to fire up a local development server with vuejs (for a simple frontend app to a Python data processing pipeline)- conda's HOST environment variable is overriding what should be simply 'localhost' or ',' resulting in a vuejs development server that is supposedly trying to run at the nonsense address http://x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (as I'm on OSX High Sierra).

My solution has been to use conda's functionality for setting environment variables when activating any or a particular environment, which I think is a relatively new feature. For setting it for one particular environment, one can use:

conda env config vars set HOST='localhost' -n TheNameOfYourEnvironment

marimeireles commented 3 years ago

Can still reproduce.

spdavern commented 3 years ago

This problem still exists with Conda v 4.9.1. It is not really reasonable to permanently overwrite the OS $HOST variable without resetting it especially considering the popularity of zsh.

pleisy commented 3 years ago

Problem still remains with Conda v. 4.9.2 and a conda update --all (with bash or zsh) annoying error for every conda comment: ERROR: This cross-compiler package contains no program /user/anaconda3/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0-ar

marimeireles commented 3 years ago

I know it's not a solution but maybe a work around is using mamba?

mareq commented 3 years ago

This problem still persists (I can live with ZSH showing wrong thing, but I also have some scripts that rely on $HOST and this throws them off):

$ echo $HOST

$ conda activate test

$ echo $HOST

$ conda --version
conda 4.9.2

$ uname -a
Linux mareq 5.10.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-1 (2021-04-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux
javonnii commented 2 years ago

I was able to remove the "changed" hostname due to install of packages by first conda list --revisions to find the "the package that causes the hostname to change." I looked for the complier and copied the name of it. Then conda remove "name of complier" as show below.

conda remove compiler-rt_osx-64

I had to do this because I install the package system wide at the conda base. Now I've reinstalled the package within its own conda environment. So when I go back to conda base my host name changes back to default.

(base) Javonniis-MacBook-Pro javonnii/doge_predict [] conda activate fbprophet (fbprophet) x86_64-apple-darwin13 javonnii/doge_predict [] conda deactivate (base) Javonniis-MacBook-Pro javonnii/doge_predict []

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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antonjs commented 1 year ago

This bug is still outstanding on at least conda 4.12.

Another workaround is to add a script to env/etc/conda/activate.d that will set the hostname appropriately on switching to the environment. This works for me, depending on the order the scripts in activate.d are run, it might need to be numbered to run last.

mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d
echo "#!/bin/bash\
export HOST=$(hostname)" >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/
bartekrey commented 1 year ago

Still true in February 2023, I cannot run something as basic as Create React App locally, without starting it with $ HOST=localhost npm start I've downloaded Anaconda for Stable Diffusion, but it seems like I should get rid of it.

wookayin commented 11 months ago

Removing an activate.d script which alters $HOST is also a workaround that's worth considering:

rm $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/
rm $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/
kenahoo commented 11 months ago

@bartekrey yeah, I think I'm going to un-watch this ticket - it had a patch sit dormant for a couple years until it got too stale to apply. I don't use conda myself anymore, so no point in trying to contribute if the maintainers don't actually want it.

Hoeze commented 11 months ago

@kenodegard Are there any news on this?

wookayin commented 8 months ago

I've updated my workaround: put the following in ~/.zshenv or ~/.bash_profile (not in zshrc/bashrc; it needs to be applied for non-interactive shells as well)

if [[ "$HOST" == *conda* ]]; then
  export HOST=$(hostname)

BTW I feel it's a bummer that this bug hasn't been fixed yet.