conductor-oss / conductor

Conductor is an event driven orchestration platform
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE]: Revert OSS default to dyno queues to avoid Apache 2.0 license conflict with Orkes queues. #139

Open Anupchat opened 3 months ago

Anupchat commented 3 months ago

This has been discussed on and directly with Orkes. After the discussion we have come to a conclusion that commercial use of default Orkes queues in conductor is not allowed without a license agreement with Orkes and doesn't meet the overall Apache 2.0 license of Conductor.

The issue is similar to what was brought up earlier with licensing on

Describe the Feature Request

Current use of Orkes queues needs licensing for commercial use and isn't Apache 2.0 compliant. Prior to Orkes queues the default implementation for Netflix dyno queues which is Apache 2.0 license.

Describe Preferred Solution

Revert default queue implementation to dyno queues as it existed prior to Orkes in the the OSS version of Conductor to make it Apache 2.0 licensed across all of conductor.

Describe Alternatives

Update license of Orkes queues to Apache 2.0

meggarr commented 1 month ago

I remember in the Slack channel, a discussion mentioned the Orkes Queue will be merged into Conductor OSS