conductor-sdk / conductor-python

Conductor OSS SDK for Python programming language
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Fix DoWhileTask/LoopTask with several subtasks #220

Closed aircey closed 7 months ago

aircey commented 7 months ago


An exception is raised when adding a DoWhileTask or a LoopTask that contains a list of tasks to a workflow.

workflow = ConductorWorkflow(...)
task1 = SimpleTask(...)
task2 = SimpleTask(...)

dowhile_single = DoWhileTask(
    termination_condition="$.dowhile_single['iteration'] < 2",
    tasks = task1
# => OK

dowhile_multiple = DoWhileTask(
    termination_condition="$.dowhile_multiple['iteration'] < 2",
    tasks = [ task1, task2 ]
# => KO
# File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conductor/client/workflow/task/", line 32, in to_workflow_task
# workflow.loop_over = get_task_interface_list_as_workflow_task_list(
#                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# TypeError: conductor.client.workflow.task.task.get_task_interface_list_as_workflow_task_list() argument after * must be an iterable, not SimpleTask

It seems this bug has been introduced along this commit @gardusig

The signature of task.get_task_interface_list_as_workflow_task_list() changed:

# from:
def get_task_interface_list_as_workflow_task_list(tasks: List[TaskInterface]) -> List[WorkflowTask]:
# to:
def get_task_interface_list_as_workflow_task_list(*tasks: TaskInterface) -> List[WorkflowTask]:

... but has not been updated accordingly in the caller class DoWhileTask.

My fix proposal applies the same transformation as SwitchTask:

gardusig commented 7 months ago

Hi @romaincolombo,

I no longer work at the company who manages this repo, so can't help much with this. Maybe ping @v1r3n or @coderabhigupta to take a look at it.