conductor-sdk / conductor-python

Conductor OSS SDK for Python programming language
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Get AuthorizationException when trying to update variables of a started workflow #248

Open jruizaranguren opened 4 months ago

jruizaranguren commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to set some workflow variables just after starting a workflow with this code:

clients = OrkesClients(configuration=config)
executor = WorkflowExecutor(config)
runner = clients.get_workflow_client()

request = StartWorkflowRequest(
            name="flow", correlation_id="corr_id", version=1)
flow_id = runner.start_workflow(request)
runner.update_variables(flow_id, variables={"myglobal": "global"})

But I'm getting a 404 error, which is returned as result of an internal ApiException raised from conductor/client/http/ It seems it is unable to reach /workflows/{workflow_id}/variables:



Could this be something related to the workflow still starting execution?

jruizaranguren commented 4 months ago

The same goes when trying to get a workflow status via WorkflowExecutor or OrkesWorkflowClient. It results in a /api/workflow/1f3e63cfef74495e888993df6ac01b71/status not found exception.