conduktor / kafka-stack-docker-compose

docker compose files to create a fully working kafka stack
Apache License 2.0
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ubuntu_kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 exited with code 137 #39

Closed ricardo-elevenpaths closed 2 years ago

ricardo-elevenpaths commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to use it in a NAT network with Vbox, steps:

docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml down export DOCKER_HOST_IP= rm -rf zk-single-kafka-single docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml up

... icaStateMachine) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,658] INFO [PartitionStateMachine controllerId=1] Initializing partition state (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,703] INFO [PartitionStateMachine controllerId=1] Triggering online partition state changes (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,749] INFO [PartitionStateMachine controllerId=1] Started partition state machine with initial state -> Map() (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,756] INFO [Controller id=1] Ready to serve as the new controller with epoch 1 (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,813] INFO [RequestSendThread controllerId=1] Controller 1 connected to kafka1:19092 (id: 1 rack: null) for sending state change requests (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,835] INFO [Controller id=1] Removing partitions Set() from the list of reassigned partitions in zookeeper (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:56,855] INFO [Controller id=1] No more partitions need to be reassigned. Deleting zk path /admin/reassign_partitions (kafka.controller.KafkaController) zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | 2018-12-20 11:42:57,099 [myid:] - INFO [ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:2181)::PrepRequestProcessor@596] - Got user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x167cb6c42c90001 type:multi cxid:0x36 zxid:0x1e txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a aborting remaining multi ops. Error Path:/admin/reassign_partitions Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /admin/reassign_partitions kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:57,531] INFO [Controller id=1] Partitions undergoing preferred replica election: (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:57,762] INFO [Controller id=1] Partitions that completed preferred replica election: (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:57,764] INFO [Controller id=1] Skipping preferred replica election for partitions due to topic deletion: (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:57,803] INFO [Controller id=1] Resuming preferred replica election for partitions: (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:57,822] INFO [Controller id=1] Starting preferred replica leader election for partitions (kafka.controller.KafkaController) zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | 2018-12-20 11:42:57,956 [myid:] - INFO [ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:2181)::PrepRequestProcessor@596] - Got user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x167cb6c42c90001 type:multi cxid:0x38 zxid:0x1f txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a aborting remaining multi ops. Error Path:/admin/preferred_replica_election Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /admin/preferred_replica_election kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:42:58,213] INFO [Controller id=1] Starting the controller scheduler (kafka.controller.KafkaController) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:44:14,887] WARN Client session timed out, have not heard from server in 4631ms for sessionid 0x167cb6c42c90001 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn) kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 | [2018-12-20 11:45:42,158] INFO Client session timed out, have not heard from server in 4631ms for sessionid 0x167cb6c42c90001, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn) zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | 2018-12-20 11:44:51,281 [myid:] - INFO [SessionTracker:ZooKeeperServer@358] - Expiring session 0x167cb6c42c90001, timeout of 6000ms exceeded zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | 2018-12-20 11:46:44,050 [myid:] - INFO [ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:2181)::PrepRequestProcessor@487] - Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x167cb6c42c90001 zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | 2018-12-20 11:46:44,075 [myid:] - INFO [SyncThread:0:NIOServerCnxn@1008] - Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x167cb6c42c90001 zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | 2018-12-20 11:46:44,088 [myid:] - WARN [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Ignoring unexpected runtime exception zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | at zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | at zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | at zoo1_1_b1281ae2f3c5 | at ubuntu_kafka1_1_fa91fb287f60 exited with code 137


br-7904a60fc3b9: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::42:c6ff:fea5:a632 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether 02:42:c6:a5:a6:32 txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet) RX packets 1 bytes 28 (28.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 12 bytes 936 (936.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

docker0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ether 02:42:77:11:f2:5e txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe2e:488c prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether 08:00:27:2e:48:8c txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 282686 bytes 388713407 (388.7 MB) RX errors 1795 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 32242 bytes 2453771 (2.4 MB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 device interrupt 9 base 0xd020

Thank you in advance

simplesteph commented 5 years ago

I can't reproduce sorry... unsure what's happening? Try using a previous tag for example