confidential-containers / cloud-api-adaptor

Ability to create Kata pods using cloud provider APIs aka the peer-pods approach
Apache License 2.0
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test/e2e: Provisioning code doesn't install cert-manager and webhook #958

Open stevenhorsman opened 1 year ago

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

I've been using the provisioning code (which is great), but have realised that it doesn't install the webhook, or cert-manager, so I think we should fix this and then probably try and add some tests for the mutation of the resource (in a separate issue).


cloud-api-adaptor/test/tools$ ./caa-provisioner-cli -action=install
INFO[0000] IamServiceURL is:
INFO[0000] VpcServiceURL is:
INFO[0000] Installing CoCo operator and cloud-api-adaptor resources
INFO[0000] Install the controller manager
Wait for the cc-operator-controller-manager deployment be available
INFO[0013] Customize the overlay yaml file
INFO[0015] Updating caa image tag with a9941bba4692c22fada21b5b9f70a1986c74690d
INFO[0015] Install CoCo and cloud-api-adaptor
Wait for the cloud-api-adaptor-daemonset DaemonSet be available
Wait for the pod cloud-api-adaptor-daemonset-98npj be ready
Wait for the cc-operator-daemon-install DaemonSet be available
Wait for the pod cc-operator-daemon-install-8l2t6 be ready
Wait for the kata-remote runtimeclass be created
$ kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE                        NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
confidential-containers-system   cc-operator-controller-manager-6db94bf886-lvx9b             2/2     Running   0          94s
confidential-containers-system   cc-operator-daemon-install-8l2t6                            1/1     Running   0          80s
confidential-containers-system   cloud-api-adaptor-daemonset-98npj                           1/1     Running   0          80s
kube-flannel                     kube-flannel-ds-flwjn                                       1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-flannel                     kube-flannel-ds-g28dd                                       1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      coredns-5d78c9869d-gmpz9                                    1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      coredns-5d78c9869d-p426w                                    1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      etcd-sh-sm-z-cluster-2023-05-10-node-0                      1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      ext-res-updater-6q59x                                       1/1     Running   0          3d21h
kube-system                      kube-apiserver-sh-sm-z-cluster-2023-05-10-node-0            1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      kube-controller-manager-sh-sm-z-cluster-2023-05-10-node-0   1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      kube-proxy-5l7r7                                            1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      kube-proxy-pntsc                                            1/1     Running   0          4d19h
kube-system                      kube-scheduler-sh-sm-z-cluster-2023-05-10-node-0            1/1     Running   0          4d19h

@huoqifeng - I'm assuming this wasn't a deliberate decision to exclude the webhook from the e2e framework, but just something we haven't got around to adding yet?

huoqifeng commented 1 year ago

@stevenhorsman right, i don't think it's a deliberate decision to exclude the webhook from the e2e framework but just something we'll need add in later time, I think we talked about this some weeks ago on the weekly meeting and decision is that we should do that. Might talk about this again on the meeting tomorrow?

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Sure - I just wanted to check that this issue was valid and I'd not missed/forgotten a reason that it should never go into the e2e provisioning. Thanks!

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

So the bit that I missed was that the webhook is planned to be managed by the peer-pod-config controller, but in the short-term we can work on the webhook install through e2e whilst that is looked at in parallell

tumberino commented 1 year ago

@bpradipt @stevenhorsman mentioned you might be looking at including the webhook/cert-manager into the peer-pod config, is that correct?