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[Release] Check list for v0.6.0 #93

Open Xynnn007 opened 1 year ago

Xynnn007 commented 1 year ago


Code freeze & release for tenant-componants (attestation-service/kbs)

Also, this release also includes KBS/AS. We might need the following steps:

Note: If there are breaking changes in the communication protocol between KBS and KBC, consider replacing the image in CI with the AS/KBS image of the newly released.

Code freeze for guest-componants (attestation-agent/ocicrypt-rs/image-rs)


Xynnn007 commented 1 year ago

Change the order slightly, because CI may use the new image that has just been released

zvonkok commented 1 year ago

I would like to add for the CC GPU use-case.

zvonkok commented 1 year ago

On which version of Kata will 0.6.0 be based? I also want to make sure we have in the 0.6.0

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

@stevenhorsman This checklist doesn't contain anything regarding peer pods. What is the process for the release there and are there things we should be adding to the checklist?

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

@stevenhorsman This checklist doesn't contain anything regarding peer pods. What is the process for the release there and are there things we should be adding to the checklist?

Yeah, I'll add an extra section here for it. Thanks for the reminder

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

@zvonkok Release v0.6.0 will use a bundle built from the CCv0 branch of Kata (see step 15). So changes for this release may need to get backported to CCv0.

This checklist is really for tasks that facilitate the release itself. If there are more things to get in before the freeze starts, then your best bet is to get them merged before EOD today. Otherwise it's a question of whether to delay the freeze, which would need to be a wider discussion.

Hopefully the next release will be based on main, so if things don't make it into this one it should be simpler next time around.

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Ok, I think we will need to fix this for the release. The PR should fix this (among other things) so I will try to find a reviewer for that asap.

sprt commented 1 year ago

Can't tag myself but I'll update the Kata Containers dependencies (4-6, 14).

bpradipt commented 1 year ago

@Xynnn007 it'll be good if KBS image is pushed to registry like the other images.

Xynnn007 commented 1 year ago

@Xynnn007 it'll be good if KBS image is pushed to registry like the other images.

Yes @bpradipt , the release CI will do this, and I hope to cut release for KBS after release guest components.

The reason is that today I found that kbs refers to AA' code, so my idea is to cut release for the guest components and then change the rev inside that Cargo.toml.

BTW, as currently only tdx has been using kbs in CI afaik, Arron has helped update the tdx ci image already. Thus we do not need to worry about the CI in kata

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Regarding number 7, the s390 and default operator yamls both point to the latest tag of container-engine-for-cc-payload. Does that seem correct to you @stevenhorsman or should we be fixing the yaml to a particular hash for the release? We haven't updated the preInstall container in two months anyway.

For enclave-cc, we are not pointing to the latest preInstall image (see here). This is also not the most recent hash. Is this intentional @mythi or should this also be updated to point to latest?

mythi commented 1 year ago

For enclave-cc, we are not pointing to the latest preInstall image (see here). This is also not the most recent hash. Is this intentional @mythi or should this also be updated to point to latest?

It's not intentional, thanks for noticing! I had missed that other CcRuntimes had moved to kustomization for these too. However, it looks the containerd version has not changed since 0.5.0 which triggers the question have these images been updated?

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Regarding number 7, the s390 and default operator yamls both point to the latest tag of container-engine-for-cc-payload. Does that seem correct to you @stevenhorsman or should we be fixing the yaml to a particular hash for the release? We haven't updated the preInstall container in two months anyway.

Yes - I agree that we should switch it back to a proper hash for the release. I suspect that it wasn't worth my switching it to latest when I did the same for the runtime payload to be honest as we don't update that payload often enough, so I'll try and remember to not do that next time.

The other thing to note is that when I made the runtime-payload multi-arch I switched the s390x to base on default, so I don't think we need the specific s390x update any more - I updated part 8 in the checklist so remove it, but forget part 7, so apologies for any confusion and I'll update the template once the release has gone out.

I hope that helps and answers the question?

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Ok, just waiting for the payload build to finish and then I will do 7 and 8.

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Nvm, we have

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Nvm, we have confidential-containers/operator#215

Sorry Tobin, I should have mentioned on here I was looking at it.

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

No worries. Thanks for the PR.

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

@Xynnn007 - do you know if anyone is working on creating the releases of the components (steps 9-12), or is help needed there?

Xynnn007 commented 1 year ago

@stevenhorsman AFAIK, no. I can do 10 & 11, while I do not have permission in AA (9) and td-shim (12). Could you help with this?

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

AFAIK, no. I can do 10 & 11, while I do not have permission in AA (9) and td-shim (12). Could you help with this?

Sure - I can help with which ever numbers you like and @fitzthum has a github team for release-champions I believe that would give you access to create the tags.

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Yes, I will add both of you to the release champions group. Hopefully we can get the tagging and bumping done today and then @sprt can do 14 this afternoon. I can also do some of those steps if you want to go to sleep @Xynnn007

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Just as an update on 12 - td-shim has had two commits added since we tested it in the release candidate. I'm hoping that they aren't required, but I've messaged Jiewen to confirm before we cut the release - but if anyone else knows before we get the update that would help us move onto the next steps quicker.

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Just as an update on 12 - td-shim has had two commits added since we tested it in the release candidate. I'm hoping that they aren't required, but I've messaged Jiewen to confirm before we cut the release - but if anyone else knows before we get the update that would help us move onto the next steps quicker.

FYI - we cut based on 3252047 , but if the extra commits are required we will create a v0.6.1 release tomorrow.

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

I've done up to step 13, which has the PR in review. Over to @sprt for step 14 now :)

sprt commented 1 year ago

@Xynnn007 PR for step 14:

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Step 16 tests all passed, so I think we are ready to release enclave-cc & tag kata-containers. Are there already people signed up to look at those tasks?

Xynnn007 commented 1 year ago

Step 16 tests all passed, so I think we are ready to release enclave-cc & tag kata-containers. Are there already people signed up to look at those tasks?

Let me cut enclave-cc

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Who has permissions to make tag for Kata?

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Should we just update to use the tags once we have them?

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

I think the Kata tag has worked correctly:

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

BTW - I'm working on 19 now

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

We may have a minor issue with enclave-cc release workflow that we need to fix

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

FYI - I did the peer pod release and have tested it on IBM Cloud and it all worked. I'm going to wait for someone to do AKS testing before I formerly declare that it's successful, but 19 is at least 75% ticked :)

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

@jensfr can you take a look at step 24?

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

I have created an issue with some reflections

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Hey folks, I just want to clarify/tie up a loose end on the operator. There was a bug in the operator hub install that got fixed yesterday (with, after the v0.6.0 release was cut. Do we want to cut a v0.6.1 which is just v0.6.0 + that fix before we get Jens to update operator hub?

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

I think that is a good idea. No point in releasing v0.6.0 on the operator hub.

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

I think that is a good idea. No point in releasing v0.6.0 on the operator hub.

Cool - do you want me to cut the new release, or someone else signed up? If we do it today then it will be ready for Jens when he is back from PTO!

fitzthum commented 1 year ago

Nobody is signed up. Feel free to make the release.

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Nobody is signed up. Feel free to make the release.

Done: @jensfr - should be good for operator hub when you are ready

Xynnn007 commented 1 year ago

Can we close this issue now?

stevenhorsman commented 1 year ago

Can we close this issue now?

@jensfr - are you able to update operator hub is it looks like it is still on version 0.5.0 from