confidential-containers / operator

Operator to deploy confidential containers runtime
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Update payloads for v0.9.0-alpha0 #368

Closed fitzthum closed 2 months ago

fitzthum commented 2 months ago

The payloads for v0.9.0-alpha

@stevenhorsman or @BbolroC can you guys confirm that we do not need the s390x suffix for the s390x CRD?

fitzthum commented 2 months ago

enclave-cc tests seems to be failing cc @mythi

note that we jumped from the v0.8.0 tag to the v0.9.0 tag (rather than using latest), so I don't think this job has been testing any of the more recent changes.

stevenhorsman commented 2 months ago

Hey @fitzthum, are you talking about the

nameSuffix: -s390x

in the s390x kustomization.yaml?

or on the kata-deploy image tag: If it's the latter then I think I can confirm. A couple of releases ago we switch the kata payload to be multi-arch, so there shouldn't be any problems there and the tests should confirm it on this PR

fitzthum commented 2 months ago

enclave-cc issue has been resolved thanks to @portersrc

@confidential-containers/operator-maintainers PTAL so we can finish the release

portersrc commented 2 months ago

The enclave-cc fix looks OK for the moment, but it would be good for @mythi to take a look later (e.g. his recent commit message here suggests he may have a better long-term idea for this).

@stevenhorsman , do you know if we need to update this line yet? I see you were active here when we swapped 0.8.0 back to latest. I assume it needs to be set to 0.9.0-alpha0 at some point.

@bpradipt , do you have thoughts on needed changes for v0.9.0-alpha0 release here? Also, is src missing in that resource path, e.g. something like>src<--/peerpodconfig-ctrl/config/crd?ref=v0.8.0

This ssh-demo case is odd. I would ignore. Technically I think reqs-payload should be for this release, but I don't know if that's even tested (or maybe it's part of the CI?).

stevenhorsman commented 2 months ago

@stevenhorsman , do you know if we need to update this line yet? I see you were active here when we swapped 0.8.0 back to latest. I assume it needs to be set to 0.9.0-alpha0 at some point.

Last release it was updated as part of the operator hub piece: and as it is referencing the operator image release tag which we haven't cut I don't think it can be done now.

@bpradipt , do you have thoughts on needed changes for v0.9.0-alpha0 release here? Also, is src missing in that resource path, e.g. something like>src<--/peerpodconfig-ctrl/config/crd?ref=v0.8.0

The update for this has not been merged: I was assuming that it was being left until after the 0.9 release as peer pods isn't part of it?

This ssh-demo case is odd. I would ignore. Technically I think reqs-payload should be for this release, but I don't know if that's even tested (or maybe it's part of the CI?).

Tobin has created a discussion to remove it, but if we aren't doing it for this release (and I think it's probably too late for that), then I think we just bump it, but nobody is testing it, and I don't think it is considered supported.

fitzthum commented 2 months ago

I think for this release we may forego the operator hub bit anyway since it is an alpha release and Wainer is on vacation.

mythi commented 2 months ago

The enclave-cc fix looks OK for the moment, but it would be good for @mythi to take a look later (e.g. his recent commit message here suggests he may have a better long-term idea for this).

apologies, I had completely missed this. I can get things properly fixed once the release is out (essentially just getting the test/e2e/ yamls updated.)