config-i1 / smooth

The set of functions used for time series analysis and in forecasting.
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[[solved]] smooth + modeltime ensemble - initparams error #192

Closed Steviey closed 2 years ago

Steviey commented 2 years ago

R latest, smooth latest, modeltime latest


is this something, I should be aware of?...

Error in initparams(Etype, Ttype, Stype, dataFreq, obsInSample, obsAll, : Not compatible with requested type: [type=character; target=double].

config-i1 commented 2 years ago


I'm not sure. Can you give me a reproducible example?

Steviey commented 2 years ago

Hi Ivan,

it's highly abstracted tidymodels/modeltime-ensemble-code. I' m currently focusing on state space models, integrated in avg/median/weighted and stacked- ensembles, together with ML-algos and meta-learners.

Basically I try to grid-search parameters of the es-model of smooth. I want to define very very wide search spaces for the key params.

The challenge is, to make sure modeltime communicates/translates unified params, the right way to smooth. So I don't know what is meant by initparams. If I know it, I can search, if there is a chance to tweak it along the tidyverse.

As you know, I have an extensive standalone version of smooth incl. grid search and xRegs already running. The ensemble-approach is another experiment- trying to combine the best performing ML-algos with ets and others programmatically. :-)

` algoTrainCase <-'gridLatin'

ret$modelObj <- exp_smoothing( error = tune() ,trend = tune() ,season = tune() ,damping = tune() ,smooth_level = tune() ,smooth_trend = tune() ) %>% set_engine("smooth_es",holdout=FALSE)

ret$finalParams <- ret$modelObj %>% parameters() #%>% finalize(x=trainPart)

ret$finalParams <- updateMyParams(ret$finalParams,subModel,taskSwitch,trainSetupList) `

config-i1 commented 2 years ago

initparams() is an internal function written in C++ to process the input parameters in ETS and create the matrices for the state space model. The user typically doesn't have access to these. If an error occurs with this, then there is either something wrong with the function or with the call to es().

Steviey commented 2 years ago

Interesting, I will observe it further. In general I can say, smooth-ets incl. xregs works as submodel in a modeltime-ensemble. But I have no idea, if it works as intended :-). I had to implement some fall-back-param-combinations to avoid code-breaks. Measurements are looking 'normal'. I also have to mention, my system ist getting old now (Ubuntu 16.x). So nothing is representative here. :-)

Steviey commented 2 years ago

Update: Since I can replecate the error now, it seems to be related to the call to es(). The third-party functions doing this, are here... To avoid the error, we have to choose the right call.

If we choose always a wrong call while training (often random process), we should have one call as 'fall back' which never fails- to avoid code breaks. If we choose anova as training method, we should provide two functional 'fall back calls'.

It can be done by injecting functional param-combinations for the call to es() into the search grid. This way we can iterate day in day out :-).

Another way is, to restrict the params via modeltimes update-functions directly (dials-extensions)- in relation to the individual data structure.


config-i1 commented 2 years ago

I guess that this then relates to the third-party function, not to es(). If you have a specific command for es() that produces an error, I can look into it to make it more robust and return something.

Steviey commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is a third party problem. I think the calls are constructed, like they would be made by us manually, according to your documentation.

You know some definitions could make no sense, depending on the individual data structure.

Since modeltime-ensemble does not care about failed model fits/builds while training, it will always break the code, regardless of the output of smooth (warnings and errors). This kind of stuff has to be handled by the user.

The text above describes two strategies to get around it while training. :-)

Unfortunately we can only display pre-selected model-definitions (print training grid) and successful definitions (print tune_grid()-export), not explicitly failed definitions (you could do so, in your smooth-error-messages. They will be routed to the screen, via the verbosity-settings of tune::tune_grid()).


The extract-function of tune::tune_grid() provides the model definitions after successful model-fits...

ret$res <-,list( object = trainObj$modelObj # needed a name! ,preprocessor = trainSetupList$recipe_spec ,resamples = foldsEn ,grid = trainObj$finalParamsGrid ,param_info = trainObj$finalParams ,metrics = model_metrics ,control = control_grid(verbose=TRUE,save_pred = FALSE,extract = function (x) extract_fit_parsnip(x)) ))


Steviey commented 2 years ago

There is some more output, I have to investigate, but some models make there way to the ensemble...


Some things I noticed (Part I):

check      <- modelInfo %>% names %>% str_detect('damping') %>% any()
      modelInfo <- modelInfo %>% dplyr::rename(smooth_damping=damping)
Steviey commented 2 years ago

Trying to make a grid, that makes sense in regard to both, smooth and modeltime (currently without damping()) ... image

` persistenceGrid <- grid_max_entropy( smooth_trend() ,smooth_level() ,smooth_seasonal() ,size = 10 )

smoothEtsGrid <- expand.grid( error=c("auto","additive","multiplicative") ,trend=c("auto","additive","multiplicative","additive_damped","multiplicative_damped","none") ,season=c("auto","additive","multiplicative","none") )

finalGrid <- tidyr::crossing(persistenceGrid,smoothEtsGrid,.namerepair="minimal") finalGrid <- finalGrid %>% dplyr::mutate(modelDef = paste0(error,'',trend,'_',season))

finalGrid <- finalGrid %>% dplyr::mutate(smooth_level = case_when( error=='none' ~ as.numeric(NA) ,error=='auto' ~ as.numeric(NA) ,TRUE ~ smooth_level )) finalGrid <- finalGrid %>% dplyr::mutate(smooth_trend = case_when( trend=='none' ~ as.numeric(NA) ,trend=='auto' ~ as.numeric(NA) ,TRUE ~ smooth_trend )) finalGrid <- finalGrid %>% dplyr::mutate(smooth_seasonal = case_when( season=='none' ~ as.numeric(NA) ,season=='auto' ~ as.numeric(NA) ,TRUE ~ smooth_seasonal ))

print(class(finalGrid)) View(finalGrid) stop() `

Steviey commented 2 years ago

Update: dampingsmooth()-fix works...but this is my first PR since the ending of WWII. I forgot too much Github-stuff. ;-).... 'This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.'_ Update: Finally pull request established:

config-i1 commented 2 years ago

Cool stuff! I don't do that often myself :).

Steviey commented 2 years ago

Some things I noticed (Part II):


smoothEtsGrid <- expand.grid(
smoothEtsGrid <- smoothEtsGrid %>% dplyr::mutate(modelDef=paste0(error,trend,season))
...model-test corresponding to individual data...

**Note: In case of tidymodels workflows, the actual model can be deeply nested... myModel<-myModel[['fit']][['fit']][['fit']][['models']][['model_1']]

- There could be more interesting training-targets, then the smoothing parameters, for example loss-function, sample-size and distribution

_es() uses derivative-free optimisation (Nelder-Mead algorithm). It finds optimum by changing values of parameters in the specific range and minimising a loss function (by default it is negative likelihood). So, there's no need to try out all values. The result is typically fine, although occasionally it's not a proper global minimum. (Ivan Svetunkov)_

With this in mind, I switch to ADAM (for modeltime ensembles), using the experiences with smooth::es() :-).