Open randomravings opened 2 years ago
it seems librdkafka config expects these constants as lowercase (and expects sasl.mechanism as uppercase). i think making librdkafka case insensitive to these values would be the ideal fix.
I think @randomravings is right, there should be strictly typed enums in the dotnet client for things like SecurityProtocol.
But Matt is also right, everyone is right!, librdkafka should be more forgiving. I'll fix the latter.
Scratch that, librdkafka's enums are already case insensitive.
right, looks like an issue on the .NET side.
I encountered the same error following get started document:
If in, we specify SASL_SSL
as specified in the documentation, SecurityProtocol throws argument exception.
but if we try to use enum value SaslSsl
, SecurityProtocol does not throw exception, but when building Producer, another exception throws:
Invalid value "SaslSsl" for configuration property "security.protocol"
at Confluent.Kafka.Impl.SafeConfigHandle.Set(String name, String value)
at Confluent.Kafka.Producer`2.<>c__DisplayClass56_0.<.ctor>b__5(KeyValuePair`2 kvp)
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
at Confluent.Kafka.Producer`2..ctor(ProducerBuilder`2 builder)
at Confluent.Kafka.ProducerBuilder`2.Build()
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Void** arguments, Signature sig, Boolean isConstructor)
at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.Invoke(Object obj, IntPtr* args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
I would suggest the same implementation SaslMechanism as @randomravings has mentioned.
Digging in the code, I think maybe the pb is here:
before searching in EnumNameToConfigValueSubstitutes
, we didn't transform result
in lower case, nor counting by ignoring cases. so the value SASL_SSL couldn't be found.
The Stacktrace matches this hypothese System.ArgumentException: 'Requested value 'SASL_SSL' was not found.'
When instantiating a client config, eg:
using the string configs from the Apache Kafka documentation for security.protocol then the ClientConfig throws and ArgumentException because it cannot convert it to a value in the ClientConfig.SecurityProtocol.
This is the line that breaks:
As an example, if I were to use the following config from a file:
For "sasl.mechanism" it is solved in the ClientConfig.SaslMechanism
I would suggest a similar approach be taken wrt. ClientConfig.SecurityProtocol.