Currently we are connecting to Kafka and Schema registry (for Avro) by passing Certificate locations for SSL authentication and we are working with .Net applications.
We are planning to use certificates from KeyVault by passing certificates as PEM strings, we observe that Confluent.Kafka (2.2.0) have the option for Kafka configuration to pass certificates as PEM strings.( https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/confluent-kafka-dotnet/_site/api/Confluent.Kafka.ClientConfig.html#Confluent_Kafka_ClientConfig_SslCaPem).
But we are not seeing any option to pass these certificates as string to Schema registry configuration.
Is there any option to pass these certificates as strings to the Schema registry OR
Is there any option other than saving certificates on local and passing that location to Schema registry config ?
Hi, Currently we are connecting to Kafka and Schema registry (for Avro) by passing Certificate locations for SSL authentication and we are working with .Net applications. We are planning to use certificates from KeyVault by passing certificates as PEM strings, we observe that Confluent.Kafka (2.2.0) have the option for Kafka configuration to pass certificates as PEM strings.( https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/confluent-kafka-dotnet/_site/api/Confluent.Kafka.ClientConfig.html#Confluent_Kafka_ClientConfig_SslCaPem). But we are not seeing any option to pass these certificates as string to Schema registry configuration. Is there any option to pass these certificates as strings to the Schema registry OR Is there any option other than saving certificates on local and passing that location to Schema registry config ?