Open abratv opened 4 months ago
With connection string, it works, it can connect, but for some reason its not producing any message (no error) log simply say Received MetadataResponse, Sent MetadataRequest
the no producing part could be different issue (not related to kafka)
There are lot of silent error with this library (which very dangerous) Pod is producing message to event hub kafka now, using connection string
So the issue with workload identity still remain..
Hi @abratv Can you provide debug logs? That might help in finding the issue.
We've been seeing something extremely similar when attempting to publish from a dotnet-isolated runtime Functions App (.NET8) on Confluent.Kafka version 2.5.0.
In our case the function that is attempting to do this basically just crashes with no exception (we have tried very hard to catch any possible exceptions).
We haven't yet tried connection strings rather than OAuth, but will probably give that a go next.
When I try to connect from aks with managed identity, the connection simply hang within OauthHandlerCallback If i compare it with my local development, this log is never called or at least I dont see it written in the log
[thrd:app]: Waking up waiting broker threads after setting OAUTHBEARER token
How to reproduce
BootstrapServers = eventHubNamespace, SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SaslSsl, SaslMechanism = SaslMechanism.OAuthBearer, SocketTimeoutMs = socketTimeoutMs, SessionTimeoutMs = sessionTimeoutMs, GroupId = consumerGroupName, AutoOffsetReset = autoOffsetReset, BrokerVersionFallback = brokerVersionFallback, EnableAutoCommit = autoCommit, SocketKeepaliveEnable = true, MetadataMaxAgeMs = metadataMaxAgeMs