confluentinc / confluent-kafka-javascript

Confluent's Apache Kafka JavaScript client
MIT License
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Producer property warnings on consumer creation #40

Closed apeloquin-agilysys closed 1 week ago

apeloquin-agilysys commented 3 weeks ago
const kafka = new Kafka({
  kafkaJS: {
    brokers: ["localhost:9092"]
const consumer = kafka.consumer({
  kafkaJS: {groupId: GROUP_ID}
await consumer.connect();

Results in the following log entries, even though I have clearly not specified or

  message: '[thrd:app]: Configuration property is a producer property and will be ignored by this consumer instance',
  fac: 'CONFWARN',
  timestamp: 1715289786815
  message: '[thrd:app]: Configuration property is a producer property and will be ignored by this consumer instance',
  fac: 'CONFWARN',
  timestamp: 1715289786816
milindl commented 2 weeks ago

This will be fixed in the next release, it was an issue with librdkafka. It only affects the logging. The properties are specified internally for compatibility with the default KafkaJS configurations.

milindl commented 1 week ago

Closing this as I released the v0.1.15-devel