confluentinc / confluent-kafka-python

Confluent's Kafka Python Client
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Producer hide librdkafka failures and silently return None as message on poll #1187

Open Hubbitus opened 3 years ago

Hubbitus commented 3 years ago


In case an error happened on Kerberos request authentification librdkafka will provide some logs which also are not returned into python space and for just None returned from message poll without an error indication.

How to reproduce

consumer_config = {
                    'bootstrap.servers': '}',
                    'schema.registry.url': '',
                    '': 'epm-ddo.consumer.2',
                    'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
                    'security.protocol': 'SASL_SSL',
                    '': 'conf/integration/',
                    'sasl.mechanisms': 'GSSAPI',
                    'sasl.kerberos.principal': 'kafkaclient',
                    'sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd': 'bash -c "cat conf/integration/paswd | /usr/bin/kinit Pavel_Alexeev@PETERSBURG.EXAMPLE.COM"',
                    '': 'kafka',
#                    'log_level': 7, 'debug': 'all' ## Logs will be ONLY in container output

topic = '....cdm.LocationChartNode'

consumer = AvroConsumer(consumer_config)

message = consumer.poll(5)


Printed result None, if look into the container, librdkafka produce errors like:

%3|1628784442.369|SASLREFRESH|rdkafka#consumer-34| [thrd:main]: Kerberos ticket refresh failed: bash -c "cat conf/integration/paswd | /usr/bin/kinit Pavel_Alexeev@PETERSBURG.EXAMPLE.COM": exited with code 1


Please provide the following information:

jliunyu commented 2 years ago

@Hubbitus, thanks for reporting this. Usually the error_cb can capture the error, please try to use it. This is the example:, if the failure still can't be captured, please feel free to let us know and we will take a look.

Hubbitus commented 2 years ago

Some errors indeed may be captured, I've tried that indirectly. Meantime, there should not be success return from poll on fatal errors, is not?