confluentinc / confluent-kafka-python

Confluent's Kafka Python Client
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What is the best way to check if Connection is there and if not retry it #1805

Closed Nabil-Miri closed 1 week ago

Nabil-Miri commented 2 weeks ago


Hello, I have a code with a producer. I want to know if there is a method to know if there is any error or no connection in the producer and if not, there reconnect or create the producer again.


How to reproduce

  def checkAndReconnect(self):
      while True:  # stay in the loop until it is reconnected!!
              if not self.kafkaProducer.poll(0):
                  # Try to reconnect
                  # Create a new producer
                  self.kafkaProducer = Producer(self.config)  # creating a new producer to connection again
                  break  # Exit the loop if reconnection is successful
          except KafkaException as ke:
              kafka_error = ke.args[0]
                    "Error: KafkaException during reconnection: " + str(kafka_error),

Currently the poll(0) does not help in doing so. What could be a solution? Thanks.


Please provide the following information:

pranavrth commented 2 weeks ago

Producers internally tries to reconnect periodically if the connection is not established. You don't need to do that on your own.

Nabil-Miri commented 2 weeks ago

So no need for the whole checkAndReconnect() function, right?

Nabil-Miri commented 2 weeks ago

@pranavrth BTW, I noticed in some places, reconnection is tested using list_topics like in the

    except KafkaException as e:
        assert e.args[0].code() in (KafkaError._TIMED_OUT, KafkaError._TRANSPORT)

So what is the difference if I used the list_topics and the periodic reconnection of the Producer.

pranavrth commented 1 week ago

Producer internally tries to connect to the brokers periodically. You will achieve the same thing if you try create the producer again and again with the same bootstrap-servers. Creating producer instance is a costly operation and will be an overhead for your application.

Nabil-Miri commented 1 week ago

Noted. Thanks a lot for your reply.