confluentinc / confluent-kafka-python

Confluent's Kafka Python Client
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Troubles with kerberos+ssl builds #901

Closed e-kolkhoz closed 4 years ago

e-kolkhoz commented 4 years ago


We have a project with consumer ssl connection to one kafka cluster (Cluster A) and sasl/gssapi/kerberos producer connection to another kafka cluster (Cluster B).

  1. This works fine with Cluster A (SSL) pip3 install confluent-kafka==1.2.0

  2. This works ok with Cluster B (SASL_PLAINTEXT)

    apt install librdkafka-dev
    pip3 install --no-binary :all: confluent-kafka
BUT! this no-binary driver build doesn't work with SSL anymore. 
`%7|1593100516.978|BROKERFAIL|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:ssl://clusterA_kafka_ip_here:9292/bootstrap]: ssl://clusterA_kafka_ip_here:9292/bootstrap: failed: err: Local: Broker transport failure: (errno: Success)
Then if we install vanilla driver `pip3 install confluent-kafka==1.2.0 ` this error disappears.

3. This chinese workaround (with spoofing librdkafka binary on vanilla python driver) (may use googletranslate to read) 
works fine with SSL (!) on our sandbox kafka cluster (Cluster C), but on Cluster A we have another error

`%7|1592995306.337|FAIL|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:ssl://clusterA_kafka_ip_here:9292/bootstrap]: ssl://clusterA_kafka_ip_here:9292/bootstrap: SSL handshake failed: ../ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:332: error: 1408F10B:SSL routines: ssl3_get_record:wrong version number (after 27 ms in state CONNECT) (_SSL)

Which versions (linux distro, confluent-kafka-python, librdkafka) should we use to establish connection with Cluster A (SSL) and produce messages to Cluster B (SASL_PLAINTEXT, sasl/gssapi/kerberos)?  

What are we doing wrong with the procedure? May be we should use another way to connect both clusters?

How to reproduce
on debian:bullseye-slim

apt install librdkafka-dev pip3 install --no-binary :all: confluent-kafka

in python3.6
from confluent_kafka import Producer, Consumer
configs = {"bootstrap.servers": kafka_servers,
           "security.protocol": "ssl",
configs[''] = some_group

c = Consumer(configs)


Please provide the following information:

edenhill commented 4 years ago

When using the binary wheels of confluent-kafka-python it comes with librdkafka and OpenSSL 1.0.2 included. But when you use the source packages of confluent-kafka-python it relies on the system-installed librdkafka and OpenSSL, so I would start looking there. What is the OpenSSL version installed on the system? Was librdkafka built for that OpenSSL version? Set "debug":"broker,security" to get more insight into what is happening, this will also show what OpenSSL version librdkafka is using and what version it was built for.

e-kolkhoz commented 4 years ago

Yes. It works!