confluentinc / ducktape

System integration and performance tests
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reporter: print report and failures at the end #288

Closed dotnwat closed 2 years ago

dotnwat commented 2 years ago

Change the order of output for test reporting. The new order is structured to make it easier to consume from the tail end of the output, common in settings like CI.

The new order is [passed, ignored, failed, summary report]. Here is an example:

test_id:    rptest.tests.describe_topics_test.DescribeTopicsTest.test_describe_topics
status:     PASS
run time:   18.640 seconds
test_id:    rptest.tests.rpk_topic_test.RpkToolTest.test_create_topic
status:     PASS
run time:   10.310 seconds
test_id:    rptest.tests.describe_topics_test.DescribeTopicsTest.test_xxx
status:     IGNORE
run time:   0.000 seconds
test_id:    rptest.tests.rpk_topic_test.RpkToolTest.test_consume_newest
status:     IGNORE
run time:   0.000 seconds
test_id:    rptest.tests.bytes_sent_test.BytesSentTest.test_bytes_sent
status:     FAIL
run time:   8.883 seconds

    NameError("name 'blah' is not defined")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ducktape/tests/", line 135, in run
    data = self.run_test()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ducktape/tests/", line 215, in run_test
    return self.test_context.function(self.test)
  File "/root/tests/rptest/services/", line 35, in wrapped
    r = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/root/tests/rptest/tests/", line 85, in test_bytes_sent
NameError: name 'blah' is not defined

test_id:    rptest.tests.rpk_topic_test.RpkToolTest.test_consume_oldest
status:     FAIL
run time:   6.623 seconds

    NameError("name 'asdf' is not defined")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ducktape/tests/", line 135, in run
    data = self.run_test()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ducktape/tests/", line 215, in run_test
    return self.test_context.function(self.test)
  File "/root/tests/rptest/services/", line 35, in wrapped
    r = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/root/tests/rptest/tests/", line 131, in test_consume_oldest
NameError: name 'asdf' is not defined

ducktape version: 0.8.8
session_id:       2022-01-19--004
run time:         3 minutes 27.125 seconds
tests run:        11
passed:           7
failed:           2
ignored:          2