confluentinc / ducktape

System integration and performance tests
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Can ducktape controll multiple VMs? #321

Closed buhtz closed 2 years ago

buhtz commented 2 years ago

This isn't a bug or feature. But I couldn't find another channel (mailinglist, etc) to ask.

I am experienced with unittests but not integration tests. I need a system that can handle multiple virtual machines which are part of my test cases. My tests (or use cases) involving multiple machines and network protocols.

Can ducktape take are of something like that?

Looking into the docu I am not sure. It seems to me that it is "just" a wrapper for testing tools look unittest and pytest.

imcdo commented 2 years ago

ducktape is designed to handle tests that use multiple machines, however it doesn't handle creation or destruction of such devices. It has vagrant integration, but otherwise you pretty much have to set up a cluster.json file describing nodes, and how to ssh into them, then hand it to ducktape to execute tests on those machines.

imcdo commented 2 years ago

So yes, ducktape can handle multiple vm's, however it doesn't set them up or tear them down, it just schedules test to be ran against a cluster of running vm's in your case, so it handles the resource allocation part of it for each test, as well as resetting state of the vm between tests.