confluentinc / jmx-monitoring-stacks

📊 Monitoring examples for Confluent Cloud and Confluent Platform
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Update/add dashboards for Prometheus JMX Exporter 1.0.x #230

Open dhoard opened 3 months ago

dhoard commented 3 months ago

The Prometheus JMX Exporter 1.0.x introduced some changes that required configuration and dashboard changes

  1. Metrics are no longer served on the root (/) path. You will be required to change the scrape URL to /metrics

  2. Some JVM metric names have changed to conform with the OpenMetrics specification.

Dashboards will need to be changed if referencing the changed JVM metrics.

  1. MBeans that normalize to the same metric name will now contain a label named _objectname that references the MBean that provided the metric.


# HELP kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request The request count using a cumulative counter,type=jersey-metrics,attribute=v3.topics.partitions-reassignment.list.request-total
# TYPE kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request untyped
kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request{_objectname="<type=jersey-metrics><>v3.topics-partitions-reassignment.list.request-total"} 0.0
kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request{_objectname="<type=jersey-metrics><>v3.topics.partitions-reassignment.list.request-total"} 0.0
tsuz commented 2 months ago


Metrics are no longer served on the root (/) path. You will be required to change the scrape URL to /metrics

From my testing on jmx_prometheus_javaagent-1.0.1.jar, this is not true at least for the Confluent components. I haven't tested with clients yet.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 9 51 02

Some JVM metric names have changed to conform with the OpenMetrics specification.

I noticed small discrepancy so I will report back if I find something

MBeans that normalize to the same metric name will now contain a label named _objectname that references the MBean that provided the metric.

I have not seen this yet, and AFAIK, I don't know any metrics that normalize to the same name.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 9 50 40
dhoard commented 2 months ago


Metrics path

The metrics path change (/metrics) was changed in the underlying Prometheus client_java library to be consistent with other exporters.



Here is an example output using 7.6.2 where the _objectname is used.

# HELP kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request The request count using a cumulative counter,type=jersey-metrics,attribute=v3.topics.partitions-reassignment.list.request-total
# TYPE kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request untyped
kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request{_objectname="<type=jersey-metrics><>v3.topics-partitions-reassignment.list.request-total"} 0.0
kafka_rest_jersey_metrics_v3_topics_partitions_reassignment_list_request{_objectname="<type=jersey-metrics><>v3.topics.partitions-reassignment.list.request-total"} 0.0

The _objectname is used when two metrics different metrics are mapped to the same Prometheus name, resulting in a conflict. Previous version of the exporter would throw away one of the metrics.

Notice the dash (-) versus period (.) between topics and partitions


In this specific scenario, they are most likely the same metric, but coding in that assumption into the exporter could lead to incorrect metrics.

I created a Kafka bug: