I have deployed a Kafka cluster v0.10 with endpoints for SSL and PLAINTEXT.
Also, I have deployed a component Kafka-rest with the following configuration:
When trying to get messages from a topic using kafka topics-ui then on Kafka-rest's log I can see that kafka-rest is using port 9092:
WARN Fetching topic metadata with correlation id 4 for topics [Set(_schemas)] from broker
[BrokerEndPoint(3,kafka3,9092)] failed (kafka.client.ClientUtils$)
and also that metadata.broker.list is overridden with port 9092:
INFO Property metadata.broker.list is overridden to kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092 (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties)
Also if I delete PLAINTEXT endpoint from zNode on Zookeeper {"listener_security_protocol_map":{"PLAINTEXT":"PLAINTEXT","SSL":"SSL"},"endpoints":["PLAINTEXT://kafka3:9092","SSL://machine1:9093"],"jmx_port":9999,"host":"kafka3","timestamp":"1527154260933","port":9092,"version":4} then Kafka-rest complains that there is no PLAINTEXT endpoint (why it should require PLAINTEXT endpoint anyway?)
We are having this problem too. No matter what is defined in properties, V1 always connects using PLAINTEXT. Is this something to do with Zookeeper based consumers?
Hi, I have deployed a Kafka cluster v0.10 with endpoints for SSL and PLAINTEXT. Also, I have deployed a component Kafka-rest with the following configuration:
When trying to get messages from a topic using kafka topics-ui then on Kafka-rest's log I can see that kafka-rest is using port 9092:
and also that metadata.broker.list is overridden with port 9092:
INFO Property metadata.broker.list is overridden to kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092 (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties)
Also if I delete PLAINTEXT endpoint from zNode on Zookeeper
then Kafka-rest complains that there is no PLAINTEXT endpoint (why it should require PLAINTEXT endpoint anyway?)Any idea why this is happening?