I want to run the wordcount application in a Linux terminal.
I have started the Zookeeper and Kafka server and created input and output topics but on running the command to start the WordCount count application (which I got from Kafka Streams Docs -https://kafka.apache.org/37/documentation/streams/quickstart ), I am getting errors. My server is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9092
my application command->> bin/kafka-run-class.sh org.apache.kafka.streams.examples.wordcount.WordCountDemo
After this, I started the producer and the consumer(output topic) in separate terminals.
To check whether I was able to write into the input topic or not, I also started one more consumer by using the topic as the input topic. As I wrote some words into the producer, I was able to see those words in the input topic consumer but not in the output topic consumer, as the application running was giving warnings, the photo of which I have already provided.
I am unable to resolve the error.
I want to run the wordcount application in a Linux terminal. I have started the Zookeeper and Kafka server and created input and output topics but on running the command to start the WordCount count application (which I got from Kafka Streams Docs -https://kafka.apache.org/37/documentation/streams/quickstart ), I am getting errors. My server is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9092 my application command->> bin/kafka-run-class.sh org.apache.kafka.streams.examples.wordcount.WordCountDemo After this, I started the producer and the consumer(output topic) in separate terminals. To check whether I was able to write into the input topic or not, I also started one more consumer by using the topic as the input topic. As I wrote some words into the producer, I was able to see those words in the input topic consumer but not in the output topic consumer, as the application running was giving warnings, the photo of which I have already provided. I am unable to resolve the error.