Closed MichaelDrogalis closed 5 years ago
@purplefox can you also take a look at this related issue please?
I've tried to reproduce this. I don't get the error message as reported above, but I do get a different one. Will investigate further:
ksql> create table movies (id INT, title VARCHAR, release_year INT) with (kafka_topic='test1', partitions=1, value_format='avro');
create table movies (id INT, title VARCHAR, release_year INT) with (kafka_topic='test1', partitions=1, value_format='avro')
Table created
ksql> insert into movies (id, title, release_year) values (10, 'anything', 1998);
insert into movies (id, title, release_year) values (10, 'anything', 1998)
Failed to insert values into 'MOVIES'. Could not serialize row: [ 10 | 'anything' | 1998 ]
As the CT statement doesn't define a key field in the WITH
clause the user must supply a value for ROWKEY
statement. If they don't, as is the case above, then the statement should fail and a suitable error returned to the user.
In that sense this is related to
For tables we probably shouldn't allow users to insert with null
keys until KSQL itself can handle null
keys. For streams a null
key is fine.
The previous error message I was getting because the schema registry was not running. When I run with confluent platform, I cannot reproduce this error, and the insert seem to proceed fine:
ksql> create table movies4 (id INT, title VARCHAR, release_year INT) with (kafka_topic='test3', partitions=1, value_format='avro');
create table movies4 (id INT, title VARCHAR, release_year INT) with (kafka_topic='test3', partitions=1, value_format='avro')
Table created
ksql> insert into movies4 (id, title, release_year) values (10, 'anything', 1998);
insert into movies4 (id, title, release_year) values (10, 'anything', 1998)ksql>
ksql> print test3 from beginning;
18/09/19 13:30:15 BST, null, {"ID": 10, "TITLE": "anything", "RELEASE_YEAR": 1998}
test3 is a newly created topic in the above.
I'm going to close this as cannot reproduce. I assume the underlying issue has been fixed by another change recently.
If anyone can reproduce it, please re-open.
Reopening as this is definitely still an issue - we should not allow producing data to tables with null keys, as we do not support null keys in tables.
Steps to reproduce, (running against 5.1 CP started with confluent start
followed by confluent stop ksql-server
and running version of KSQL server + cli from master branch).
-- look mum, no KEY set in WITH clause:
ksql> create table Trades(TradeId string, AccountId string, Amount double) with (KAFKA_TOPIC = 'TradeHistory', VALUE_FORMAT = 'JSON', PARTITIONS=1);
Table created
-- When we:
ksql> INSERT INTO Trades (RowKey, AccountId, Amount) VALUES ('t1', 'acc1', 106.0);
Failed to insert values into 'TRADES'.
Caused by: Producer is closed forcefully.
Logs server side say:
[2019-10-17 09:45:38,817] INFO Received: KsqlRequest{ksql='INSERT INTO Trades (TradeId, AccountId, Amount) VALUES ('t1', 'acc1', 106.0);', streamsProperties={}, commandSequenceNumber=Optional[3]} (
[2019-10-17 09:45:38,822] INFO KsqlConfig values:
ksql.access.validator.enable = auto
ksql.avro.maps.named = true
ksql.connect.url = http://localhost:8083
ksql.connect.worker.config =
ksql.extension.dir = ext
ksql.functions.substring.legacy.args = false
ksql.insert.into.values.enabled = true
ksql.internal.topic.replicas = 1
ksql.metric.reporters = []
ksql.metrics.extension = null
ksql.metrics.tags.custom =
ksql.named.internal.topics = on =
ksql.persistence.wrap.single.values = true
ksql.persistent.prefix = query_
ksql.query.fields.key.legacy = false = 2147483647 = false
ksql.schema.registry.url = http://localhost:8081 = null = default_
ksql.sink.partitions = null
ksql.sink.replicas = null
ksql.sink.window.change.log.additional.retention = 1000000
ksql.transient.prefix = transient_
ksql.udf.collect.metrics = false = true
ksql.udfs.enabled = true
ksql.windowed.session.key.legacy = false
ssl.cipher.suites = null
ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = https
ssl.key.password = null
ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
ssl.keystore.location = null
ssl.keystore.password = null
ssl.keystore.type = JKS
ssl.protocol = TLS
ssl.provider = null = null
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
ssl.truststore.location = null
ssl.truststore.password = null
ssl.truststore.type = JKS
[2019-10-17 09:45:38,823] INFO KsqlConfig values:
ksql.access.validator.enable = auto
ksql.avro.maps.named = true
ksql.connect.url = http://localhost:8083
ksql.connect.worker.config =
ksql.extension.dir = ext
ksql.functions.substring.legacy.args = false
ksql.insert.into.values.enabled = true
ksql.internal.topic.replicas = 1
ksql.metric.reporters = []
ksql.metrics.extension = null
ksql.metrics.tags.custom =
ksql.named.internal.topics = on =
ksql.persistence.wrap.single.values = true
ksql.persistent.prefix = query_
ksql.query.fields.key.legacy = false = 2147483647 = false
ksql.schema.registry.url = http://localhost:8081 = null = default_
ksql.sink.partitions = null
ksql.sink.replicas = null
ksql.sink.window.change.log.additional.retention = 1000000
ksql.transient.prefix = transient_
ksql.udf.collect.metrics = false = true
ksql.udfs.enabled = true
ksql.windowed.session.key.legacy = false
ssl.cipher.suites = null
ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = https
ssl.key.password = null
ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
ssl.keystore.location = null
ssl.keystore.password = null
ssl.keystore.type = JKS
ssl.protocol = TLS
ssl.provider = null = null
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
ssl.truststore.location = null
ssl.truststore.password = null
ssl.truststore.type = JKS
[2019-10-17 09:45:38,879] INFO KsqlConfig values:
ksql.access.validator.enable = auto
ksql.avro.maps.named = true
ksql.connect.url = http://localhost:8083
ksql.connect.worker.config =
ksql.extension.dir = ext
ksql.functions.substring.legacy.args = false
ksql.insert.into.values.enabled = true
ksql.internal.topic.replicas = 1
ksql.metric.reporters = []
ksql.metrics.extension = null
ksql.metrics.tags.custom =
ksql.named.internal.topics = on =
ksql.persistence.wrap.single.values = true
ksql.persistent.prefix = query_
ksql.query.fields.key.legacy = false = 2147483647 = false
ksql.schema.registry.url = http://localhost:8081 = null = default_
ksql.sink.partitions = null
ksql.sink.replicas = null
ksql.sink.window.change.log.additional.retention = 1000000
ksql.transient.prefix = transient_
ksql.udf.collect.metrics = false = true
ksql.udfs.enabled = true
ksql.windowed.session.key.legacy = false
ssl.cipher.suites = null
ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = https
ssl.key.password = null
ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
ssl.keystore.location = null
ssl.keystore.password = null
ssl.keystore.type = JKS
ssl.protocol = TLS
ssl.provider = null = null
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
ssl.truststore.location = null
ssl.truststore.password = null
ssl.truststore.type = JKS
[2019-10-17 09:45:38,880] INFO KsqlConfig values:
ksql.access.validator.enable = auto
ksql.avro.maps.named = true
ksql.connect.url = http://localhost:8083
ksql.connect.worker.config =
ksql.extension.dir = ext
ksql.functions.substring.legacy.args = false
ksql.insert.into.values.enabled = true
ksql.internal.topic.replicas = 1
ksql.metric.reporters = []
ksql.metrics.extension = null
ksql.metrics.tags.custom =
ksql.named.internal.topics = on =
ksql.persistence.wrap.single.values = true
ksql.persistent.prefix = query_
ksql.query.fields.key.legacy = false = 2147483647 = false
ksql.schema.registry.url = http://localhost:8081 = null = default_
ksql.sink.partitions = null
ksql.sink.replicas = null
ksql.sink.window.change.log.additional.retention = 1000000
ksql.transient.prefix = transient_
ksql.udf.collect.metrics = false = true
ksql.udfs.enabled = true
ksql.windowed.session.key.legacy = false
ssl.cipher.suites = null
ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = https
ssl.key.password = null
ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
ssl.keystore.location = null
ssl.keystore.password = null
ssl.keystore.type = JKS
ssl.protocol = TLS
ssl.provider = null = null
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
ssl.truststore.location = null
ssl.truststore.password = null
ssl.truststore.type = JKS
[2019-10-17 09:45:38,895] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 5 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483646 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,001] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 6 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483645 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,105] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 7 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483644 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,210] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 8 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483643 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,316] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 9 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483642 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,418] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 10 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483641 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,524] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 11 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483640 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,629] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 12 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483639 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,733] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 13 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483638 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,839] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 14 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483637 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:39,942] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 15 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483636 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,046] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 16 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483635 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,151] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 17 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483634 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,255] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 18 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483633 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,360] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 19 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483632 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,464] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 20 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483631 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,569] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 21 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483630 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,674] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 22 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483629 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,778] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 23 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483628 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,882] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 24 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483627 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:40,987] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 25 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483626 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,091] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 26 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483625 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,198] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 27 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483624 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,303] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 28 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483623 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,405] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 29 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483622 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,509] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 30 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483621 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,616] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 31 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483620 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,722] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 32 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483619 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,824] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 33 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483618 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:41,927] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 34 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483617 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,033] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 35 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483616 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,139] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 36 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483615 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,243] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 37 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483614 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,345] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 38 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483613 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,449] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 39 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483612 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,555] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 40 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483611 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,658] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 41 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483610 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,763] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 42 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483609 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,868] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 43 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483608 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:42,973] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 44 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483607 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,076] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 45 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483606 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,181] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 46 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483605 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,286] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 47 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483604 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,392] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 48 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483603 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,498] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 49 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483602 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,603] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 50 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483601 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,706] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 51 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483600 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
[2019-10-17 09:45:43,808] WARN [Producer clientId=producer-2] Got error produce response with correlation id 52 on topic-partition TradeHistory-0, retrying (2147483599 attempts left). Error: CORRUPT_MESSAGE (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender:637)
KSQL recently relaxed the need to specify a key for a table. This seems to cause
insert into values
to throw a strange error:Notably, this works when I specify a key for the table: