Outline your question
You use ksql-migrations to deploy version 1, then you create another version (version 2) and you deploy it using ksql-migrations.
Several hours later, you notice that something is not running fine and you want rollback to version 1. How can I do it?
I tried running ksql-migrations apply -v 1 but it doesn't work:
Version must be newer than the last version migrated. Last version migrated was 2
Provide details of the setup you're running
Outline your question You use ksql-migrations to deploy version 1, then you create another version (version 2) and you deploy it using ksql-migrations.
Several hours later, you notice that something is not running fine and you want rollback to version 1. How can I do it?
I tried running ksql-migrations apply -v 1 but it doesn't work:
Version must be newer than the last version migrated. Last version migrated was 2