confluentinc / librdkafka

The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
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Unable to create broker thread error #4712

Open adawaefve opened 1 month ago

adawaefve commented 1 month ago


I am trying to build a project with librdkafka library in docker. Docker image builds succesfully and all dependencies are linked correctly, but when I build app, where I use the librdkafka library, I keep receiving different kinds of errors. Most common of them is : , level: 2, log message: 'KafkaConsumer[c0f24ff0-be1be3a6] THREAD | [thrd:app]: Unable to create broker thread', (LIBRDKAFKA:0) project: rdkafka_broker.c:5003: rd_kafka_broker_add_logical: Assertion `rkb && *"failed to create broker thread"' failed. I am using exactly 1 producer and 2 consumers and all memory limits are set to unlimited in my docker container. Sometimes, when I comment out some of them I receive new error, that is connectted to modern cpp kafka library: 2024-05-07 10:01:45.345234: Local: Critical system resource failure [-194] (/usr/local/include/modern-cpp-kafka/kafka/KafkaClient.h:429)

How to reproduce

build a C++ project where is linked librdkafka ,modern cpp Kafka, pthread.


Please provide the following information:

emasab commented 3 weeks ago

@adawaefve giving that you're working with Docker could you provide a Dockerfile to reproduce it