confluentinc / parallel-consumer

Parallel Apache Kafka client wrapper with per message ACK, client side queueing, a simpler consumer/producer API with key concurrency and extendable non-blocking IO processing.
Apache License 2.0
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ParallelConsumer would run for a while and then exit due to InternalRuntimeException(Timeout) #833

Open dumontxiong opened 2 weeks ago

dumontxiong commented 2 weeks ago

Hi team, version

InternalRuntimeException: My test scenario is a scenario where 50% of records fail, and there's 1000 keys in total, parallelConsumer would run for a while and then exit due to InternalRuntimeException at 24/09/13 21:33:37.130 io.confluent.parallelconsumer.internal.InternalRuntimeException: Timeout waiting for commit response PT30S to request ConsumerOffsetCommitter.CommitRequest(id=79c3ac04-b8c7-4dc2-9b09-c77d6ad6bee4, requestedAtMs=1726234432425)

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 15 24 18

And we can see the code from ConsumerOffsetCommitter.commitAndWait()

CommitResponse take = commitResponseQueue.poll(commitTimeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // blocks, drain until we find our response cause take is null then throw InternalRuntimeException.

metrics from pc_processed_records_total During this time, there's no successful records:

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 10 39 16

Adding commit response to queue: And below logs from ConsumerOffsetCommitter.maybeDoCommit() show the last time add commit response to queue is 24/09/13 21:16:54.105

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 15 25 49

Waiting on a commit response:

And we can see the code from ConsumerOffsetCommitter.commitAndWait() show the last time wait commit response from queue is 24/09/13 21:33:52.426

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 15 31 17

Here's my concerns: First time adding commit response to queue time is 24/09/13 21:16:54.105, and waiting on a commit response time is 24/09/13 21:16:54.084, within 30s second time there's no adding commit response to queue but waiting on a commit response time is 24/09/13 21:33:39.194. so it lead to InternalRuntimeException.

please help to check

BRS, Dumont

rkolesnev commented 1 week ago

Hi @dumontxiong - it is hard to tell if it is an issue or not - it is possible not to get a commit response if something went wrong with Kafka cluster, but without more information I cannot really tell if that was the cause here. In general with CONSUMER_PERIODIC_SYNC commit mode - there is 2 possible execution modes - depending which thread has requested commit: 1) if commit is requested on the thread owning the Committer (it is the Broker Poll thread) - then commit happens immediately with blocking commit request. 2) if commit is requested by a different thread - then it is added to commitRequest queue and thread is waiting for matching response on the commitResponseQueue - the commit processing itself still happens on the broker-poll thread as part of the control loop.

I cannot tell what happened in this case - why response is not there etc - but it should be visible in Debug logs when commit request is picked off the request queue (and if its not picked / processed - then maybe will be something showing why it wasnt). Can you provide more complete logs? I can see that you have debug logging enabled at least for ConsumerOffsetCommitter so that may help to clarify things.

rkolesnev commented 1 week ago

Or if you can provide a minimal test application or integration test that reproduces this issue - that would be even better :)