Open VipulZopSmart opened 1 year ago
@linouk23 please suggest something.
thanks for opening this issue @VipulZopSmart!
Do you want to split this issue into 2 separate ones?
I think single issue is fine.
We can do this for our QA and STG setup but not possible for PROD as we do provisioning of resources from the EC2. Please suggest some way to achieve this and how do we do this whenever we get a version upgrade?
Could you add more details here?
Is it possible to setup Github runners setup for that cluster, so that we can make use of that provisioning of resources in PROD from the github instead of EC2 provisioned in that AWS account(privateLink setup).
Well, there're multiple ways but we don't have an example for any. The core idea is you need to execute terraform from the VPC that has a connectivity to PL cluster. For example, looking at this doc might be heplful. That said, I'm not sure if that's the best way for production usage.
cc @VipulZopSmart
I have the same issue here; we don't want to expose the whole internal API to the internet so that Github can do the CI/CD, but equally, running a runner to control Confluent's internal API is overkill.
I considered using API GW before the Kafka REST Endpoint with restrictions on the paths allowed. I hope we can then restrict it to the account bits but block reading and writing data to topics.
Can anyone confirm is this the full list of topics that would need to be allowed through API Gw for Github to be able to use the Kafka REST endpoint for provisioning. Are any not needed?
Also is there anyone to add an additional security token wrapper that could be validated by API Gw before passing the call onto the End point?
GET - Get List of Topics{cluster_id}/topics
POST - Create Topic{cluster_id}/topics
GET - Topic Settings{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}
DELETE - Topic{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}
GET - Cluster Links{cluster_id}/links
POST - Create Cluster Link{cluster_id}/links
GET - Cluster Link Settings{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}
DELETE - Cluster Link{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}
GET - Cluster Link Configs{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/configs
GET - Describe Config under a Cluster Link{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/configs/{config_name}
PUT - Config under a Cluster Link{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/configs/{config_name}
DELETE - Config under a Cluster Link{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/configs/{config_name}
PUT - Batch Alter a Config under a Cluster Link{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/configs:alter
PUT - Mirror a topic in a Source cluster{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors
GET - List Mirror topics under a link{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors
GET - List all Mirror topics{cluster_id}/links/-/mirrors
GET - Mirror topic details{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors/{mirror_topic_name}
POST - Promote Mirror topic{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors:promote
POST - Failover mirror topic{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors:failover
POST - Pause mirror topic{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors:pause
POST - Resume mirror topic{cluster_id}/links/{link_name}/mirrors:resume
Can anyone confirm is this the full list of topics that would need to be allowed through API Gw for Github to be able to use the Kafka REST endpoint for provisioning. Are any not needed?
@pixie79 your list seems to be accurate to me.
We have QA and STG are standard clusters and are reachable from local(thus Github actions can be setup to automate the process of running terraform scripts), but for PROD cluster, we have dedicated cluster and privateLink enabled from some AWS accounts. Is it possible to setup Github runners setup for that cluster, so that we can make use of that provisioning of resources in PROD from the github instead of EC2 provisioned in that AWS account(privateLink setup).
Also, we're thinking of updating the confluent terraform provider version in our terraform scripts - so we're thinking of following github versioning(tag based release) as there could be a breaking change in the upgrade. We can do this for our QA and STG setup but not possible for PROD as we do provisioning of resources from the EC2. Please suggest some way to achieve this and how do we do this whenever we get a version upgrade?