confluentinc / terraform-provider-confluent

Terraform Provider for Confluent
Apache License 2.0
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Can't transition from encryption_key to byok_key[0].id without cluster recreation #404

Open Israphel opened 2 months ago

Israphel commented 2 months ago

I'm upgrading my own modules to comply with this guide:

I currently have a dedicated AWS cluster with encryption. I'd like to continue managing that with terraform so I wanted to import the (already in use) KMS key, and link that to the existing cluster (so I expect 0 changes while doing that)

I ran:

confluent byok list

and I couldn't see the KMS Key I always used, so I ran:

confluent byok create "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:xxxxxx:key/xxxxx"

With the exact same ARN I'm using.

Then I imported:

terraform import 'module.confluent-kafka-cluster["misc-use1"].confluent_byok_key.byok_key[0]' 'cck-xxxx'

and ran a plan, but Terraform wants to remove everything.

Why can't we keep managing this for existing clusters with Terraform? this change alongside the schema registry change, seems to be removing more and more power from IaC.

linouk23 commented 1 month ago

@Israphel thanks for creating the issue!

Did you get a chance to look at

this change alongside the schema registry change, seems to be removing more and more power from IaC.

On a relevant note, could you share more details about it?

Israphel commented 1 month ago

I have seen all the issues related to this but I don't agree with the answer. In infra as code, the code has to match the infra, you want us to remove part of the code instead of providing backward compatibility with existing clusters.

specially this:

Unfortunately, in-place updates are not supported in TF because they are not supported at the API level.

Both the provider and the API belong to Confluent, as a company. There're no excuses to make them incompatible.

About the schema registry, you can read me here:

I gonna talk with confluent about this, in our monthly sync, because so far the 2.0.0 provider is a disaster.

linouk23 commented 1 month ago

I have seen all the issues related to this but I don't agree with the answer. In infra as code, the code has to match the infra, you want us to remove part of the code instead of providing backward compatibility with existing clusters.

@Israphel, there's an update from our side: we talked to the backend team, and we're considering reverting our deprecation change. More specifically:

When creating new Kafka clusters, you should use the byok_key[0].id attribute instead of the dedicated[0].encryption_key attribute, since the latter is no longer supported in the Confluent Cloud API's POST cmk/v2/clusters request.

However, for existing instances of the confluent_kafka_cluster resource, dedicated[0].encryption_key is still supported as a read-only attribute.

In short, your existing instances of the confluent_kafka_cluster resource will not require any updates when using the v2.0.0 version of the TF Provider, and you'll no longer see deprecation messages. Let us know if that helps!

Israphel commented 1 month ago

even tho that's better than before, it's still not ideal.

Why? because if I update my terraform module for kafka creation to comply with 2.0.0 (which I already did), then existing clusters can't transition to byok_key, and they will always be in a legacy state.

The ideal move here is being able to import an existing key, and the cluster should see no changes.

The same happened with s3_bucket back in aws 3.x.x, where every single config was moved into its own terraform resoruce, and existing buckets were not affected after doing the imports.

Below are fragments of my Terraform module:


# Confluent Kafka cluster
resource "confluent_kafka_cluster" "kafka_cluster" {
  display_name =
  availability = var.type == "basic" ? "SINGLE_ZONE" : var.availability
  cloud        =
  region       = var.region

  dynamic "basic" {
    for_each = var.type == "basic" ? [true] : []
    content {}

  dynamic "standard" {
    for_each = var.type == "standard" ? [true] : []
    content {}

  dynamic "dedicated" {
    for_each = var.type == "dedicated" ? [true] : []
    content {
      cku = var.type != "dedicated" ? null : var.cku

  dynamic "byok_key" {
    for_each = anytrue([,]) ? [true] : []
    content {
      id = one(confluent_byok_key.byok_key[*].id)

  dynamic "network" {
    for_each = var.type == "dedicated" && var.network_id != null ? [true] : []
    content {
      id = var.network_id

  environment {
    id = var.environment_id

# Confluent encryption key
resource "confluent_byok_key" "byok_key" {
  count = anytrue([,]) ? 1 : 0

  dynamic "aws" {
    for_each = ? [true] : []
    content {
      key_arn = var.kms_key_arn

  dynamic "azure" {
    for_each = ? [true] : []
    content {
      tenant_id      = var.tenant_id
      key_vault_id   = var.key_vault_id
      key_identifier = var.key_identifier

locals {
  # Determines encryption status
  encrypted = {
    aws   = alltrue([var.type == "dedicated", == "AWS", var.kms_key_arn != null])
    azure = alltrue([var.type == "dedicated", == "AZURE", var.tenant_id != null, var.key_vault_id != null, var.key_identifier != null])

So, as explained before, I can't transition my confluent repo to my updated module because the plan wants to make a cluster recreation.

Please consider supporting the byok import.

petrkarytka commented 1 month ago

Why? because if I update my terraform module for kafka creation to comply with 2.0.0 (which I already did), then existing clusters can't transition to byok_key, and they will always be in a legacy state.

This is exactly what I mentioned in #398 It makes things complicated and time consuming, because now we need to maintain two versions of the module.

linouk23 commented 3 weeks ago

@petrkarytka @Israphel could you try to update TF Provider to 2.0.0 by following this guide and then reimport your Kafka clusters and see whether it resolves terraform plan issue?

Your new TF config should still include encryption_key attribute for old Kafka clusters and it should not use byok { id } block: image

Thank you!

petrkarytka commented 3 weeks ago

@linouk23 I don't have any issues with terraform plan but it leads to maintaining two versions of the cluster module - one for clusters that were deployed with encryption_key and one for clusters with byok_key. This process would be significantly easier and faster if it was possible to update the old clusters to start using byok_key somehow

linouk23 commented 3 weeks ago


I don't have any issues with terraform plan


It leads to maintaining two versions of the cluster module - one for clusters that were deployed with encryption_key and one for clusters with byok_key. This process would be significantly easier and faster if it was possible to update the old clusters to start using byok_key somehow

We fully agree with this statement 💯. However, unfortunately, based on our conversation with the backend team, updating the old clusters to start using byok_key may be very challenging at this point.

Israphel commented 3 weeks ago

Your new TF config should still include encryption_key attribute for old Kafka clusters and it should not use byok { id } block:

That's not what I want. Existing clusters should be able to move to the new resource, because I'm not changing the encryption key, it still is the same KMS ARN it always had. You changed some naming internally, not my fault.