When working on a relevant task, I ran into an issue with stopping Flink statements:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# confluent_flink_statement.insert-into-table will be updated in-place
~ resource "confluent_flink_statement" "insert-into-table" {
id = "env-devcg1gy1r/lfcp-devc2g87dm/tf-2024-10-14-175011-47aef93e-a292-446e-9970-21e5d47805af"
~ stopped = false -> true
# (5 unchanged attributes hidden)
confluent_flink_statement.insert-into-table: Refreshing state... [id=env-devcg1gy1r/lfcp-devc2g87dm/tf-2024-10-14-175011-47aef93e-a292-446e-9970-21e5d47805af]
confluent_flink_statement.insert-into-table: Modifying... [id=env-devcg1gy1r/lfcp-devc2g87dm/tf-2024-10-14-175011-47aef93e-a292-446e-9970-21e5d47805af]
Error: error waiting for Flink Statement "tf-2024-10-14-175011-47aef93e-a292-446e-9970-21e5d47805af" to update: flink Statement "tf-2024-10-14-175011-47aef93e-a292-446e-9970-21e5d47805af" is an unexpected state "STOPPING"
It seems like there was a typo where we didn't process all pending / target states in flinkStatementUpdatingStatus from waitForFlinkStatementToBeUpdated.
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When working on a relevant task, I ran into an issue with stopping Flink statements:
It seems like there was a typo where we didn't process all pending / target states in