conformal / cyphertite

A high-security scalable solution for online backups.
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Set up multiple machine backups #109

Closed tukoz closed 9 years ago

tukoz commented 9 years ago

The wiki says:

multiple machines

Having configured and tested cyphertite running on a single machine it is straightforward to setup additional machines that backup using the same account. The main utility of this is to obtain the benefit of doing realm deduplication, wherein multiple machines can share a pool of chunks and receive the corresponding space savings from this process.

Totaly great!

  1. copy the contents of /etc/cyphertite from host1 to the new machine, host2. this can be done a number of ways, one example is

What is that we have to replicate on host n.2? I don't get the /etc/cyphertite part, which I do not have on the machine with Cyphertite installed and running btw.

SirHumphreyAppleby commented 9 years ago

I believe the only file you need is ~/.cyphertite/cyphertite.conf

tukoz commented 9 years ago

That's also how I understand. Now atm the wiki makes things unclear, saying one should copy the contents of /etc/cyphertite from host1 to the new machine, host2., and We recommend saving cyphertite.conf and ct_crypto in a safe offline location.