confused-Techie / atom-backend

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How to run tests locally? #65

Closed Digitalone1 closed 1 year ago

Digitalone1 commented 1 year ago

I know this could be asked on DIscord, but here I can track it better.

I tried to run tests on my system, but failed. Installed docker and npm on Arch Linux.

But on npm run test I got

> atom-backend@1.0.0 test
> set NODE_ENV=test&& set PULSAR_STATUS=dev&& jest

sh: row 1: jest: command not found

What am I missing?

confused-Techie commented 1 year ago

Interesting, as long as you've install all the dependencies you should be good. Since with npm you need to run npm install . in the root of the project directory.

Otherwise it seems that some systems have trouble finding the module installed via npm so you could try npm test -- --updateSnapshot since that apparently should have npm add the ./node_modules/.bin to your path.

Hopefully that helps

Digitalone1 commented 1 year ago

I was missing npm install .

Did it and:

npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'atom-backend@1.0.0',
npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>= 14.0.0 < 16.16.0' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.18.0', npm: '8.19.2' }

added 720 packages, and audited 721 packages in 33s

95 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
npm notice 
npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.2 -> 9.1.1
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@9.1.1 to update!
npm notice 

Then npm rum test failed:

> atom-backend@1.0.0 test
> set NODE_ENV=test&& set PULSAR_STATUS=dev&& jest

Error: Jest: Got error running globalSetup - ~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/@databases/pg-test/lib/jest/globalSetup.js, reason: docker images --format "{{json .}}" exited with code 1:
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

    at ResultClass.getResult (~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/modern-spawn/lib/index.js:47:25)
    at ~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/modern-spawn/lib/index.js:64:32
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async imageExists (~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/@databases/with-container/lib/index.js:9:20)
    at async pullDockerImage (~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/@databases/with-container/lib/index.js:32:10)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async startContainer (~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/@databases/with-container/lib/index.js:129:5)
    at async getDatabase (~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/@databases/pg-test/lib/index.js:42:42)
    at async setup (~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_modules/@databases/pg-test/lib/jest/globalSetup.js:20:35)
    at async ~/pkgbuild/atom/git/atom-community-server-backend-JS/node_mo

I started the docker systemd service before launching the test.

Any hint?

confused-Techie commented 1 year ago

@Digitalone1 I'm going to assume that Docker was installing with sudo, since I know on my Ubuntu server I have to use sudo to start any container. Meanwhile I'm assuming you didn't use npm as root or a sudoer. Now tbh I'm not sure if those root permissions will be able to be used by any dependency of npm but I'd assume that you could at least try to use sudo npm run test Or from ArchWiki I'm seeing you could use --unsafe-perms.

Sorry I use this all on a Windows Environment with WSL enabled, so not to familiar with this build process on linux. But otherwise looking better than before

Digitalone1 commented 1 year ago

I got a slightly different error trying with sudo

WARNING: Error loading config file: /root/.docker/config.json: open /root/.docker/config.json: permission denied

It seems like I should run a docker instance on my user, but I don't know how. The only way to start docker is through systemd service, but it's using its own custom user which I don't have rights. There's no user service provided by docker package.

Don't know how to resolve, it's the first time I use these utilities.

confused-Techie commented 1 year ago

May not be the best solution

Read my comment below for what I feel is the most likely solution here

@Digitalone1 that is interesting. I've found a post on Stackoverflow that might be helpful. But otherwise this weekend I might have to replicate your setup and see what's going on, or if I can recreate it.

Now with that link keep in mind the above that they added their user to the right group. But let me see what I can find out, if you wouldn't mind dropping the version of Arch you have installed?

But otherwise in the meantime, feel free to let the actions speak for the tests. I'm trying to look on the Repo that creates the docker container for these tests to see if anyone has run across similar issues. But not having to much luck.

At least in the meantime there's still a bit of cleanup todo. There were a few refactor things I had wanted to do before we hit 1.0, if you'd like I'll make some issues for them

confused-Techie commented 1 year ago

@Digitalone1 Or, this may be a fix. Looks like npm scripts are always run with the permissions of the working directory owner. Docs, so maybe if you were to sudo chown root:root ./ -R from the project directory, then confirm it's owner by root ls -l ./ when you then use sudo npm test it will run the scripts inside package.json as the root user, which should then allow it to start up the Docker Containers and manage the Docker Daemon.

Just an idea and I'm unable to test this, but hoping that would be the solution

Digitalone1 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I don't have a .docker folder in the home directory of my user.

I don't feel like changing the owner of the entire project folder to root is a good solution. It's not safe, the user folder is made to not run as root.

Anyway, installing Arch only to do tests on docker seems overkill. Are you sure? ^^

It's tricky to install. However if you want, just pick from here. Follow installation guide.

confused-Techie commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I don't have a .docker folder in the home directory of my user.

I don't feel like changing the owner of the entire project folder to root is a good solution. It's not safe, the user folder is made to not run as root.

Anyway, installing Arch only to do tests on docker seems overkill. Are you sure? ^^

It's tricky to install. However if you want, just pick from here. Follow installation guide.

That's fair it's not the most secure. Just seems like the most likely solution I'm seeing. But realistically I'd probably try Manjaro first, since it's at least based on Arch. But we will see how much time I find this weekend.

Please let me know if in the meantime you find a different solution

Digitalone1 commented 1 year ago

Choose which distro you want, anyway I recommend over Manjaro.

I read EOS uses the same repo of Arch while Manjaro has it's own customized repo which is slightly behind vanilla Arch.

To install docker and npm:

pacman -Syu docker npm

Or yay in place of pacman which is an helper and lookup also on packages over AUR.

mauricioszabo commented 1 year ago

I know you need to add your user to docker group and reboot Linux for docker to work - did you do that?

bobjunga commented 1 year ago

I just tried that and it worked.

` $ docker --version # needs to be <19.3

$ # check to see if you have a docker group already $ getent group | grep docker

$ # if not .. $ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker

$ # if you want to put off logging out and back in again this will start $ # a new shell that knows you are in the docker group $ newgrp docker ` I just cloned, installed and ran tests. I got lots of errors but at least the tests ran --BobG

Digitalone1 commented 1 year ago

Thank you @mauricioszabo @bobjunga

Adding my user to docker group solved the issue.

@confused-Techie you don't need to install Arch or one of its derivatives. :)

confused-Techie commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to hear this issue was resolved! Thanks to everyone that helped out!