congatudo / Congatudo

Cloud replacement for Conga vacuum robots enabling local-only operation
Apache License 2.0
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Remove unnecesary features and tests #42

Open elraro opened 1 year ago

elraro commented 1 year ago

Remove all unnecesary features and tests

LinuxWifiConfigurationCapability ✔ Should parse iw connected output correctly ✔ Should parse iw connected with counters correctly ✔ Should parse iw not connected output correctly ✔ Should parse no output correctly

LinuxWifiScanCapability ✔ Should parse iw scan output correctly

GithubValetudoUpdateProvider ✔ Should parse regular overview response correctly ✔ Should parse incorrectly sorted overview response correctly

UpdaterUtils ✔ Should not offer an update when up to date ✔ Should offer update to latest when running an unknown version ✔ Should offer update to next chronological release

KeyValueDeduplicationCache ✔ Should deduplicate strings ✔ Should deduplicate buffers

LinuxToolsHelper ✔ Should parse /proc/meminfo Kernel 3.4.39 from roborock s5 correctly ✔ Should parse /proc/meminfo Kernel 3.4.39 from viomi v7 correctly ✔ Should parse /proc/meminfo Kernel 4.9.191 from dreame z10 correctly ✔ Should parse /proc/cmdline Kernel 3.4.39 from roborock s5 correctly ✔ Should parse /proc/cmdline Kernel 3.4.39 from viomi v7 correctly ✔ Should parse /proc/cmdline Kernel 4.9.191 from dreame z10 correctly ✔ Should parse /proc/net/route Kernel 3.4.39 from roborock a38 correctly