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LeetCode : 588. Design In-Memory File System #464

Open congr opened 5 years ago

congr commented 5 years ago

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congr commented 5 years ago
class FileSystem {
    class FileNode {
        TreeMap<String, FileNode> children;
        StringBuilder file;
        String name;

        FileNode(String name) {
            children = new TreeMap<>();
            file = new StringBuilder();
   = name;

        String getContent() {
            return file.toString();

        String getName() {
            return name;

        void addContent(String content) {

        boolean isFile() {
            return file.length() > 0;

        List<String> getList() {
            List<String> list = new ArrayList();
            if (isFile()) list.add(;
            else list.addAll(children.keySet());
            return list;

    FileNode root;
    public FileSystem() {
        root = new FileNode("");

    public List<String> ls(String path) {
        return findNode(path).getList();

    public void mkdir(String path) {

    public void addContentToFile(String filePath, String content) {

    public String readContentFromFile(String filePath) {
        return findNode(filePath).getContent();

    FileNode findNode(String path) {
        String[] files = path.split("/");

        FileNode cur = root;
        for (String file : files) {
            if (file.length() == 0) continue;

            cur.children.putIfAbsent(file, new FileNode(file));
            cur = cur.children.get(file);

            if(cur.isFile()) break;

        return cur;

 * Your FileSystem object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * FileSystem obj = new FileSystem();
 * List<String> param_1 =;
 * obj.mkdir(path);
 * obj.addContentToFile(filePath,content);
 * String param_4 = obj.readContentFromFile(filePath);