connascence /

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intellij / eclipse plugin #1

Open ambition-consulting opened 8 years ago

ambition-consulting commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I am glad, that connascence is finally getting some attention. I was always a little amused, that something explained in "what every developer should know..." was known by so few.

Anyway, I was thinking about creating a plugin, that would allow me to manage connascence markers in code - and I was wondering if you would be interested in

Basically a predefined comment format would allow various IDE plugins to pick up the various pieces that are "born together". Assuming that connascence can be fixed, then this comment is basically a fancy TODO. Assuming it cannot be fixed, it serves as a more visible reminder to others.

The plugins job is where I could use some help - namely the calculation of the connascence properties locality, strength and degree. If this could be quantified, then a priority/severity list could be automated.

This is obviously only a vague idea - so I am also open for any suggestion. My motivation is simple: help developers to build better software.

kind regards, John

thomir commented 8 years ago

Hi John,

Thanks for reaching out. I have a few thoughts, which I'll brain-dump below (forgive my lack of organisation, it's early, and I'm only one coffee down):

I'm more than happy to discuss these ideas, although there may be a variable time-lag depending on how hectic real life gets.